-a. SPORTS 'I'hree-game win streak secures Merchants hi third t>ddla ta The. <claepb7 Friday night hocey action held aomne anxious mommlrs fir coach Rick Bhut and the. Milton Mierchantsa Af ta, a tough week of junior A hockey çomtpetition, the Maerchants appeared tlred durig their matdh-up wlth the luat place Geoeigetown Ohrysier Raiders and played ýuMt goad enough to eson a 6-5 win over dier North Haltcm opponents. Witb previcus gins in the week play opportunhies with hune pDwer- against di C Calladiansa md play goals on roule g a 7-5 victory. Onkyile Bias. the Merchants we Ryn Dhload aît àu ba-olci and currenlly rnding a âlas-game i Pau Hennebeffy scured a pair while mgean d now bout an tuptessve drivlng hum singes weie Semu 14-5-2 semon record - gond anshay and Clacy Scymnour. enoughfrlir lael Central Bradley aw Lne Tbwdy eve- OnlaraJaiAoz/cgDivision ning and gai lb win for Milton. standings. ithind Burlington and At born. gami Oakvîlle Tusaday Brangaco. night. baci-op pucissopper Aron> "'Ile gurs gere 1used aller lise Beak gai lbe caR and pLayed a solid ganle ini Caledon the pevicus Bi ga Pm in net for thse Merchants. par- albd we playod J=a gout! enougli %o ticeuly in lbe firne Io peelad wilh win," aid bai ce"c Rick Rince. iuny slzoi aa. following Ftiday sigt's cnai Il wal m cévian Danse Funas "Fe' pLayed 5wo goed pores anst laie for a hat-olci Tbeaday nlghs Caiedon mnd Oskvjfle Ibis wsek.' *u M ErdCHKIS on pup l PAsitoni play looked shùky i lb ftma perlod of Frldq, logesciss but il didn't laite damm4 7 long apfo lbe uppestsmd acnl a 2-1 ieuufo albe, - wwwZ play. isa e~- winter soccer chnslved ahead hlub gè sleong gasmbby oeagand SlamRbcmd ki lias orn. gis for gam . firgard Jasas imjevls idit faé- cet luglUeula. in ilion wbe ySe dis co.uing* ha lom Ple n d cm gai invoived la sornes. coin- Mite McPhad. petiic Md inirove yoor idosi for A raih of penaities huit Milécos *suraclio& uane in lbe second period a Geai- Regiatalon gi b hel Sanuday. geta.aoo two powbpiay goas Dlac. 5 hat 10 aulad ni4-. ai Mil- and caine bock la, wlin one goa by tan MaIll B"y Md gubs aUn six tu lbe end of lbe seoei 16 cm aileoup for tiis 12-weei pr. However. Milton dbaud uhng gms (hm Jaamy lo Mâle l"~3). a n"nillfnalfeanu ialle Coatpr ctlld lS30 or aSl75 àr Étale Ryn fisiasaud md Clmcy lbe fMay lai. Seymoae gave Millon lbe gin. Oser- lbe writu apicadio deadim getossu cote bock ulli a goal la lbc for clb tep lux coachas bu e s»coud half of lbe period mnd a Ulended Io Ded. 12 foie 1993 txeaway by fonvwud luvor notent VAUaD. for ail bo"s Md Brmât gave local tais goaefl glirs lans ander 10 ta WWWe Ill. @ gbout l20 oil. be clb ba ou claulied ls agle Netalinda Bradley Gaiford cail. fr* JOs. 1Io An&. I of piodcod moser go-s hi~lle à y-m glu b colle op vsllh a lresndoaa inléce naluam mnd unm glove ave on B âs miel ia ai, podalliasIf appe". Md noblne endo.oiow's hopeofacha.. coadàing espailm md club lavol- pmulaotvNm ue 0mb.r MüitS" g oal s lcora4 by v 1»I lb. ela &Wis looMas fer Dlai Mm. md lravis ljiWn wNi.s cecs fori lb sevn aide loni U p an d oîyer Mille Marlay lu Mo. na" on lbe Daa-aopl i sa Mens fo, à nigla and twsed in bi @ m soidna Sea nd ml. Ils wbo a" ab.o ~ ~ bt5 us siiaus si n.bll. a ~ hu puono.apply si lm. somml ufte -.i a aC l>i en5.gBage n nq a. f b IIIII am am l cm> esa capitamdclisatce i pou- "à. ut57-4.n Wrestlers start season ' itIi four successfultoet IleE mM &wmm4MLm§ M da a~ Imdaiw Jwneay ac.RlaAkwgse bââ In our * C uents à laM l M Imm~ mmnq »im* lqeailupdg - Mipeesw_éae9 ne flidlu 3p. um n em igol w- à" Fam ln 1- b. Lm ibn§ à.e Dm o&in fl ba"H a mi -u pki e On ao Cmea u1 while "tI Ruln%% i-Iliipidb d u Sâ*%W om «Mr Il wu à** Tqok 1 u 4gmS vin lIvm- ffl"u haiIm ,ufuu 5. 1 aPhu L*~~~~~~ ~ ~ of -um 40 «@màl eoliP f6 e o ir m n I@p o . = un fmmê i inMbit a s OMOalpi uNia )mllcas *o baailiW a fli tUen bâ&wSt in tits clos os sol Coli IfIds. no ia la1 tDo ia aà .i Oadgh *9 d» Conin ,l.n a Wm- m-l to. ui a Brock Uiversiy la it On ràdpàu ftm as by. M oen. w apli @ i 4M Spe à dlv la laPn&shL lm 4 à la"qom à. .0 capair dlu.. vb leau ivà a a M LmRb* un4.1 8wMi...-m- Smà>'àa *M"Wy â ài bon @Wgaabf isopet Cil11111 U. I lmlg a eua cmb* ula wamd M-8 *ou4 u* à aïl -v vl m la yur n belli Hclnai ia IMsltmssi la "n pl -"OU apha30o Mn. fochiesuf M IlB fCWSa D& MO1 Mi Mil caiftd sguli wiààUUo *aSWI MwOe oe byDm pi u ain, tm "mdtmalwnanha Mk smill. r~iq , 0 Md à. Gamqpa %Svn Win apills. Recul. Mmu pâ Ala iance Ia. bSe. (aPlis, m o u sR. ias. gUi bM ga a M ca. 14A a. lm ýn o bonh mai fout. Vnilaient Ipuae Md Mff -m W-a igme qun 3-2. àm llli avem4- 'Sp I I J DW4.0,Mo«a,,d li