LOOKING BACK La~ W- W N - mm 6r-m Compromisle is key Thie probiemt with maticelt value assessmeni in Haiton Reglon ta dmi even if MVA is fairer than tie system il replion in thc long terni, in tie short tefn il wilI cause nohi but grief no matter whatiappens tonight Toni in a specially convened meeting, regiontal couni- lors are sclieduled to debate MVA one fi"a time and Pau a binding resolution that eiher supports il as is, or ai Icut defers If MIVA as oria presented becomes the stalus quo, poliicians, lobbying groups and many citizens in Oakville and Hallon His will bc livid. If MVA is deférmod, Burlington elected officiais and raiepayers wilI tasii bitter frustration of defeal snalched fromn the jaws of viciory. Already there are rumblings among Bilinglon relional âid_______ local couricillors bcing reportced to the ieffect thii Burlingion NO u N.V l siU onI $MW% luxe? Gora P. ai ftiam mu il M ' ',' Fii H 00,8l 0 to amu.. should aciede froni Hiton if MVA is #6sdained. This niay in- volve a certain degree of sabre M ilnon tir part of the Bur linprenenlaeivea. flien again, il may flot. lbi leff gen nx pooucd mth f a-PAGES OR T1UE Pi angrly vocélly, encrgetically led the psnots diarge agansi One Vear Ago MVA in bis conuniy. In à nutahell, MVA would mean a $4 million lix shift to Prion d. Domub 4, 1801 lui Oakvillc frin Budington. Roti Ni aid Hiton HiDi eDJoy ci Millooim ise suobe gîven the opponwanhy go ciii lesser fax reductions, again pickcd Up by OakviIle. But while anywbee in the worm for fie. BRB Mobile wSWl be Mio supports MVA. Hilton HuIs dosi because the Peovi" dies & WieO oep Ou n aic âb cabi =Wi residenil sectorfdm ilio bc hit harder whife otcr types of be made and adispihaywas obc la pa ItOMMa. ~ ~ic faXedBeai mmo sud 4 p.m. on Oecembu mm ucrauid proprtywil bc axe les.nake the io-charge caIls witb a hive-ud ime iait. So Oskvile &id Hiton HuIs (12 regional councilors) are lusiehnswn hi&na i bo n sqsaang off igainst Bwlngton and Mikon (12 regional court- mmoreu~a 100 were cired in vui. Un fie phone- cillors). Emnotona arc taut, the "siae are 'high, no ne is wulI. link go the word wis put of à promiono attrat more ing ta, back dlown ,and the factions u.qoo equal tha:t he las m' ta lake luith Olb Pia roiect faine they clulu regional chua ee ornembt i t recnnaly wn the Hilton Outâtanding Fumeir Awurd in lciij th i ov nNV < mWçouy.19 o i eiao o the funi inddamzy. M. Whai is tie benefit of ibis bninkmn4si Why evolvc ibis Middlebroi& abo bâti niaja busianess on Water's type of winner-tike-all soenio? And could tie timing be Une just ,outb of Deffy Roud for du pain 42 yoeua bl warse. in the roeugh of a recesmnon diii hm pumnmelcd mid the ecosnaon as bit a Rv and an honna Hallo's ~ ~ 7Mr. Mlddlelrook as pees iAt the l ad nta spe- Hako's bsinssesandtaxpymci baique. Hie dd ans bic, beforehan dia bc hW fle ic blwu to, bc softencd for whoever laies ibis flght by won the awud wbicb wu co-uponiorad by the Hito pliiaing in thc tax increua, or, particulady in Burlingtoi' Fferation cf Agriculturul id li Ofandiel laie ca, paiasin uth Uiax decreui But even diii wun' en- R-m SBpWonII. . teH ns ouih