"COMMENIT I Box 24M. 191 Main Et E Milton L9T 4N9. ta. E,* 87.3 1 un *1t - WriMnv Toronto Uine 82 [-3837 s.. i' @ . .W . A.- àwa.. Fax - 878-4943 isn. pv« C«. iClasmed Adverisng 73: lrd0~ 0 . a..~_ s.. k.. tr .and, . ai NtOlie Adwnî,îvng DvectrWl e ta 5k*~ .. ~ fJane Muller GeexlMsgedim-g qd i KCaren Hhuu circulation Manager 'n .. on*k . *er Cesse.~ Ofic MaaenIý n ,0 . bd . bdw W. 11-. Ton~~~~ ~~ Wuu b/i. angr a . PM W Ma De0t nii« av Tlm Coins ProsIia manager p ' - vu .0 v Focus on -real iss ue e- The controversy over a classffied ad run by Halîaqovi- Place that eaicouragstd lesbians la apply for a social wo ~r"¶ ~- job is bath tragic and comic. *hetr5tgedy is that iliose who find a lesbinn lifestyle morally ofiensiftused thse opportunity to beal up on that segmnent of che 3pulation in self-righteaus indignation once they saw4ae The cbmedic aspect cornes fromn the muddled thinking swirl- ing out of politically correct governments. They encourage minority hining quotas, then discourage people fmmi nsking if somecone belongs tai a minority tisat isn't readily discernible ta the naked eye - like leshians, for example. Burlingtan regional counicillor. Doug Grirenaway found out the hard way Monday 4hat you can't ask about a persan's sexual orientation when Rie lobhed a query ai Halton Women's Place esecutives aimed at Iinding out how many Iesbians there are on the orgnnizaflon's board of directors. Mr. Greenaway was quickly told such a question was illegal. The Halton Women's Place executives who came to the regional committec meeting neyer. adiited doing anything legally wrong - aIl ihey kept repeating 1was that lhey'd made a dreadful error in judgement. andi thatà #ikyouldn't happen again. They wete right Thcy did mfake a serious error in alienating their largest potential financial backers, the area Rotary clubs. hecause a lot of those members apparently don't like help waaitcd ads highlighting a preference for lesbian candidates. Rose Lee. an Ontario, Humain Righis Commissioner. said there's nothing wntg with stipulateng that lesbians should bc encosirageti to apply. since a goai of employment equity programs is ta mAke certain minornty members gel the same jobs as everyore else. In sumnury to this paint: According to the government. .alternative'.sexual lifestyles milie one a minority miember. li- able, obviously. Io possible persecutioni HomoexuaIy there- fore. should give a persan a leg up in the job nurke. But woe betide the employer seho asks in an interview if a /andidate is a hamosexual. ln saammary part lwo: Most people would ai: lems pay hip service la the premise that minaities endure prejudice. But any smae-sponsoreti efforts ta alleviate diat poejudice through hiring quotas ahoulti stop short of including sexual orientations oucside dule mainstirai. ln sunmmiry part thwce: Money talks. Threatened with a patentiai los of Rotary Club funding ta the lune of $500.000, and a general public relations disa, Halton Womens Place bacicet down afid denounced iti id. Quickly. N This poses saine hard qàesiois. Are we rnght to e aon repel)ed at the prospect of hiig someone with a différent scetual lifostyle? If we decide we ame right should we mhove ta staike nonid"a sexual -orienltailion froin the list of qualifyiag attabunc dma puis soinecime in a minority group? Ifimt why is il wrong t0 tay andi detennine if soineone fils it such a ctogar? Shoud the acta bc on the job candilate la announce that she's a leabian? Shouli Nalto. Wouueas Place hIvm bailed out of what agi- m-ai ta bo a renacaby sWUc legs!l poslittion uo'ulely? wbodier tango @* .1111 or am lusKio reosslon. 