»-d: SRoyal Ci1y Ambassador, Barbershon Chorus Barbershop -chorus to pérform at Ebenezer Church lb' I mon * u.vuri 0< Bm Raya 11t, bubitopctn. Will~nm a vaie m.eumu NmmaweMs a .01 M A $20 1.mily peu aid aviléble. Ad- \Cal>' AmtbM@dm flubm.ihMp vIO pill o0P. 0< le momieq ha. Acte. Rockwood nmomdma âmea. vued U"ce ncoompcd md m avail- 'MI Urt. nctury ai Eh.... Umiod Onzecl a d a modem . -Y&t M delibW 1 POM druuib local a" si d. lhadm PMt in Brobo r dm. eueaan 0( Sm.dey. Nov. M5 ibe pug.a wuahtÂ"in.md 1968 and les Sp, .01 Imova <or i fin *ua> )Md cdulq DL. 55.0em (319) 85=89 o . 'Ibis If uOCIoM ta Mmi t chUt Md .ebrii laCIUi 84=a ftom a vide dedication Io ctilmy." sluod Dr. Stanley Klt.hu&g 854-2690 popualu amW.e.1s le B0m u.. uu tM* c<yi iu -ho Une a bav of bar- Saidm wbo umrqed die local perfor- Elumes chucb à on Gudoi lUt. bo- at the Naulgaweya dcbc.' n.oir . mm=.twu20Md 25 deroedaElevuarMd lb. 75-yow-aId omo>' ouée, ezedllôm lb. @eoupic put of Bm Society fur flcksm wMi bc available et Bm coor at a baldica, acui ta aow cuqile. Coner aCCom and die traUiél vivfuof 0< die Bmouovum an wacmomma( Barber coet0d S7.50 for aduits and S5 for îadua procraiwill bnfit dieM a ddiii. ad *Md utained glasa myerpaazml. Shop Qault S"p in Amuis. iacWnà udcilàch. à"ufid NEC's power coming under Ùttack by. region, citizens front~~~ ~~~ HUa npaoI le dinnisurd Bme NEC m a "lf-perpeum- eou of dbm people of On"nt," io diumndeyooapoony " lb. NEZ-C is auenkt. ft NEC n'a mnd- in& buwray iLhoua ba"uved its useful- Bm NEC, cooaciilor Robmon vuned Bdomatnia cSanillor Joyce Savolme ai dieu. boenaac dm no longer serves ncm& lb.caimon qienda$3 milina Me.Oliver nid Bm <oa itold sb.on dmt wu "reaalwmy' siding with Me. Oliver imucl purpuse. and oubliilt dm lnkhqf of yen dbmeil> and us. atoUtS $7 miln la po.emlefy crodioeling Bme NEC. but laient "1 malice dm erc fruruion ibat*s wby vaua. reglutl coSatils mer Io .*l6 a cm publc fls la bu cww.ned by iSltr goiern un dispauia vil "uaamcmmy redtap iq" 'm apr uin is." Hovever àt Ls woeaied unauilyla~~~~~ BmPrvnc.mai agnierlerlocked wish iL. he afle. As ern aes ectwar d oeknainldut eafum dmcision-aueing Win bua- 'Jute is ncplonlaMay' of 1991,B dbelWân&dmd "à buler vae." , beavio. vilain Bme NEC. 'Me. Ouver "W ded nt. Lm pollua çckei if Bm vutouS buElCI urow froun tva dom. lnio me Mr. Sdluau a&W chaxt.rized NEC ýaen dus "mmy> people" have lmapbaid tu regional govenuwma~ WSe over chials of lite Bt= 6l membomn M. Schnuy toli coml- bop, i whc ubiduowners xclmpt la alte a relgional coSacil about jna dut.L. rock face. a ptouect Bme ded "pintais m IG&a cas for Bmk upuonlau as confrnuiona" lia puon forvad bus motion, Me. Oliver tva mile ipa" He ladcue it continues lu gadmo morne.- at"moudifikulI.- uaumd Bm "vueve bat! suffciesa infuma- Cuaailloi Savolin alto wvad Bmt geed tiEm foued b>' biuuion wiLU NEC policiez Me. Roba.. "i exception te du, aaying dio ovor a amuber of yeau," la supr Bm n propefll a rt of Bme âumWwteion vth nd decisions cWinbii yeuradgeelam NEC, "I NEZ-C bld. "I vould not Wet t la us dit NEC,aàoeiidcimiaiuoed st dvelepende Whdie dBm coalition "urong>' aMper hav mo (osai anyolng conrimul . 