OUR READERS WRITE thir ahare The Audie Comuas Soai u; faI of vlvid examplem of govern- ment magtC andi excellent ideas on 10w 10 cul thic fil wile renilnng effective. Rettmahy, Il aima pet- pelasges tise misccnception Ibm! th1e taaion of coaipesai profits is ai- mays a goond tiig for thec Canadîflo ecSnmy. Il appeurs îo ranceo tisai if we coulti aaly squeecze maire out or <hase musty corporations, happy days agals mould boon falcuw To put ihings int perspective. Silaics Canada reports that 1991 catiumsmd tomai tas reventues ai ail %aela cf goverginunt are espected to ha agbout $290. Otily about $18 bl- lion is fromn carporate incarne taxes. Mi ugnaunla ta 6.2 per cent cf thc total. Emptloyer coepaiatl " apy hamm taxi proputy tux. Capital ta. eikVaK aiseqlomn sne Cuada penion plan leviasg, mach., cocnison. pri- vioca MWla tu, vernnment fors fie liees cf il sorts, amsi diha lian Smu m. ime mna nie pei regard- lman cfbocn d profit or kmn nd mcsug Io ny Dam" tisa oorporée Inouïe tu Misy abo psy magles and diva- dest dm e ive on and psy <m on six magya Bmm Sunday. Mie 1olla lie as duat me don't wmt mo dam!roy or dimsrage thic peu ma i lay the golden egs. Effly employer Who diocaco nm Io lcca he bacasse of our regremmave tu policies or oue inredible red ltea, or goes oui of hainc for 1ac" of hItenational campcadveoeu, cois u fe mor dasn me ever As "Sg m coapoua profits ne baued hac i to ptvdodng jobs for Cdins mhy dâoulti they ha <mced? Do mc haliave dtishel gover- nment mili put tlhc moey ta better There <s a airons argument tin if dénie was no incarne as onx d te ra- invcuicd prFats of corporise ciqiloyers unil pali outin faim focf dtvidands or saLaries. thetewmould ha <Mich Mm inveatama in Cu"Mnl hamians; aud our esomogy would SMm r.comu Mime mouli bea swf onIntive in relayait prof in aCm"i ai ai- mcluaey mt minentive 10 meati pmaoglu mtis*e c ty. Mounlaluios or gaz repuistiong pro- y, bave omavie lpad out ocsy. aMd libly »Ver udl. f<W =1 Q PadIUbamh-ili d H.avyprico ad dmp ieaiEibr. 1 au ggy fni glupaal m e Wtomd owrs tunrsU Io t M, VMa. Uliar wl bu o«*Ceba i raguil le revégions or <mis- Uiongt Laeamu h alu$#Mi Md 11W utses aid Us c~ bii b Main.11. ot «TI or bu dmet a isé, el1 Mahuiisai diae (Mm) Nmou 26. 1 m doli mms ain mut Md dmi op -mn .y boum mblcis 1 psy gond taxes on. To caue exra mipm. I lookchei staff in one lainl nMy truck. Whes 1 "o ticte I went au th1e container depot Mdl wu in- formodi1 coutl noi use th1e 12 mpty ccns<mers bocaus 1 bed nom éi 300 kg. At augodier arn aMy m!uck wu weigbed sied after h fl ood wan dsmpcd 1 retsroed go thie scales ai which time 1 was tlid dism 1 owcd $210.70 for amy household wasie. Tis is an outragecus fée for a <mx- payer of Milton go psy. If I tsad mmadc 10 trpsmg th anie m place. it wouldati bave cou nie any- t11101 I dan't know how llicy can justify one may you pay and one way yo.s daal. If I wu a busiaess aoi ude mauey on removing thic uluff 1 could undsmland. If iney mêmea wggyt sice pccp4 have bee. belli hcuhold. So if yo.i go tâte legamaii 3C Of eumh. 1Blood l supporta Dmu EdMer. The Milin Canae"n Red flke ta dhisit laers Who bclp blond chiues nlfloemat je. flbmias ndIta mf Cii b I m ails Vi mould aima Mik ID th ils sponsors wbo umnid aIlfM dous di*l goda asi servicea an mflliiy. fum ame: mdouail paria. TIrC Bomtfiog. Domino's Pizza. Mm Ilutana. Kwlk Kopy and Super Choice Country Mairkets. Lut, but ncl lesit. me mmn of course gay ilus you Io the docuas. Who cama oui faidmufy 10 Usa clinlcs ait màç everyoes efoie Z ) ltwrdng. We nist oeensee. in semc ocf adverse publiciry tisit people mill becoim di., or mie in- volved i n accidents, anid amy nord lo oely on thse geacrosity of binoid &«nn gît Lynchs *rame étiginsiis mou" Canum Redi cm" s oeay rof MilIon should Grand glft ninfortoat of fila yTj, iger wsa milacu go Msr S. M. Aruma.prasidaroFîAendst la aur mcm fuidffll. Mmsy Pm. IfogpâecaLCamm.dcei ikg oràpckemlMI J""lo Dmu MmLsa MISES Mam- %t muta 1 expres sUmme gridide m you asIl ibroaso baud friga d tireia mean h ms hlc ave mimd.agmf cf $1.000(ranltl ru U' nd troma àiutl-iaaln av=u Mikon). Ig la aapacly =nlgfu Md ait- alficust <cm nt me bave appli it Bruis cf thê to ie partial rellrttâla of thec Cean Society molt god Md fon.l mns _ plcote. lae deii(3ad vujitia of mhicis me misai ha anding go ycu in cvly &I cf o111 on conspiciion of ticoec ait do "uca m- a.MAct h tb Paaldaumf &MYpin cfO j TI pi pi (J s s e e e as I 'il I d W .1- ftm by ORV" PAFR Cheers Cum - - glips. CW*dllM - "OONUWO 7M - d gggswl lm Vag som of boom' 1-Meadow Mouse Says lave Breakfast, with SANTAI ate: Saturday December 5th mne 8:00 arn to 10:00 arn only! ace. Appleby's Restaurant. rice. $3.50 per child 12 or under )arents are wekcome to accompany chidien) Menu Choîce of Apple or orange juice Fruit and Cheese Trays Muffmns/Croissants PanSakes with Syrup & Butter Toast and Jarn 1Ticket Sales (Near Food Court area) thru Friday December 4th Monday to Friday. .. .5:00 to 7:00 pmn KM-~ 11LÉkèt Quantifies arce IJmltcg CaaashaFOR i IkaaL i It's ME. aind as a mrea*xrf, yaul reoetve an oflfliia MWdnr»W CARO, NM &DGI. MR «SANTfA PIOrO COUJPON~ and mucli. nwch tnoiuý PLACE. Doniinion Cour% Dates & Times \Vdic.i Dcmeiber 2nd -6 pm to 8 pmi jdnisday I)ectnibcr 16di -6 Pm to 8 pin lirkbLy Dacirndir 4th IUpn lu 14:3Opni ___UPPEII LEVEL flank You! Vleaowvale Town Centre Iond~FrI~ 1~êAMWO PI dayOAM - 9:W PM/ &mdmy NOON - &WO PM IXOUTH 0F 401 .NIB0CUCUU~ AOUffrAINEflVimA M Markboroug