+c~ Restructure safeguard We cahno in ail gond consciente" tak msrnied positio oen wbedicr or ot thic Niagara Bacapmme Commission <NEC> ahould have ita powoen slaabed by franafeerlng many afi lu respansîbilites ta regiona &ovenot. B ut we advo- cale having a gond, habord a" nt d mana . The day bas long paaaed what any govemnnet ag=ny sbauld eacape sucli scnniny. 'lbxpayea' money must serv ifs mait effective uae in thia lime of fi"ca rearaint. Wasre is uni- acceptabe, even iMun" SM gvelc precano circumatace many Canadiens who, in footing dms nblD face tody. A group cailed the Niagar Bacapam Landowner CoanU- don <NELC) ia loltbytng surongy ta have tlic NEC supped fI itS land usc aprValI powes. Simply put. tliey wold rd se regions! govemments, midi a Hdho's, making decisions as oaoWbsicocamo e jt on ad dtinthNagara fnm ID Eiapm-L a 'I'e, NLC conzds duttflic NEC was nve intended ta be Wa apermanent entlty, "ha it wau Ms up to cuit paliciezfo Prervin e c e, a m e u in plac, i PA( %vonoes a alfifpoepetang oegmwMulm One Ailihongl flic NEC budgea iuy' about $3 ilflion a yen if inflici $7 mifbo in mas on oeiou wun ageci tdut must comm=n on devebopenent papos bor die CI lia NEC; ita detnrs anan mdïhu CwmdT Thos who, «m flic NEC ding. dm ts a oedc hav a Ibyeaon hidde anda, diat dicy ne lrey developei ntemtedin e mUa ftng a quk* proftf do Mre NEC suppodet.. uao say that mitm tdus umbelia or-= ganizion, dicte would ha n unlty of plannin or pirpase pua. à alongflith Niagar Bapeet a rocky ridge cxteding front *-MMI Queenstot Tobanoey. ci mm If environmi contrai fiaIs into dmc banda of flic v*arico u ." regiona nd coumy gavemsuf hoding away aver port= on ir b of thec eaca..sent, dui diain of pneservation wlll only bca L . P sttong as ia weakeat llnk. and once dut lIàk lia broken a ftý m precoeu willh bet M o envirnnena havac. thay fe. eau. Iii Bat aids Mu prvhby overasatin lth* reapetive cainl diia.ioes, a .ananpoalict poli"ia support but te mm msey mat- 1 lmfusti roqufe exa mo bue. ligluandu Pauxmole, thic quest ion o<duplicadio. Gyoverement at ail - levlal tU udh lid ue lie OW maidg on fi Plana m4di cdt.coemrta HiltonRegio bau plannent, ail thfl 6. n amuliclpaliica have titan, md en do odm agonclea,& te TaM NBC. b"M. Ore.ni d"s peoplo e Mdur iaieurfi envirn- psa me"na nla but do we nSd so amy of titan? ihey au ven finie, sa dui NLC anut, ev»n w .cam 20 Ve lxaiem and »Mng paî!iLD wla nSd àeaniN âe W Mt~ dma question, whadur fit uscp. woedd dlsaoive Un letO awenata chos jtau becau the laid use ipproval - haon paviltet so ~n" gvamm PUD Regboami ovemmunit in Hilon nyway. ia otao, MOWIy O pulectiv of 11à land m biNa cfd tit Officia Plan Mt~ U %b suspect it woeld ha jutu puuimive of NMC pmocoa. AMd j %G~ aoeappleg NEC land me às gil isl ma umdoe.nkloq oa- PdSl tuqlo" - Onky Wh â wbIeoilb finsm. CmD As àr au ak é iiq, dm cm ue 1? lau v e N t a i , " f ld Umi W U i a . a LOQKING BAcK- - S,,., CM.l NuddM., Timfomi infn h. Met *.a.sld up fer 11» ut. daonsda..h.U. hiea" ai au lWU O& F THE PAST Year ~ ~ L 0)o h m VMIM iM OdhUW. dibld à two- YearAgo yeu -c i - sa aW 65 m sa heu wp àa- - 5. mmz0, lUm ta.. ce. 'Ilsa ieu l M6. .ompmyt 64-yenr hay - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ m amo mea Idç Damesd *0 suf â e mP&I Id ho. tu* PaR«WsJuk la d» B.' e.hy S die à iku 1% .. ani .pm. iAqon. Pinta wu *0 wMMr 0 eau. MMkP W oey.~ ~ ~ ~ m Am T<3IUIO . S ime këd boe a "HuIa Commy NWxl" mi aldio£ 041adl pnaâd Pm bhheWk laceway mi pmS'a et dIu ftâ* dhhi -<qwdIef. la e@J-lC" wiâ die mm -M am Mn 6 MMà(#L Wu ie. alïe»n budinemes paltcWin hà *w So. mmd onami "CH 'I. bo ue 0008Mcw.nw.Mia Gee. pj"mi adb@*oeveryoae. bmM et 0<Haon broc. cavoc va pens of Ose Omo Jockey Club filI. DbiUIC HoqÉal PO..màUa "lTe of for im n dt oecu-eIték $6.. comt«y u Io bc luioamm*tg@withe blp0<of dm eâiab v. Io dm vme cM.cl Io àrundw- 1elp psy forea veaima in6 theInenive on. -M Io J Lm of Pffm. ofe I a" n- bend"e wu boldteg a Beya Bab. for Yosw aoAMM pOW. Dy -SMn t1 he V to %Wii qi dm [j lie NM ii a <CommS. Md sMaaned tm w o ame $2000 mCDer6. 6. Ppln Pn.e«s Mulea hioxed duho àc acltDomaber 10. Asaa.l. fùr4mmig1w«We , foradey oArea Sc-iUiMiCatV OIt.. -.U - meetingth 6.tae bâti J mim 1i~ 0<mmmo 'oeydnur. For dtuu0<uoeo à apoiyeý enreivicel hi 6. SM #« ukl lot vo"* u u too a Wu mm ofh fS *06 oe.hg yen. die danar voe un à ltaiued" miea uI eieasv n be i-à m 50 Years Ago m o u K lal db c d e c k . M I i a m a s e n e t . F i n t b< P oe lah 1.A , OUs t e rmod h WWPim a a. show le lbup <hele Mc lof- h0mNau io bc pu §Mabudwkmofbbsh bc&lal eMU. 0 Tiuevu ebba Cod Party miMeiud m r Ago CommiCm nO cbo n.Amsinw CàSL FaietdWCac voi bu Wadhg, sado- ha.ownv«&PLl cOmu. ow-mu w.fe.