ho moihf hose oppouing MIVA, who have angffly com- U S lu ubs a " dunglb is Aula pliblid hic year diosen fur tic MIVA Itiidy, 1988, waa a l'ume ant ima. Sim& drove one of the antique mse-i wticn proi~t values wcre highly Winfbd relaive fo today. cml si vlsi ali eMidiun l evmi lnciud a Stripping iway ail tic hype, i ta ducr diai ocononi mes rail sd i* .tle bol céder and rides on lb mir aà tb arc precarlous cnough ut piasna t warrant chaing the year Gbai ULia mm=na lisi amt ia a the mass so deM 1992 Vroies vals are uacd to calculai e ialx r~aies wuo bi Christai Nlght Sbiow am lbe éma- no tb l«u 1988 liirs cm wo@d bi cuveai lnak hve ligies Il ia alW dmn dmi dine wo will cajoy tic benefi of ai ai 20 years Ago exporti wi . primérly dic Budingon mqiipyem ilwidd rn uD@u « M bc le taàuay Sain tiii benefit, in recognilon of Uithe~-. hn<klip chia wM lamai on dici Odiville acighboin O lididd hil in du n sai m balaix krf 'a alni Iqwsbo 10 iqilinc a muovenjil ncw prlty tas lwvalvi .oeir hi maaae uni=c dmi U micuamat la in ha wMd the tu, w ocamic mUILt Raid- esale vahues in 1988 beur lite oudine lotl. cmc of sai oapcill in de. MWl aai Popla me â« aaly uamlin la moiq mule.n b.od on À" eclculaiocis, dey uy miy weil %ti m rala MM oMunicipa Uiqllc amemi hmva piae ceue. la à cuftdlosi la bdlg MEA la et- phaim ~ ~ ~ ~~ m ilbly111im #6 balle ~ ~ ~ kyé.ka ymB nelo* « m de"m m roumuy concil aIre meye Bobt Mcni aid depay- siu Miaijoe Foiy of Miltn. O Ibe (localeo Scheel For lb Oeild rqi a pe- léra fooital nmo by' wing a 7-0 CWOSSAA clnomishp gaine r4aint die Feuu Fakcca Milton ba wn &ii e*W p duin lbe regi sesin a&0 ivr suffékedl delicat, even in ixhbidon aci.lit. wu the fiit uni lbe actiool bal goue dougb a yeur wtbut a lems Durn ai bsion lbe club W. ieavelled to Thorold. Otauio aid Rome, New Yodc for exhibilon O Ther wui t be no Sanua Claus paae in Milton di yean. ln previous years, te Milton Chamber of Conmmerce bâti oqiuized lbe evins. Howeve, lbe pur- chue cf nea Iighting for lbe Min mruet core mia bal deait a bleu, b tbe Chimber's financial posiin and lbe Iack of mnaey sied tins. made planing à poule à very unlikely venture <ha Christasn O Two Milic students a Sheridai Celles. ar redipients of$lO 100 xlubipi i thb OakiUdl rimpus Awuds Nigit. Lie Sallca of Milton eeoeivid lbe lW dimni award bo bis rosnbined araldmc aied alileutc @bity. Roy Zwolum receî*ed lbe Canais Pachora A.a.d fo lbe bigiteat staiin acrouang aid fluai in la d biaisni administation caurse. 50 Years.,Ago Franc te Dosialsi &~ 1041 laine a The MUta Am ant lb ope. for lb inlie mf as sous asit lwu possible go moite li.i %b cuider for lb on au to b Hlary Coillon. D1 S. Pai Uni Chueri wotld mmn be h nt dl*i auWsnsa Bisser On sle would be biaiSa qaia eNIdeun wair opin rady aied boumiend Quib Païeonneieuos.a Im womald b holding a Enam md Douice la lb Pal*., Commnity M&I BY SirvE NEAsE COMMENT BOX 248. 191,Mi" St. E.. Milton U9T 4N9 T 24 * oracLine 821-3837 Fa F- 7-4943 ClasstfWe Adveroaing: 875-3300 lin OlIver P"bler gNdR O1u Adwrsi Director Gourai Manager JuiMallff ZWrn Kusa <bs Circsladms Minjer TeU« Cas Office Manger Tim Coin Prod,uc MSwg,,