Mohawk wraps up this weekend MIRR M=bu àoa UVn à"~ of eoa MM a." d wa1111011 HoeF BEAT av et ICIa11111 09 Malah. 0"lil b.. ~ ~ s o mmà a ller la. aussylg lblrqou> 1W bu i. IMW emw "W Cagm 0 a 0"" ftS7 l oa lui ~ ~ ba laý mm* ma fin S30M aii l:7beaaleq vuy àaai k âu et L leu à" a chian W. Ms -= Iwm.2ýw" M -W Kwsul l FvCs mIm payas &a*. rn4M àlwml dl" TiW l.. u. a1100lcs.Ty Swale lS ts-yano di ly peu Am" La.ue cae ci NSâ traMas vu le m dasunagoy $15M00 dIMib or Ille Rob Swovu S@" on NoeMer X8 Div mam"vu lu Dracla or Gb" mm.h buu a W&MkY $236.0M uni dieU thy le &M ta Suedy's $5.700 c"M- l "Shos a lia1à wuiS." praùwMsiE O Wa. *"N muam mS vii ve ber 20fSfym."VETERINARY CLINIC amunbon ff* &aop ox teàits Doctors and Staff wish our clients and fniends a vSwand a Please remember to book you pet's IM1EW OWN li2W W1C Christmas Groomîng and Boanding 1H! YQUMR eaily Cat Loveri - We now have a Sm 1 Tlm 72 pýMMLseparate cat room. STAM TWAY491 MAIN STREET EAST' MILTON, ONTARIO 878488 876-100 MILTON - ONTARIO -Two tile chiIllfts 'Three T-barsjW *100% Snowmahing coverage *100% NIght Iighting *Lesson programs for ai ages *Skling 7 days and 6 nights a week MWM F01 »FOPm, LLm wowRa9m& * OPÉNING MOON * AIOT 30 UTE FRaM TOACIEOR HA.TO OF$~ HWY. 401 AT MITON 001111AsTo m. r (0 1a10*ii ar0o OA L Nm.CM". LSTM University Courses ln Mlfon nd Oakviile flues coweW con be appl to àwa tnly of Watgloo dogme mdor a Pmnson Calage 1ocl Wodc Cetfflcate. RegWse in adverwa or gt the MMa dam I N apecpanda audtorsmay b. acconiodaed. For more k*nyiatmon, contact: The Regletr, %edmo Calage, UnêverWty of WBteWW, Waterloo. Ontdo ý2t. SG4. Phono: (519) 884-4400. WTON OAKV1LL Nao, I HOSdiadl St W4*uU et oyoa. Foeh S&ho 39SWvimbuej la 550 aý Gi AéAR Lill CIi. aid evmni's ocli qru wmu (Iss 3SODAZ Rn ocWI(22lRnZ 7-10 Tu».. Jan. 5 -Mamh30 7-10 luw.. Jan. 7 -Apa1 h5*afe perut or conww aVkugneoe Calege personnel at the Wai clama witalce regist.ations and sel cotu books. RENISON COLLEGE SAffihated wMt the UnWivety of Wateilo LIQUIATIO ia =MR M a"M 1