Redfing las 17 students, named Ontpmrio Scholars mm dlm 80 par am laie shooi »te md&W au nal aoe ehf>gacsdomi@Nd& ~llifolowis a.pielgs~ of aul duc âeblurs wli the exception of KsSn enunps lepk>hs 0N~ aSs est M, a 4F JUY5KuiBu ige- aaw ss a' tison ehus. :1%e6mkumoe ýka 5wp YUE ~ ~ ~ r SOMsl wuII d un miibieune 1 tehlu bsiko a n weIl asl healmlmie MaSeletbu re s ila se ied iel lIu lm doivouedies cmp .qase uep y.aouI de clie Salu es.cums domie unjual sci In lenieue They eamsls cboma -cd peeling PualhS tm. dry cililver ru tmc mtes yen asound boec. c ommu m oefiedene uAM paeksd le dus podibis ol1e avot Cuned commet èsc o&r ex- cellmct vaileu md qualhy for the pre. Slewed contuos contain v%îes1eaensomeos wiim unique Meinde of w55oMlii5 te hslp yoe serve pes amis ie miutes. bwieCally. *swid lu simopy cte word specifled by Canadiun food labells regulaelosis t0 bdceb dmi camsmsd coles con"el 5poU. ~Seeve se a u m opes t fe~ m ea TcsUeesto àe top quallmý evesyday inssoddazu - le~u e tw ory n@amee IN*d wmicbs traie your hosuemmude recipe the bemi tamy effl k>po.. can be. Wbile ail costaud loation ne conventunl ho casse &mhee rady a nue dlced somiUaces une pu- 1 125 g pko cMMs choee. efltenied, ct* m ticmlly tins-aving; for chose reaipea in which bile- 1 CiteS. m)U dddChda cmn ied tonmu pleces sUd vissai as well ai tml appeal. * 12 jp <37M MWl vedde C#sddn Chili Cou Qumeue DkuecIn.. Met La lurge beavy uasepai oe Thse zh.mpy Mexican elmou dip wiIl lie a hîl ,ilb miedim brun. Ssieaona 3 smiues or mmmii leadler. acuY Party csuwd. Pmepnuioe mcul jmst 6 amiutes Smis floulam illosmOes Add wmsssos chili powder wtIM à 10 anuit convemsmomal coo&sng manie. Serve i aund woroeuenhiee -ac; brins 10 bail. câlins ona- wianm wilh ortilila ehlps sud vegee st icks. Il', aie 51ulY. Sti in * am cnuMd cheddnr dm=e hem pFm for M.. ovor low bM "ii nehid sud smmml. salnts oc. * 2 teap (25 ni) iMilr or ~mww cesonly. Pour lmo uivig dimb or keep vilai oves * 1 wp <ý- Ihpwow bal in Imiadma pot or dmafins di*i Serve wmîh * 2 tip (25 eil ai peJopoue Mmw corite clis md vegeeshles for dippsn. Male *1 (19 oz cmI) Maniun a ple sues lsatou; about & iervlngs. 2 caup(10nril cllpoder, * Or. nue 2 (14 or cm) Mexican spose ssewjed ~.2 top (10 adl) Womceera*e amice; lonnaces ud 3 tbsp (45 mi) amss. Trisha Romance at Harrop Galery Fallu of Ttish Roaman= vrili bave a cliumu set Show & Sain Salumhy ad Seny IeD4 pi.. die uai ae ll)ui Reamm ad Gallery mils A percuasse of proliba da e sh1 bu dommuied weekend. Miemo =plewes a Tthcha Rommie Art ta te Eüfy Reassue Fond or Csae Skate and ski at Bronte Creek Once aga Brleoe Cueek Prvicia! wbo esjoy wmnlesacsvmdies Psskt is offteng facilitiez for chie ice skaing osa as ouldoo.4 thme rectenuion conques el basal Sebasday. Dec. 12 faons 9 a.m.. 10 p ns. daily. Wum desge rcanus and M W AD ikun& music am provided. n» ARKET Brose Cael Pai; abe bas seyerai 1, s crss-country SkLi mred whicl e WûËý*a knwdMsicd groonid. Tei condi- =WtMM I3 ins depend on die wese emn.,b6 The sackil bu ai the rectemiasi suuissum.v consWlx wlI be open effective Dec. 'e.- is.12. Sasuedjy anmd Suaday, 10 su. IMMmt 10 and Mommhy k> Friay 7 as well a ikace hupemim me avit- Skiers must prepare thefr bodies & thefr si-s MI mac, oflen vvi smy spout eelaced scsvmly -n usnuled add beconies flsataed or worse. injuzSd euily in thme ce.o dui ga a paor training ochodule lThe frusration cosses franc Iak M(pesfor mniace or fatique hecause his body caus. colpe widm the dermumild put upcn il.- For any @se of skier à pe-masion casns peogim dho=W be a- plensenied euly sa enjoymemm waiI contoie frois te fln oumistgom db end of mhe seo. 0f corse fte mmsr maqe&oi ke Top 0F check-up mscm, 70f1-T SLOPEs A messnlns procan dorcs oaa hâve ta bc cha of a Wodd Cep abiiele. Stuc lwly even by wslking briakly. Whaevr the menus of exeacise whedlee walk- immg, bmcyclmsg. or jouging, sry ta develop s "onmme sa duoa your cms om tee or fonts ums a week for aiu 30 namus. Oneocf the rmi important aspects of a propretishm"l be the mainges ue. Aller a wam-ep. sue a ieliste jog. or taai waik. Coe@shà a Imelua fouiles lia lacedes a 10-13 minme provM lme Oxuiy pI.. of tran la tec mun Importons aspect of fi subis' developssisas. Once fcxiblity Md te m SIeogslm pm15 lq vda lm erààmm will a"s be etchuced mdci = ~ k> ta u " t devectIq bas ils éI Ti.-nas mu gom for Pme-semm lactel e s ia aaly "sMs of nidamad nwpgaue or Ile.n fiai b in le Lais W W a l ai ape nmul seu m am Incepaa Thi pue- ea --d-ao , e .l. il à M0 Ai l p- aMen pe 'ua wM bin vale itedu botts selm d lmlg m na te« Mr l, palper ah»u at Io yoes ti you *m M-N. 9"P" bulag dioel blsdld~ *et"s ""Wne Md beas sida cesseewlsuuL iweft ifs le hmv quuu« lp.cms by a prou a à sile> If ySe hme "ée mie du Io y-pu -ouss y- eqmim- Il ismoidymolteyowddkioudmbl mdý mar ejeicWml nphooverb m Is ntue ierwi DeejLdmMbgfg c idelduerGEs dmaSbiAwa