y fr v r-iapactlon. 01r S3 bedrooma, fénéshed fai#montcl. oenrq loaton.Lit 132.9W. *3 Bdnm townthouse wftth tlnlahed Ruc. Roomn, raeon carptlg pri *va*9 aetting. parkland, ' ihppng et ayour dmorM". A mâi Io se. * VACANT LAND 12 Ae. Wood Lot sutting. NEC a poveil Ha= au ctaeo IDins :INI MAL LA 52.1 -ea o tobril., 1,1 aiv. Il ) àla$% . 3.0 ioeoi.cor- n* vlot,Nt.upmêlea bon. - WALTON orn878-M oea monPq SUEMMLTkiemV TOWWIOMS 3 bedoom, 3 luilvoammarg aigt- In kitofien, ep.raw dinlng room, large liing room with walkost t0 patio. Lcaded wlth upgradea. Thia beauty la a muet on your *&3pping hi. Plo la a t l2,90. > IOVE RIONT IN leautiful Laurier Avp e homne: Fectures 3 beà*ooepereI dlii- ng room, living mcm WMfliepimg,, nNtout fromt eathn Id)tchsn to déch. ,entrofokir. Put thli one on your ithoçphng au. $177.4OO. ~~~MLIOUR 8782M w. le, maenac riJ home, 0 vacy fenced yard wlth ielg a n kitchonri fir, ish :_ Ocnar yull air cu i lhraa plceMn bab. Zn Bacoken Mo A révely ncoubrc buailtn with a ovk«An double gairag. oWc iln ror n More art our. *ono 235. youlfn e v.ez wami n Fou ava e IM r 0g ilo 78- 24 tir pqve DO YOU NERED' * 3+Bedroooiet *ue - a Oak -i 0 Lueff Lot * Ex0Mige onlo quiet court à close ta admois êZd pal. " ConltaAir " Low prlceof or $1 79,900. THEN CALL UERYL TODAY AT 8784»0 FRo URuoe INFORMTION MiItoWne Aealty .Corp * Soilmoie homnes shoe 1983 22 Ontario 81t Soutt 87'8-2366 3AIN I KERMc lite lat S285,ellepa Mi.n "qg Yom. 4M tU~.~ . rc.d 0 sli a ,lcs outr à»dfm M - w an fa-dmintes ai".41s Abad -wp0* mmWMwa o oo *,- s arch, .1,land Lth may Jhic M tau M&O i4ýý seo - Ca wM~ o ia.ùs e» .' hrnfrmr -m 00 -mifrato.$1, MI i -- Il.