New president takes reins of-Cjamber . *"eCHDm5Uopffli d , 10u bo eui. c wd ioexu oe minuit la 0mrele 17Ti Cher , n ammà cim mk)WM WM es en pu Md wmt ce futre min oesuimb dudid le *0 Oare of uuÉky au a i.." CunuuiU bu MeDounli aumer of Me- "Na, àu i dm fS ut1 nevWguM» ow -em -uâe Cbmae mm fontwudui bplonmmiyw w" O~mad"nci f uimsb spoeec bute loq cm d LÎigh ? a<1aue. à uàt Win main uof laminiffem. rukdei aiz On a mme siam Ma& the OMh membri. "WeVu au 1 tent la "c ferW maictflions. S.ely sMenn" l irnà warn anes ibum >~" wk oM m fHda ma. Ibmep.o Heue.ima & 114011 Mac Scimm of 3110W Pbalpqbnà Bill M»W c of do~ Euh B" MdU IJoyce HfflviMO<Eoy.I LaPqe Ramit la comiplet di twx>ymo Mam M mbn TORlY Ptima of 6n oul Atgilmienn Mbum; lm Vaduo l M P<*lic Lihsuy Eu Deiiq ci HOMa CmemautyCf*uin Anmm, Oci iic &"hài=sSceS sddh"m of M a M M= MaSsa O'Goeum of Oquî. to'm& sele Md Hdme DemMm of MDeUldaa. 111811110 1 4muil Saviac 1992 PROPERTYy ASSESSMENT Attentioin Propert Ovuer Md Tenats in the Rqlonal Muldpality of Hat.. Your regional counicil is considering a possible reassessment. Ih lale ddit dme 1992 oeesmint roll wiIl 6e delivered to, your municipal clerk lu been delayed t0 February 3ý 199Y. flie asscssment roll lisis the asscssed value of each propcnty in your municipairy. -Your 1993 municipal and school taxes will be baedon tis value. The final date for appealing your 1992 assessment bas been changed to Mardi 16, 19M. If you have any questions about assessment, pieuse cmli the Regionai Assessmenit Office. The teIlpuone number is in te Blue Pages under Govcrnment of Ontario - M1inîstry of,- Revenue - Property Assessment Information. cOntario--, Advice soughtfrom disabled residents1 M ibM wu Mmba aim Inconu cn Hap Cies à". 7-0 pin, Mdi Il l~ ciw y de J"i tuii Cam a i mm"wVI bav limic l Mi. l idb. P. iap. 217 Lmi. M& hM 1-3 >&. kàad882-212« I~ ~~et Ttes iou!i rnia j* U RtMm ubviu Ruw Copmii 10 bu #" O popl ft"M Wo supped eu sinla cbauis " Waa miiç arwlgma< %0 alam dbuot lo #» iny Ponple Who mipplid cur dunty tubi " fd drwue by Wu#n a ht Ms MMi doa n ftla imd or #WblIo te foamyi poopis " Carçm Who0 qçvUbwu ta cura kW d tbacsm GimU of5 &grmen a 1db lhPIO (CVMWi. La., %Mm~ ownom &mUwU5IBi* flup Pçw Fflwy *wf Co*1 Eiçru pwk plpe Pah q. Cia PotulàW4p WMh Ral-AI ThC% cirnugien VWKk et 5d u el m ws UMM Omisd. L X ReMax MlItown Ruly Corporaion 1 WA IE NIGHT BEFORE CHRISFMAS... AND NOT A PRESENT IN THÉ HOUSE., The Chiiens Aid Society of Halton ha, asked The Children's end Youth Vsondatao ofu Halbi, 10 aon"i in Muiant un adétiona 820,0000 teO buby piat for cli dre. in their care for Christmas. Covernment cutbaaks have deleted any muwny fer diis expendéture. This raquait as in addition to the 8180,O.00 arew require tn rua four progratma for the. Chudren'a Aid Society, namely: The Roceiying and' Placement Home Prograni. The 4uraary Programi lThe lait Start Pnigram and The summer Camp Pnograms Traditionally. ai Christmas, th. Chiîdren'o Aid Society hâabeen ahie ta --ern aubstantial Ola par cisild in tei ting buge. nu m u titan 300 diii dem in thrl car. makes tii afunt of money quit, large, 8120,000.00. The duidren in cm, am. n i ter basses, hiving iqu.nemstly or m a grup hoe. la ailu theflmemi s U me blee Ia1loer orc of ic ta ap. dehgihpor.'akh chasait by tb. ster parnt or tb. case umk n » Ma benai t. "h individuel NEye. am able. ai "h ta. te @Md a glaciin te duse Childroema a"d Teisst et~ 9&%a%. aim tumvede i la.ued. Amy amant wbeld h. treatly 1 'IUN YOUYO Tooi jhi mm11 #,» suppOKI'