1~LJ T '111*zl cindY § n uoes w ma e ts mie MXW 1111 aliéri Nnspkl mualhy rmso h anOl bor lmimn Jais 00W 0 Prsl u ple is W .nUl 75 or mtors houi a u lat in Fsèna.ly 1507 al n gisrssl PAGES'n0F THE PAST One Year Ago Frons tho Novomber 27, 1991 issue U The local Silvation Arnty Christmas Bureau Fond bâti set a goal Io raise $20.000 ta ensure every ctitd a gifi and eacit famity enoigh foodi for a festive celebra- tien. Thie rooney was I0 ho raiseti trouglt donatons I0 te fatal. Bonte Couier. owner of Orchidu 'n Lace anti Citmas Creat*ons ai Milton Mal hail pietiget 10 denate IoI pet centî of sales during tthe week of Dec. 9- 14 to the Salvation Ariny Fond. Local Salvation Army worker Betty ýelinsky liai suggested that others roiglit fiollose Ms CoOfter's leati. U 300 seniors were espeaïd Io attend a fire afiernoon of foodi andi enten.tinnirtW at qingo Country 'De seniors were lotlie treaieti ta a festive [cast of iudcey ant eetainmen peovitie by local scitools. The day was iteing ronde passible titrougi; die conhisid efforts of the 32 charries% tital uçeti Bingo Country to raise rooney for ttteir organizalions. They were te hast the event andi caver cosis white owners Barbara andi Tony CantilIeri sere te done their labour. Q Following a recount, Marion Howard biti clairoed a Ward 3 manicipa]' comnit seat and Jema MacArthur. who hati apparently won ln the Nov. 12 eleeton liai loi. The Te rdt gove Ms Heoward an eight-vote mar- gin. Orne..M MacAthur waa theuit te have won ity [our ballots. The errer in the initial conititg on ellec- tion night raie whtn a pol terker wrete dite wrong niber on a resuit almeet. 20 Vears Ago Piroaà the Novombr 211, 1972 lWi 0 Oulano'n S133.50W0 Mapletursi correctioaj toil, for édiii offenders wu offlclily nmderway in Milti. Construction hal itegun i lthe tenber Clarke (ram t b ouît-ema intersection of itgies 23 mat 401. T'herre were however ne plans for the oea facility ta replace the Il 5-year-old tialton Counîy )Ail an Broaro Strert in Milton. The big pusit on tht Maplehurst centre wau to relieve the facilities in Guelpht and to replace preseni facilfties in Mintico. Q A [airly nrw orgusieation, Gien Edien Ski Club waS te kick off the 1972- 734kî trasont by holding a film show at the chalet mn the Gien Eien Ski Arta, One af the films as Io fraisie kiing in the Rockies. Aroong the plans fer the muoan were nancy Green ami Alpie tuant; training prograins ami tdm selectian of racing teanis; fer the provincial conipegtions. There wottld alo lie ski tour. cross-country adiait racing, jumping and allie skiing activities. D Tlic Grand Prize o[ $1.000 was ptit Oive svays ai the Liens Club annual $1t0 dinner ai tlorby Taaer Golf Cluftr-Roy Henry. George Presniak. Bot Brrny Citris Schouten anti M. Macougaît sitarei the prie rooney Wrisî watchts acre gîsen to every fifii nane drawn. a] A gansie of broombail betwern the Milton Yasth Council anti Police Cesincil ende i n a lie but il left the simons in atitches. lThe final score was 2-2. flot counting die multitude af illegal anti unitelievaitle goals Éhas acte "nocred" duarn te fun-filleti skirmisli. After the garne ended bot teint heatird te the MYC cale itoua3 for coffe andi darnots. 50 Years Ago Froint the Novemsbor 26, 1.92 lamas - Ç New store heurs in Molton were vieting a good reoeptice by cussonners. It just meit, shopiping a litue. eamu. D As a Mesali of àhtavy foq, eppositeClare wilnon's fanin. a Milton Brick Truck collideti silààia o wned by M-rY SProit of Esquinaitg. The cor ad tnick acre tient body smasai, itowever lbe occupats escapeti in- jry, ruu BY STEVE NFJISE 1. BY STEVE NFASE