Plans underway for next year 's winter. carnia Orizào a cià acommsa M"la MStr cm" are - och me ail mo( c<à.ufy $v a lamdin âe à dnuy r#«& «I *1m * éw m' calhg Itàà "a bis ft a I&W rn' *.n à.m- muaay m b Mk& "vld B" Et Kwahdusa. <là.m tounuata malvi pnmqomm a cmila hyM ~iau - uM @âd baw *am *a Ma see- -~ ~ » p6col ti MSb"ic Au ba ff extym limb cym Srmv M&i -cd b. ai M à.d the Ri. nei Um Mi ChatS. ~ ~ bom" MNSi dubeUduaan, i aivk.4o à-d -M. S be propmld tubmvu oa99ui ea to $. 44,btw o lbadcmaaily Ibo d mMy b à200, caïd va mob hic.. "W. its a et e gw acmiii face" pahm rm m Kua . h aai chmà. lbc Malita c.nnd à. ktaudu. Spmaà. - s -qie for -» and à. cuulvalaImo ym.. n ud b t clvded s peu . y e i 7-13 a ubKaion 'Ibm e Potae h& àdqmam"S.7211..xL tI usiCSimi lb 09 nvoiv (ft Rk nt M 133 1 or uV VSu ut th Towa' lainra m M721.«L I Su» n~m vil OfflTABLE PEIIVEE EvJMOeLv Y»e =M U MMTLR AT IOLE8AE PRICES EPSON lMo 2MBRu 5.25' 5 Fep #-%t PdMsr hichado T7Mm ouweo u.sw.. q. $nh. 751 UMMs St E., Ur* S. Mila, ON LOT 3Z3 Tel. <411) 874-207 Fam (414)0870227 Doug Miles of L&E Paper Ltd. ins Barrie, Ontario had a problem: ducing the day his receptionist was so busy, customers were fr1srated when they were kept waiting for extended periods of time; after-hours they couldn't gct through at ail. No cais. No sales. Enter No'star - from Bell with StarTalk7' Now cusbomers can place an order or leave messages for their sales reps day or nîght. And messages can bc retrieved quickly ind easily. Now L&E's receptionist has more time to help customers in other ways. If missing important calîs as a problem for your business, talk ro Bell about hQ:w Norstar-with StarTalk- can help* lî's just one of tke innovatave new ways t0 do business, Bell can offer yqu today. Cali 1-800-268-2555. Bol ~ Ansu.ring>~~ur cailoe _od.. f. Tdu How Doug Miles'I uines up paper sales, by .cutting out busy uines..