Build on what we've got, consultant says of retail growth fW M regmni shopping ce»." Me. Deu titiote ubo woulid build à large matil icafly" lsiton mbald expea popuWa whicla incledes Hilton. and 100,00 Tis Chwçdon sai. Noimally. a matil like dtm ulme llsey pleie. in bulles of baig tioq Sul* agt" lin flin Yeom, in no -m on average me ovfiag tn yer- % ould only bie buis when the &happera kmai elliewheme. Miny mmii er beenw 'us have ly. thse pinser poinied out Mowlay 'Milton mbould conomirteu on popimon touches 90,000 to conmmercial developent folcu dma dillied, huit! oabdieu so long Hation, amie piicsulaly Milon.* rejuvenaitsag mud expann ils 100,000. peocedlure mi end tmp bwduug mui- e mm goin& ta bave a peoslie. mil wiDl b, tugemd fuaitmhouu toou cm once population Mlr Sipac wufned <lut. tutoie cipal officais t mo-calle "ttoie ne arego tai&o be 9- rcd to do trowth in thse meti to dmcadtem. growth betsas agi, rauber thm mépphag Mton*s retail future "bave uin" provincial bearinas M. something abouti I" %is HUSR study, is a £4 million developing Su shoffing complexes ta u out onwaowrk dome moue cms Sinion pointeti out. ibere me preienty 4.2 milion Iitidative Semed wonut copiai uitb eliewbere. accoeding to s consultant defeal ibis" type of plan agiinmt Mr. Simpson mid <bl"ela~ people in the Grealer 'nxIW Ai. dut gzowth studymng rettail grentils. Robin Dee, who is ehananing retait issue s as part of tise Jlaltoa n' Urban Structure Review <HUSR), sid Mossday tIsai Milton's an-i the urban cote over thse nexi 20 yens won't be essonei te, suport a large muw mail. lnssead, "ise prefrca optson it (0 look ai expansion of tise exsing core ares." Tisai uould in- clude tise doussiosn aM Milios Mail Z Across Oniarso, "we'vc seen enguel exansples- of consmunities ietarected so-calleai regiotal mails -of 400),000 to 50D.000 square fret - hefore çacti facilse ucr sea- rassi by population, Mr. Dee sid llse -too big, too soon" syndromne led io soise peoblema". Many of tise probirms; wee uits douiown cotes. uhicis neie bai- lered by completion nUls mails David McClcaoy. Hilton Region's planning policy manager. pointed omt tisai douniown ilurliagton si 'las sot tecovered frons tise dunnage" inflicted ubesi tise But- luspion Mail uns buisi in 1967. llse tuo msen, along weti Ray Simspsoin, amstlsei HUSR cordultant. urnle ptesetorsg a ptelirmmry viese of Mîlion's rtai future to perusap 30 interested bussinss people at Bitsop Reakmg Higs Scisool Mon)- day nîgisi Mr. McCleumy arranged the mteetinsg. onse im a serses lse's con- ducmsg os HUSR progrea wti variotss commumuty grousipr Cursently about 23,500 of Mitions's 35,00 people lîve tin tise urban cote. Wisen tise additsonal 40,000 move into ehat is expecied to lie an ex- pindeai cote area, slsey utîl probully demnsmd a doubling in tise sire of tise retail sector. Me. Dc simd At prescrit isere are 1 million square fois of relis! space is Milton, and elle muw residents umîl require million, Me. Dc sid. l'ho.e .-bers "'do nt suggemt tint you ujil meach the iresisolai ulsere yos setîl Lu remiuing a major Jeep. WARMS UP WINTER! Warm UpYourInter Ddvhig ~tDrive A jeep Today! Visit youî woDrkofaev~ Test drive With shift-o, 2.5 litre 123 powerful sta standard po~ Y]Jwill have' *Jeep dealer taday and see wheel anti-lock brakes, it can handle ~evei Jeep makes light anything winter throws at it. the worst winter driving Or, take the gold standard Jeep wti Grand Cherokee for a trial run. Witli its the rugged original Jeep Y]. ail new Quadrafac four-wheel drive r-the-Ily four-wheel drive, a systern, it automatically adjusts to any horsepower engine (the most road surface it encounters-even the ndard engine in its class) and deepest accumulation of snow. The vier steering and power brakes, high-output 4.0 litre 190 horsepower you warmed up ta winter engine, standard four-wheel anti-lock Donations driving in no time! baks, and exclusive drivers side air souhtorOr, if you prefer, test drive thé classic bag make Grand Cherokee the ultimate soughtforJeep Cherokee, the legendary go-any- winter driving machine. victims of where performer. With a 4.0 litre 190 Sa corne in out of the cold and warm family violence horsepower engine, shift-on-the-fly Up your winter drivlng with these hot lton WoiWs Plc iscuez four-wheel drive and optional four- incentives at your Jeep dealer now! tmg donuion of non-persiàil food and gays ta belp malke Cfristimams better fo PumdlimiteteMldensVlseStv WagfBisnAC7. % $ O K ~ ' JE IY ne oiganizing du dive foi 3lutlW CAHmeed'n ff R ME noase asnd dthe cilitifl uho jaft 7 tewmlbodel MiftoN Jee /7OCAHBAKN 9 JieJ ( living onw tmireou acros 8fi"Ie 90 childeren. siu Mecelve &oduetMlon Nm-Mi&t*fod àdk, d878-8877 Saie mosae msdal. sali Mos. Woug a 7~88~'a"d volanteer ubo PUIS tosethe the gsin 878880 SeJ42254Zoon n basketsa nntuily. Hez besbmnd. a Tom ittoIefigem. niU deliver the badm a vu dotuae by Ds see d Truck ~mas Donatios cm be =kççe o.73. due couple's bonte at 665 Woodward vs~te, Yr noomww kp.mimy owai e wummilaUftwn~t ss*CatCsa a~rmêWs~ Ave. orcall 8bpckk . ?,tUeur.asSMU Coi last eh~lm as~i m saacsî aeuw.immw.m "y $M A ut OMI s dom ~~ r at acanm' ,os Uâ~Ml e l a w~ m s nm nasS