BlOw lhrogh minler WorM i boeham-% lino of perormance amier mdlii Deaignd l te ihroagh sncw and masimie gMp tie S480, A33 & h Y847 h0f11 #ihr own l. Th@roduci of cuir 70 y»Ma of Yokiohama lire enineering ecelence, Cever id by Pb acnO Our mew Rond HazardProtection Plan. «O YDUJ'V GRT CONTROL *VALVE * INSTALLATMION 0 BALANCE WIth P-0chaeeof12 or more la Wo Shocks Ab Tune Ups, Juas Grest Seovce- *a Militown lire Service Ltd. ý D'A. "J 71 THUIISDIAY NOVý »0, I002 DINE & @MOW s150 a SHOW ORLY $&m0 CAML 878-1119M MR lICEET Annual Santa Claus Parade ils looking for sponsorship Pmn liron &0 Soeunimai aê whm %&"w ee"' LEisuRE bappen. lunci Wi *daod's pie. cole flaw, deoai Md fic parade colet $14»W goarenae ooang cafie am ale ftawwoi %OM DLb oenoeaiae ilints (Do ihdcohw d" Wcual bba. lc approc.he. fliey cmbe ~. offea Il Wbuie the centewhîcb lulocualnt21 CalolSL cspmm. die rai corses Bun genorous donsions VAM ' u ' ' w't, the à Gou al ie &ma die conuunhy . seirs Paa doatiion tuent are a-iia oc Th Cant-~ Lunch as offad cy second Fdday of the pion office, Town Hall. Milon Lotaux Centreand blu 12: 15 I 1: 15 p.. Mi aio Uibc uby, or wite a choque pmahbie Io Soup. sandichi. aid lu - pqod 'by die Milaon San Claus Piul 1992 and sond lu Robert centre',: niai ina, - - l aveu"bl fer $3. Poli, trcasauc. 6552 Fins Lins. Milon Coi. L9T Eve1roe il welCc.( 2x5. Il ci Alffg duUi parade, Uic eanu bon wiedw àslqly conte is being WicU. Dei domm buai- Sonne wtUl h ad oput bio dancing dcoes on non midi mhe boat MMo Wb"lc miii wan a plaque. Deconihu 10 for thicoentrc's format dane flhc dance for singlo. and couples sels maidemwy Fo "ate 7:30 pan. and moqia up al about 11 pan. Live flic Mihon Senior Ciaizea' Rooeaionenares OOOlfllcLdur jockey, roddimonts, #4d cash Christmas Bazaar is contint; p Sawday. bar ae Il pan th 11 un flic sale. from 10 a&m. to 2 pan., includes taked Trançpmation 15a "availlblc. flckcu must goods, crafis, nd white clophant table. 1 purciasod in advuoce at a cou of $8 Pet perion Min vogotabi marketi drue, pr4.zes snd $4 hot For more ifornmstion, cai the cone ai 875-168 1. Cow o thOe Ta& of Hilla, me, vu oe,à a Pullc qingaaxmn ni mnaaprffoaad amaenenis 10 -i Helion MS Offlici Me.n W.,rd. tu paroiS à Plan Of subdivision eonsieling of 16 rulOOkilul lois nd on@ (1) The -bhuso ffpry salcaa sein #1@i flhlasa cornr et the Intersecion of Nu- 5 SUdOr ahgmonl FqoasNo nd Duin in. (P:inS Lino), ani du Poperty bing dscribed ai Pan os Lot 6. CO<Ic.SBIin 2, Town .l HM.on 1Hl Futre btwSorm la iviWi.n Iii. Pmunilng DePemmnt. AU. iNTERESTED CITZENS ARE WELCOME 7,00 Ph. DATE: MMnde. Novmer 18.1993 LOCATION: Council ChaiUin, 1 &~ lâe NI& Dre lGeorgsvm) FILE NO.DlSAioQi (24T.88019> Adl6o7 Awrd presented to woinan %ma but PW c i c L~Iâ ye ii I. Milin - Sa hoe bom .. ocove nd 9<111 ai iiay aui WEi0<itbil Ian Uly60aler POSTAGE STAMPZHOW k' November 20, 21, 22 * AI the Arts. Crafts and Hobby Building Exh*bIIi Place (AI the Dufterîn Street Giales> Houri Fi 11 am 8 p M, Sal l0-6 pmSun 1O-5 pM. 1à. ADMISSION FREE FREE Stamp qoilecting Kits for Visitors under 15 FREE Door Prizes. HOURLY DRAW THE OAPCAfO F THE TOWN 0F HALTON HILLS Ham i lle Driv - P 011o b 128 HALIO M"1.. (Mmagmn, On"il L70 15(l NOTICE OF PUBLI AEETIN WARD ?iDUBLIN LINEMN. 5 SIDEROAD PRE WINTER SERVICE SPECIAL dupOlîFla abSiibirb Tm Cadet w4pwo" Aey Tunal Tmi toa lu T4. Péum selTomq ClachALNW kmwkomcbuw eteâmni llet ONLY PLUS PARTS. mU0 MOST.TOYOTA ' MODEM LWL NOV. 30. 1 M2 WITM muN 9(illl Georgetown Toyota 15 Mounteiview Rd. N. TOYOTA GeoTudown -84&.5141 ýý L A irzuc>j