Homai tail have yf< nid "1 aussi heu yaaa if yau' jas stop muamblmng"; or -couil ce mml thme TV à all<1e lauder? Comsnes like dmne s al lise linais ai of heumi Iacs. }teuig lmta affects I0 par cent of Caadaum and Lm 10 50 pet cens af senios oivel 65 yws. eia the averall agiag of cul popuilaiona id die iglie nome levels of maodem Socety. dim peevalic ai fl a bu. il coninuae Io mmma. Hearig lkm las a habsit of "ue*usg up- an us. la mal cnes, ait urs so graisly dim a leaing .ampured individueal ta nos evem ame of t&s4w df- rmcully wstal a famdsi membser complains. Odmer sagas ta aloai you ici a paisible hiengi kma auclée OfiLulty lmearsg in àan rma l orc a gsoas ire- quensly outilg peaople la repei, inuiin be thelm phonse cul or bands nual a rmiag or bauzsag la youear s. speakaag fouily or bellg Ofataia "tsmnsag-aut" la addition, if you have asl lista.> ai noirel. panurle, chronic exr infetions. or fansily hisi ofa heariag amplairmn yoa vie ut àcaeasd for (c sipificant kartng km. Bocause learsg liatiten vastes widelr9' taslie type and degrie of loun, euch mindvaimal mal ex- persence, difficuî an dullerent statsions. Soisile people rid lhima voices aient lasicl enauli lle ltiers al lime volume alisie, bail Lmey pat canée un dersain ise &card If yaai sispect lmeang kms in youil orIaua. yoa tutti yaaar docun can refier yo ta lan aasdiologtssi dia cul performa à comsplice hcarang as- Seitsmsent. Audiaogiss are prafessionas cilis a masiers de- gre l heariag scence. liey are traimelina tise dsag nsis anmd mniagcaani fhcaring la. Cosinseu<ngassvloe Audiologis perforis a variel> ai services, incluil- il hecarisg tests an ail ages. paessrbing letiais; aida. caunisellisg patients regardiag tiseir leanmag lanid useo a hlerssg sud mimd srachang people cvil ta asProve tfleir consmwnmsmo abalisies". The Audialogy Deparmamt ai tkie MiLti Dmstct Hosil li eqtiapped wmil gsle'i-Lbe-a¶ istrsi ment for ckie diagnosis; ai heag lam as celi as evalaaisn ai hearig aud (unicisan. tatTS Mi', To, efl~t,5 .tttt r-p - v-o- Mat'- Gotmit t tes - 't.. s..- mas, ta. -t,'.-' flaa. 0.ri 'ta i ara-q. t-n 'e. P.t,.e' r., Tinta Ca'. LISTEN,-UP HavimU worted mi several luge hospaits 1 canm il NMila Haspital qaipmerx ls. by fl, skie bei li" l've cille wored wilm. la addition, tis departmamies 'aus aili struactured& ta permit Lume fer liscraugi teit- ing. as cilU as tous af couriaellumg. CaamSling paiens liémi mai important roi Heun lou cam be a very ematana issue and euh persans hearing lats mua by managed àçcording tac déeir indiviliuai feelings and imeeds. Diffètent tests lleumg asesmeas anvolves several daiferesis tstas. Paitientam ierai quesinind reganl thear hLioS. land current salgrs af hearing kla. A il is a tises canductel te dreenistne tise safieus sornes audible Io dlai umvSims a wci as thiser aila> tai dascrimiliase speech. ln addition, unpedamce tcstldg as donin losi maddl car fsaction. and lis enaimie sdie identificatian af midle cst infectaon or allier rmdaaly-relaied pnsblem Bal on sisese We-9 resills. tie audiologsa