-welfare. caes up nie nne Of vldue cases in fflaha armi op hy 116 in Octobeat - expecied juiqa sa students obtaaned of the bc"o yen., saw Haion'a acting social scr- vices director. ICue Cht. Ilatte nome 3.258 cases in Oclober. aap front 3,142 in Septemiiet Ea u e cm a raie, as sied In represent tac V"'t me this as a nrmal increas," Ms Chien sud ahesathe Otobse figures were paablaahed lm week. la fia. "we're quite pleaucd wiais hon lon jeis. So fo in 1992. S22J2556 hao hon poi oui tce Halto nelfur recapes la mu Cases. due provincial andl fedatral gS -ent plt aqa an 60 pet cent nem of due fatad whilc Haleiae peovades due 20 pet cmi biluac. RougNsy S27 millon nul be apena en due symme by yenr end. Tht nelinre peis Ie due aras In Mnst. wlaSi 3.452 cases were recorded. Mate alies S2.4 million, wu -ii oua duos mouds aimne. In Oc- tober. due ste bal eliha an S2,283,400. fliere have been 33.143 Cakes in 1992. or foughly 3.3(X 'â on aveagle in 1991 tIses, were 29.983 claMas% In 1990 there acre slighiIy mort than isaif the nuamber of caes in M92 - l7.396. NEW 1992 DODGE CARAVAN LE 3.3 L VOaaM, amo OA, bluta- sangrmau drémWb5 aabla tad oeK AM aum. pie hmet à mu wns. patea 0aaks putnier mince doo c auia aai apo dourpti. ICair f tud c Pentuasu va S lieda coo 101P MAT1mu à c19,69 in*11ci 1 Whc esaies .chaee ils fogmuin 90 recogaize vida amiuma Mf die Peramal Ptaeîo tuk %ad l cht. off. FOMe mu auspae Io dhe audu of *«Of tasceuty. the aieçmmaaa Nuse De'.tlflhen d 1 ese lm"fty of (the poicyt bu gmacld au., 11w Mad <are. wu respxonsable fo* piniu Md relmid social issus. daubaa mfoawnuia pamplets ICdM IIand muaay cars aIout y tw a i tenst Mad ftar ate oleSndhoaler N> DEAL 0F i DECADE Il DERRY RD. SI HMY. 25 875-4890> - lu Frooi now we wMtes opo Tu«. ta 3111. for 6mer frointolO. We con acconuldah WSope up Io45 peole. Our.kich hoausm-Mm. Io Fr1. 11lIo02:30. . -ra ir und@ LLBO. Ramm, Sw fe New vues Ev.. .The Other Pliac 155 arySb l'euTom Ho ~ :m, .- -1 - -- 1 TAMICLOYNM Rum 2M-4 Tom a AMUM CMULIWM&M.mm.m *ý~ -,cités à tom c"q NOW QO 20% ime Sffl<TC" 1/2 am Oum 140M«A*,Owàrg 794. 3 M 0 ou mi ffâ%T&ý 50-70% hé =84-dNim c~ a= MEMeL gel un Stain "12.eu 4l"! ý,cmmtF =wa"« wu mm OM"Iwaffl 1=82= M ffl Wb Ise mu 0"& wh- am Oum% an wae .0 b. W, Most. EA mon V841181 November 26 4 COFFE- Dû rA donation waiI be made to The tJnited Way for each cup of coffe sold at one of thes Milton restaurants. à A Catered Affair À e3 aeh Clake wants board toemphsiz 'Canaàdian . du.IWIU -fle Fue and M- Mi-lecar - Mmowb" aq.i &SmM daI gàfit a" &" d~ pillelil ae TA blciIoe~ Wu Pi=s > e - met @&mm&ul %b laud mu le-m a cetc- Ma Ca"P "eb bc"d âme "y n bis» " Ioiq mmff mal do.y.umi " ot m a on iesCAVUT rumème A*"n Maoemait uuu " uoâq am adadmi.iu~ 6AOOOsm aw gdo. u icelatic &Meynbu Mvoda lu proee l &W onêa âu M" ey okl pemde Md Mr. Soaumis ce au m ati- leadm".à a* ou" W.b Ma pitouit. latq in jtsa.du m ia .a maui"au oaqaay Pa*ca oo- D'41UM mada ni&,*&cU pacm.lc.t. Z:~a W~gap psle md J diaaaat (tuu Wbill Oda. Seo..- Tuta Off %i Violcue Day wu in bighba muu ace siala 114 AMlI 19M4 que. auco.- dey SehMa princiaul) 1111ce Leg- duo prao nitham iclatels mal md Uudeu udlery sid nil-baag modaai of à.1.aio 12 an [ gS sud .ay b1a-dt aqay issuea dut cormaty aMt amule L*gga méamof its u le 15 su. , adup. ana lea- re deait waah daiW rae a. d Fedsaoned ahie à Mia eisa ttt. uplcsCaie sexpeced ain aisrents éta t S. , aaUhnalmpiaylaj at cb&Mengad çoaalay dw