,OUR -~WR17-E Swet supofft DewlEdber R& 5aM Urs PuIo wm ttnin y ai bia g 'Do tad nms we. pet ouan fu Pmat qtucsaes Dim to â*t SesuedWle du. Mules en big md Mole <se. ere puts. Ons butai of do Suit chier Cur Club Hatnib oie apte dwâ hpw. , M.aa atermat I eoei alie go express 'ap Spta MOe&dm1k Smu Orna Paad liais pou emdm. 1 *à* ho' etadefo au UV coet.h cm pa suor a pu mds ui a dis aui o e dt uh yen.M Tt l- @oa maietd owesoekahpg fo ucilse à mm. *i-Uin da, -d eveq- 1 lae ory c ptletn. If t <o OA iteut md lb agit of Cieiais, s tis m y es-a elay mituy cusi rai a beilo plmc fib ltgémi titan m lit Oc eS 1'u mm I wu nas litoeldy pusa a drive doen Mam Some afe te Do = C %- tie.poi 'em o science. and whit musai of xmnpl arey h>'aeg fdbihtte ehiike? Chiaien ment! a gocai fuai of dite scitool day kuamin abot mite impo- tair, ti =ifl> que.W don 8 enfotoe à cumelvesg? tCan. a~ t fuumee The Cmisia Chwiçian Ws lessu s t dm11 ta ilo. r "isaa rai lafti Writ ail be onihs I rsgsrd ho r@visior uie- bmLoions si w bua k.âgnai and te -use - W " telieplin. nunthhr futs C1aila.Box 248. Milon. Oeil. LOT 4NO, w *"s Usan al Our coffs. 191 Main Sbita A 1%,»uk in, agia.aâ, 'A T ZS WEfCARE AWAJT YOUA HEAL TH es mmI ST. L,1 MILTON, oefArno LIT lmO 875-2424 SALUNES SENIORS Enqutre about a, speCAI diOCeumtd*p. .MIL.TON MAU - 55 ONTARIO ST. Moutor.- Fismour 10 AN TaS 9PU SATUMAY 9uA - TaS "- &MJAY 12 NOON Ta 5 PUs Ralnbow Taxi Lt%. Mlon - ANYTIME, ANYWIEAE .dlOT 875-05 SPECMAJSTS 7-(1 .FLAT RATES87 l AVARMBE *10%DISCOUNT AMEX FOR SENIORS VISAoM/ LOCM.t.Y OWuoe AND OPPRATE ý ý&M -14AK> For SENIORS OnIy. WhatVÏ News At Trhe ~ Milton Senior CitiÉzns .Rcon Cetre ~ Whai is te OradTame Program? This progest is adeilguiti gise retired pecple det oppasissia to %hute liir shahls wiscdom aMi experencea wits tht stadens in lakos schools frein Kiudeqaisu lsgt hr gh hscisoo Amy resased pesos or aemeda peison iii te community cas htens a *GrudTiOT r". No specirte qauiications art requireai &part flosa th matuy andol a ndrastg Mi cour front hivis àexpesumr# lIde and a wilâqgiiu to siare i waih yoestgners. Tht GrandTim. Progra.s in gesefl~a jacludes a vanelty of activilius for a Gaidtrier volunéear. Ssse of tht,. activaties " inaclad, readini niorias 10 yournh ers ltping à gudeit wiifi a pemi buchig ahillyou may have Io our mmr stadens asi kaiig, crocis. cou&ing. moueic., lar. wgi sorne of yote higoi" eoped C &ua . Mistng . ciapeioaiag AtMli loges, Judgint science <irs. "ai shows, or oui> coantrita aid di lintv gon Titre s a specmric ptogsazs huini offed ai Siam SWMra Public School in Milton ti is btang set agi lu blp déitilme aie go resmi and improve lte rtadiog h. Four GrandTiss volauseers are requiremi for this progan. One voluoim eIlv"ork wlit the unit Iwo chihle<o f(mi grades two or three, en u iviual hasts. tlieee houri each week. A training and oriestaion progrant lhm% hien deveisped for ài volunteer, to expiais ail] Mf the speciris eiedet 1 maite tis s poskive expetnence for tht staderus adf the vouter. If u hae ltre. houes a week aind you woul t ie stor tht gift of readaug widh a chaUd, pieàse caUlev flelm-Mytrs Grandim Rereeuaves ni 878-1556 or Robin MePliati Reuregamu Ce-ordago for the Milse Seniors Cere a 87S. 1611. 0. YoSENORSONLY itadre* Fia. &" bofw& Fm Dà L&a~I "We bring sound to your cars." PATRICIA IANNUZZI H.A.S. DERRY MEDICAL CENI RE M00 PERRY RD. W. GROEINDi FLOOR Direcity dcrossfrom Milton Hospital 57 Oaio St. S Cruss, Cruises &more Cruiseas Corée see as! Bruce Hood l e tin et O 118211111 the ~ tAme nîfors M ast 1ursday of every month. Receive i 51N off ai merchaMdise. Some excepdomq, apply. Hwy. 7, Georgetown -Marketplace 8ý73-3301 Ç.9 HJande(s <~T'2~MESSIAII euth Orchestra F sg luigg C so ly s Sinclair - S e àmit. 'f < airai . M o Fesali PI - Tomr, Bomard .laelaao. asm IIKIT*: A"u5 sis Sludsnt/Suloe 812 AUl.am: Miltai - P@s.s DhlacSiulandl Couiter Muei ca0wbsiNi - Granfamocei Or pilri 875-448918578-6510 Or et 1h. dmc am=fa to avallbly 4 Comeen S.hserlption Ses Abe Avafhli Adulla$30 Boiumb /seslor U Bazaaz assortinent au" Hamm cm 1 W ft b" hum lu 11110= un fwwàmo MM 01111W et ft »M om &W » am ftm* "Dimrmewm MW