1 IxauasnM bni> ve." . 'l M m.pen go circtanvet envitaime- prenvai o de B Nia%" Ecaponeas." aeio on i'pluilireoc M"ta Maor Gard Ka5.ad nd mtop'a l-u "AlIotp< Bm arguments bein rude lradeetn mqr EC equmbîie t eiae.In My. lmovr" stru edocades ago 'l (onM .y vu>'bd" un . metf, dbm admigbty Ais. teiona govomaanat vddd reah la lerge, Wbile alai &.B duem aune . erg dal \Bm v oe pot àe eaoep Mw =CÙ nid **mi Im 90 pet cenc of uviagpur liximyua.' ddlfloeies" la NEC decision- W~emg mSml. bttlef "bus oullived la muM-. NEZ-C meim "hmv no inttin" of lb. NEC bu become a' focal poix fer Row muge d I. p aiwl m aens ad 0oaou.emeelcma eeolgierporo.btn ad àer Md MamP.lY- Md là mimd t "wide- witM inierMioos lmm b. mae. "A lot 0< ly." avers wka have esputoeced *'coMmiderdule eantin. coëtim cuicti vila vuidm ding noe*î airwlid. Nodiing per- la tems et NEC laauiosu, "lI'e men vlut fuaraion a l n a itvb Bme Nw'C aver vite liv. on or nSn Bme cSupaut hace Mr. fect. people lad la enaue" Me. ICatmu d. ~mmm asb buildlag a ci"u putilet lot ScIa. mid. Idut la" à would b. in Bme boî imer "Ibm' ev mil >mml ime coluo 0< Élgl or RqulMls a 1snds aonu Mi LI Halton police pleased they've * W been given increased firepower presmsts ft lAULmITIS for letowm flu md amena- If qipmld. Bm loc" lapayer viii *a Ion P» aqoion LM 10 oMUR Bm police a OMM te b. bià " bu"v cmn lut ~'r méel's ... a cm adequsl> ptMo* "i cim cr-nX-càehalu -aç b>' G- H nd4 plieinH» leWft d Bmâvhc" - M»hu allen. Wb" lidI Mx bld- 1~1IJi§S A I na>mon b. alowedod acnt>' i- NovSoblehor0e"A Mmn IC.' .1 com abont $50 M& - qgammic im Icaiad wkkh àlo- nid bermmd police fiqevr le , Dhçmdlason ubiCh i .ala Volet ballet& âmuIcaly btiq Bm "indu mactiveo.uadeilin là1 mM sc 1l u adocw&d n Migl fk%moU0 l cnpied mîha' lHe mede de atmmn cmu te, Io oe md o01.. L-atre *Mct. ibl"AW0 Bm i@r mS* nedevié poie ."m Md moold hm. te tecav ad0"u Hala Roglul Police Aaslinlo, amrvme1 bnde dir Bm vod. umq n M. .se ndpolice 1.0 lh>' and mm 'bm Nil> emovoqm Pwev@uY A naembur Of Bm Hibo RWOgIol _______________ fiepovorla prost B lvu ftm rejeimd Bm nmn bemme il Police Survace B.ud. Pi t.d.u. miern*>'.0enmd îiaaa - um te .i diarosm police frm nid b. ha'e Made qp Wus nid put 'lW.teo moq o. -r Me mnag WIb feam Bu Bm mvr on vbhb go app ie m oel fer boCinS Adulý m1 a Me Me type. wSo W bc viwdb mmç,,1a- vrhaa: lalt a1 ceagies. spe. M0 aienanlaw9gpus 1. 0 e.-iu gy skxm seniors $12 Hdah policie ne cmeud>'S vof polio.. Mihel00c i bis van of au i b ~ a hlea lumma ID Avalil et Moln - PuOgS, Oohaourfe M f Swh dnnaapb <n m rgmW mntq *aml w m me aoldm 0*. mo ý, Mid Coulr Muict e y là- III wrW - -eu eh dn m *av dmw i iW vuma or boy MW ersm blmuopo-lmtbomhm ibom Efl. Bib vSpou laublic. mid bi leu ,zo mfe." mid bW mpbqiMb 5-44891fl5o 0< Bmm le a mmd tor bMer lb On"i Pmahehu POlU As- LUI. or e ta door «Me«Bc la moamwt tApn ,o l m bm Hai pâma a @moka" lm .cal- B., u very bil.l cd Bmm 4 Caumiu Nm A- >«= Poileai di buis h Mr -wm dc idm l mv gw..." b. aidai. "'i bav te S.haeIPa Ain Ad Bm NW gv u p bpe vi v a m m* of Bm hmn uu Bme Mn lav la my Ad $ ladisàU f o nll r .B mmod hm in~ 11ifllhm" Mddmkommm ur."