ffDeveloper chle u y rural subdivison freeze un .L '-ww '~'u.uaihap s a d le id.fo "lm a, hc hID I >.n u m WbM& ~ III. ann a & m0v. m 0ay PI m icud hum a hhl W*is &d b bu M'a gang W be UOd S^. M%. me %d 1 crnifta M&d la iD" *op àM à,msupq.uei a.&à mW -b aprnBMM mmh ln dm as M ud ànd mu Mm . clv. MW pyI .," j, ta« nm Bah aè àie Mf §NOM" fmcmfl" VAnI 2 coedlo Cob. BM $Md Iah.rb@ wbo li aid 6vem bayr..ayb.a 111 _Mvma jun M m i"Nwd ni. "I'a.ûW wIU liioqaCll du -duhioL widedy 'qasian MMl Mà*Lbd .vuy aoe1Umy pw* 10 Mi lheà huMus @fer dadas by 10 Mai à dam& Develqai *e @M LbM àros i. a o la il. Pan edy palmn i. îp nucnu bms elps te.am uim- M"I couaical MOO&uY lie* fu" bu *m ok mm ia le 9114 Mu jsl -se bm "bsn goqm wbài mm prSuido mm. Lb. bMs bu usI- I 4nii wum d» aI mml m w kaw ubu &U11 *c - duvelaps by à lecd i"v" md bmla mi =à mi an m Md lhWo pomeof aW. "If *0hP s Maçan 15-am mahdvWda in va-mu" ial- -aa s" faoU»W obaig mmbdsd hy mowbag. "H»w am us SIoer. l osm" WU ,nsa n eoeuedb on wo OMW10 in 1990 for dmbMm. mboJcL S.& "iv aiucilI, sMds i 9,#Uvicoais md to or aim 1mai ml ugamaniva flash Mum How" d aoy LaS, Who uuum Lb Wid 3 con- imbiiy hin h Lbà *iujaoe of mih abi*don lm sdt huileL metsa bu cams ID r-caam M- Monda,' MOihis cms mu Do ex- oeptio. Éhbau mole conapiu dma ma&. MIm 15-lat alymo prapowd on FifM Lms a of 020 Lb 1990 aVmvaL 5iM dm âme die Bail o Nova Scojia bu ue Lbe papeM undo po. of nid& neid ceai s= q Scon eu Rahseiuon wef - nao 10f fega Municipal piannmýg dqums r"f h=bv WARMS UP WINTER!, pioecI wo . l Soulhm mSS ImmM V*uWarm Up Your Wmne Drvn Te4 Drive A J4~ TIday, M# mo t nu my Vîsît yorJeep eer today adse w elanti-lock brakes, tcnhdl Lbco sems- laau LbUC m first-hand how ev*y jeep niakes light anything winter throws at ft. Mm-msau of Na" Rug m work of even the worst winter driving Or, take the gold standard Jeep vffiiii, -d A»-c*-w - conditions. Grand Cherokee for a trial tun. With ts, 4vaaoi~csw. emta ph&. But dm wM' uaiag ID M"a Test drive the rugged original Jeep YIl. aUl new Quadra-fl-ac four-wheel drive ,omi Af«âm om With sbîft-on-the-fly four-wheel drive, a systeni, it automatically adjusts to any iaN, -d -Wda - aiu, op. 2.5 litre 123 horsepower engine ithe most road surface it encounters--even the posim a b dSdaff (tu i' powerful standard engine in its class> and deepest accllmulatioifof snow. The ),caa>.Mni.oeisjscaSaàs- standard power steerlng and-pwer brakes, high-output 4.0 litre 190 horsepower in a 7I-4 v Y wilI have yuwarmed wpt winter egnsadr o-w elanti-lock Mt Hoad wh buop gpamd Joupennestdador-el na cama uahvmmn h Lbpu driving in no tume! brakes, and exclusive driver's side air "d Éis ca= Io Maay 4slis MSiR wi ** MmMi&.H Or, if you prefer, test drive the dlassic bag make Grand Cherokee the ultimate iv., Souadgas as comsy Io de Jeep Cherokee, the legendary go-any- winter driving machine. Wms dem of camno pia 06 W& where performer. witb a 4.0 litre 190 50 corne in out of the cold and warm Her aMManies dm mm ai horsepower engine, shif-on-the-fly up your wlnter drlvlng with these hot bsuoePsaspkleM uloagend SauWm mn halIW hf bâtgI- four-wheel drive and optional four- lîxentives at your Jeep dealer now! . M. aiNo alliM - du famai( deveil7%ls5OO lm m93yJEEP YJ dieedbl «< bwal às *'dâvauan camai adoe mnhmn -7t . 10 pas. bW mmi Meidigua iSi mCo.pbdMMa. d $dsayea~ ~ tnJe / a l WINTER GOL CAv:)LtV1NTrR GARDE 33-02 ~1Ontario Sbreef Mifon, Ontaio 878-8877 Sales 878-880 Servie 842-2544 Toronto Une la mmeu M a A;u ès nma fu lel n.Ii mmm no an iaui.ý ef l Mcle an nv.b va Eagle