Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 18 Nov 1992, p. 9

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Protect the NEC says environmental lobby group 1 VC%= -Ywns tw prolct te escsrysmn" Mo afl ad " ywarn 10 1xtc it jure kns-M e o gut à* An mavàmiUflobb y pg àa "Çmieui ta cat- praii trm dm u& vinc Hg"to re"s coSwcikm go overturn a decsssoe Bo utOel Sabffr. a ÇMoWsouo for du M£-C sha hocks slahig lie poem ci du - i w eewk-Mse tet90pet oeil" Niagmr EnCUPoun Cmomnnsn T77ey (thse NELC> 'i.~rus memi.,s "have se (wEC. wter ta protect itJMt malOs <de1aln 5hw laid e Prolec Ose Walt aid Envuanin- lon eough la, get profitL l1ieýfa ue<cias MIi Resources (P'OWER)> pesiden haveroiiro lmsc coadeli tau Brbue Halsait aid sIte would aide. lnd.'r deaifg uthe NEC" ame modest regional cosasci losdsy (Vednesday) in I' i =eii sh su oeges a cturcti s bld to mee lam ueks pLusnrand B51 ar&" >IsUD pRn Lo or roisiscera aàwu public wotrks emsitiilc resolutoibSdig defeasd Tise commite mid du NEC Üàtld Ms ailJM du fWi mEL avenu . U in its laid use sespailite Io regionai govanissItsL gcnting nid of du Niagmf E§CMlWýinosi Csrniy, du NEC overmnu andsfoec e nviron- togetise.* miesat plannin fo du Niagar Ewugpfmgn dsug One of due wcpapnninlhp E arsenal waa ai On- Wad use hearings. But du Miasse Esupnent Lanil irs Municipa Bos;Wt) isig mes odered by auners Coalitio (NELC). aiaduz lobbty gsoup. coni- A.11bpnu. T=M Un altr ti ffllotOvl tend du NEC làa blociedl bumeucrary dut clu maS. a Hallon âweltp»Men pop-osai oad by die p-o hewing judgaenens vscssmi*- NEC, wu ighly cuiti" af NEC mmtu prswery ouners 'Lei's >Iýt thoSe guldeliiiis snut iaun Ms Ha1-it, un due odiet hagd problem. Ler's nsoir 1'm nt uyiag due (Niallen Escaip- depicta dme NELC a consltaI 1Y % sçy, %e bwil not have mient) Commission Urv* mamy pmùtmmtd led -velpcmnul thse commission be- cr ms Nb uil polanil ont. hSiwowlWn an&ctis. furW cause Ù's notr perfect.' .Lt' jx ait il sui oi. wiLas Ma Hal-dl and "15 or s" atiset getiet Hba have due comniio bccass i's noit demonasrema picieted me itliamd- s petcL" msnumsasve connein Oçkville Mfondy go pulicize Thse POWER president wanes tss if due NEC is dusir concerna. la s subsequesit inerview, du itd strippeil of lia beta cfflnurano featuse kW 1 NEWC menet ase "abaols*ely ulivuag" gt due us apovas las yiedu Io du numerta rems praquet ofhsln giona goersnns ainte a larg gavennists long due capa. plchwoek enova- pot ofisdu NEC mandais. moertal concas olà w a du the ma différicnt anas Mms NELiC always qiens tis pseansuon la, varcus a pplid ic vaia juicixoftb . PERFORMANCE SOTEWTE PMesais Tuedoy Nov 24 or euNv 2 t70 ,m GUEST SPEAKER. lndustry Pioneer ... Btian Dinsdale of Dinsdale Communications TOPICS: THE SATELLITE SCENE SPOTLICHT ON HtOME THEATRE 1, à a 4lwte lili <odo? Th 15wguswn~am deleop.ow dS d. wr * hd pw,ilh k.ng ««<id t. H ý4 uop yw «%«<nla ".Se 5«M ." sara m W,* w<t VCII, ad *Gel ws to yoo< qoeeron an G OT DUt lACIS PE.dFORMnN( n TELIT L*CETAI IdDEMO'7rA-, 46 8833 IM M- » 21, I Join us asl wc "Celebrata FThc Escarpinant« at Chudicigli s Apple Faim