Parade Suniday s6my.a MNom sansa Cam Pud wii nude 31 f0m, 12 basle six wmlking groqm4 raid Il TUs pad wi begin et2 parmg ambi on Hugh Someut King Snet west t0 DrMe Suet, cm ar Mml SireCe Mid mam* on Some la Mshu MaiL Il'$ la mai Mo lm Io emUr à yo entay aNis parede aipaios. callwedy Peripton taS7-1671. Donationm a isa needed in mou the commuaity-nhl eveut's expen- ses Parade butions - fer WiC me The Champion affie for à S1. Tlsey will si be sold ai dim parsde. Sendi dematimus to idoct Poil. tresew 6552 Fust Uine. Milton, N LM MX5. Mlake choeques payable to Militas Sata Clau Paade 1992.f Recovering from crash. An 1S.ycar-old Oakvile mnc- mains in swtous but stablecodtn in hosptl following Tuesday main- ing's two-cur cras ens Nînth Line. Markt Sanders was dkiving lus la Ford Escort nomtbound onau t Lune. jus[ cadi, of Lowcr Brise Line.h yGRMMM when lie lors control of te vehicle inl ti nw aSp lie i Burger bucks iThe vdicle croesed in tpL ereyHmarvay on Mbitu Oriva and in » otIue ofaà sa.ltaund mini-van and wus S1 front evry hamibuMrgo ch ebsaaurgm mold Io the .hwfil stoucI u die side. DbmIolm Faundaion. kb ug WusWW o n m ehowd ailm os.1 lite sol praguenger of li* Eue«,t he lbunudreds of buroms lte e«Murant lIoped Io UN bu cualOnsar !"c Richardsoun. 19. ms of Oukvdie, lis55 h lwOl1ud1 rms l.aatMarOltàs $M ta Soud conditio at Ceit Valley tme rabmm. Hospital. M. Sanders wsu ns ferret! la Mnssu hostal. lis duiver of ite van Peter POWC Devies. 34, and bisi aise-ycuold dmughier Bnoncy. boLt of Gour-~ BONDS geloat. acte trcaed in hsital for ___________ minor injuries aid relcmad. Thse accident à tuder invehsga- tio .~ No chre _hv _ Congratuations. ~AN11QE ND OPEN SUNDAYS ONLY 264m-p. Miton Taxi for =h'r prom pt & courteous serviae To make your nomination for BUSIS 0F THE WEEK Poe878-058l Miltion Cbauber of Couuerai George Georglou -[1- 026 -25008 MIDLAND WALWYN W* at Ei ~n Mail EVERY SUNDAY SUNDAY SHOPPING NOON TO 5 PM UPOMING EVENTS NOVEMBER g~Chrretmnas Craft Show Continues SANTA rrives! C.A.V.E.A4 Community Bazaar ~C raft Show Fe a t&»e, 25% OFF 55 ONTARIO STREET, SOUTH MILTON, ONTARIO 878-3900 1 1