is able la daagnoge tise type and dlegec of hearssg lom and shen take recammeldiatians for etier medacal trealinens or a hearing aid Indiduals .110 utlisant besal ald are sea for follaw'up visits 4a assess tise fuactiomang ai liseir hearing ai anid esaie dtia tise pasient as satasfied Mas people danl realize tisas iisry "bin sisear herng sud on a trita btsis anmd am noa obligael ta keep a if siey'se not sseied. Todoy's tal cav syssnm ais *11-ldesigmed ina proses tise consumner watm regard ta hearng sal Heumng Il remnains anc of lime mous unlierdal raosed and undertreaed diitmilitses. misl due ta peaple s rellaidance ta canfront tiel heariag prattlris Sa thase ai yau whaland limas cvyoe mumaibil stoi advantage ai lie hmgl-lech audial ogy ficalities availae Iler in your acom coin- muiy This s one of< a series dy articles prepad by Sue Thoisea. aiadiologist ai Milton. District tlotUo MILTON COMMUNITY NURSERY SCHOOL NOVEMBER 14 -9 amn ta 1 pm - ST. PAULIS UNITED CHURCH HALL THE SCHOOL WISHES TO THANK THIE FOLLOWINO BUSINES8ES FOR THÉIR DONATION AoC l:,l. l.t roail, a iS .S St'An aP.. OUR MANY AUCTION &MINI RAFFL1EIIMS INCLUDE: Pats.SA'. 0. C.1. Il,. W.. Ps. W o.. (,M Ct,dcAWtO. G.. s S.r P.lcota.o .aaSanaS.. .",oa Ç,M fiAAA. A'm , .. Ilral Pj Pill Abtt, <rS<ason ~ ALSO FEATIJRED AT THIE SAZAAR: A on s ilCHILDRENIS GIFT ROOM cCRAFTS A DAICED 00008 grcetingws oWHITE ELEPIIANT a COFFIEE f EXHIDITORS a SANTA CLAUS -s .. ' SAAAI, A ta- '- t,- > Las A. tAa ..,Pt -. e~l. If a.. - ~ i AI esn t..... ~ I A"-. Sa P,.. Pardon me? What did you say?9 Le *Pce PIs PST, GST si Licece Fir 655 MainSt,MIlto 875-3673 (FORD)ý 'Have 1 Cot A Deal For fou' 1l'ive Year Protection Plan (lri ste munul actions five year Delayed Payment< (Defovor Mmetfor 90dayvs Buy Hel and Save Purchase Heil home comlfort pr(odu(ts briore oIn 2, 1 92 and recusse a fie, l %a pal nd LabourwarTantand don 1pa for 10 dayl, lake ais antage ci thele tv-o grrat deait Let's Make a Deal cali and make a deal on vour home corniont 0<1ofer hsaillable ai partlcîpating dea1I1 ont% Canrso he comnbinedl AnI otMr oher O Ali C Depedabie Ypar alle Y'leter ýea.r Orth bric ,Ina ti satsap ni u.l i, , nril i Ulai 1 r al, h~r1o hirwp in Fi BAILEY HEATINO & COOLING A WV5UOO OFCU BALES LTOW ilA R.ft. 03 MILTON, ONT. LOT 2X7 PHONE 878-4821 FAX 878-5591 Fashion show on tonighb ?5 A (nimb dmow gi luhuto Classim on al (Prly cIl bela a h um ficoreiml dinied atés. =rced i a, lm nal paice cml go Io Desoeah'a Hanse. LslI mdlaci dof ie cne~om ai Tesmna-hasel desigim Holiday! cea. lum nid caalclil be amical lthe tyeks as lise fumd-mamng ét iens Tsis *o es 9 pins Jichbon Chanies il lacatied a sie cote Maf b i Brc wom.jaaea ai oOleao Streei. PLEASE JOIN US AT OUR Chrisýmas.Open House *WEEKEND OF NO5VEMBER 14* *Many In-Store Speciais * Hot Apple Cider & Cookies *SANTA WILL BE HERE FROM 10:30) - 2: 10 PIC1LJRES '3.00 S 1.00 from isl photo gfes 10 Halton i Womren' Plar e Milton MaIl 875-3776 riALLlNEER~ 1990 FORD CONVERSION VAN V8. Auto., Air. Losded Slk 9355A $15997500s