in thc firat annual Niagara Facarpment Landownara Coalition (NELC) Barbecuc-Assction Fundraisar. As you know thc road ta sufasa ls mnt been an cany anc. But with thc strength and support tram aur membcrahip - now excecding 600 - NELO bhs achicvcd suc- cesl in obtaining municipal support in snany parts of Ontario. We wiah ta say thanks and gat ready for Uic sicit round. For just $5.00 per persan or $20.00 par family, you wvill ha eligibla for siumarous door prisas, a tour of Chudlaighs Apple Faim and all the barbccued food you ca» ast We will also ha showing "A Piace of the Rock", oui documentary thut lias rceivaed positive rasponia ecd lima it bas bac» sircd. * But, Uicre ia morc. Many priscal will ha auctionad off. Soma of Uic prizas alrcady obtaincd induda wcakcnd ski packages and free grecn foes at many of aur golf cours- es (.you may hava ta usit until it gels a little warmer ta anjoy this prisa). * A good time is guarantead, so join us Satuiday, Novembar 21, 12100 noon, at Chudleigh's Apple Faim. 'lUsyre locatad in ilton on the wast side of<Highway 25, 2 mlecs north of Uic 401. Donît worry about Uic wcathcr! Proper shalter, hsting end bot food and drinks wiIl ha provided. As alwaya your donations ta tha causa are wclcoma ta coiver oui adminis- trative coati. TO RESERVE YOUR TICKETS- Cmli the. NELC office at (416) 529-90O or 1 Co-Chtair.î Lois McClusre nt (416) 878-1487 and Francis Benson at (416) 689-8066 - - - - - ---------------------------------1 IF PUIUC IIIOUMU CENTR PIIOPO 19! MCIITUUCTM OF MUNP LME (IEUIOA R0MDM. 1) FlOU MCLMIE RW1 8001111 NISNAY 401, MTUE TO0F MILTM MHMLET 0F CAMPUULVILL) &Pubslic information Contre wig b. field: Date: Ttiuraday. Novemrde 19.,1992 Time: 4:00 p.m.-&00 p.m. Plc:Camptiebie Lioins Club mauin Street Cwçamptel mm p ln sontruct lh. Gueph fr~% Ro S ol iliway 401 ln Ohe Town of M~a. The peapoee rodreo5njl wml generall follour the eidetin Guelph Line alignainw= l k~amants to Oie houizontal cuies and veu"ca proie gra*=.u ot th project. "ePm*e laIt tunéiear r~oeed fr Oie crosi roadumysvpbe AiCmlavlevenue and Crewor Crescenti. The proiqc la belng plsnned as a Schedule *A« undertaking ln acoordence ulSi Oie re ofee athOe Clama EnvtronuysnfaAsseaament for Municip@1l Roacis. This, meeting wllt be of speclic iterait Io Ite aurnera and lanants wfioee properties Iront onio Gulp Lins. Designplans utS be aval l oir revteu- and camt$t wlI be elicie fromn the public. The Inlormation Centre wll be an informel meetn where intersstac manOiers of Oie public ul be sable to drap in at thir convenienite to disuam Oie prowec wli repreaantatlve of Oie Rn . SubiectI thOe comninunts receêved as a result of this Public Information Centre or thu Notice. contract plans wli be llnabled. if you are unable ta attend this Information Centre andi have questons regardn Oie stucif, Phase Canilc Mr. J. Choai, P. Enq.. Mr. R. Ro)K. P Eng. lwwa fflý7 McCamsck. RAnrin WattsDeparment2655 North Sheridan W17 rante RoS4 P.O. Soit 7M0 esisleuga. Ontario io kvs. on" ad LS 2M 0 IW IIE~ (418) 80 4600

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