SHERYL Thoas, S" saaaoneLve BrokerlOwner rn e muai 345 878-2365 5 odne 82_ DO YOU NEED a 3+ Badroomae ai Upgradod Broadloom - Upgrded Oak kitchen te Fîreplace * Large Lot " Excellent location quiet court & close ta 'eschools and parks* " Central Air " Low pr4ce of only $1 79,900. THEN CALI. SHERYL TODAY AT 878-2365 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION Miltowne Realty Corp Sold M&fhomes s n7ce 1983 22 Ontario St. South 878-2385 '0 Pt '-'u MIKE MORC Am *i -m 87LM 87 LAN c M w gIoaI Yoam O. - a-N" , - cl- nagce nea- naja. .*0 la, OUALITY "0 saUCUaoN miy filétet .10. P ...inatt . S e.iUmd 1 0O i 1 ar e td 72 - ad rIni PW . 00.0 r.. navnt adse. a5~. i.* 0*Sian ry et 575-235. hff k*ad- PénI~ gêner nooela -" "I aa --I. w n2 Y *4%-le cella nid - âna50o n ai INGLE "o.Rep 878430 Me. 2-Qu8 M. an , t , *.a'I M 5 70-0* oè AI s e Office Toronto Lune W 82&-1030 FOR THE NATURALI Spaceous. heauflfy danagnad rotua on privaf e. fr00 lot wdtf evaifilowng surieg hwug mo01 nt mti «aU f0 c i place, country iz 1. kîtchen -th W largal drWing 'nom ciel watt f0 cal fa I aailourta ovnnfookig stream. Cai S mont érgormaton 936.900. id prnces and nivrat rates . Vr 03na.iaoonna 61f el ao t1 fi aceo M.1 en enO cnror lo anedo. m- n COMMERCIAL BUILDING ____ ____ LOT' cmFTto Main Street, Milton imalnali n I Great Exposure lat "W deltat.. Approx. 112 acre S" Cal Mike et CAMPUELVLE BEAUTY Couflt 9.4g ln toutl on pivata 1,5ratai W In Bof Campb@elue. Nuaneou upgradea .10.4. ouf mia0 elle homte a ruet pfaaiue f0, Se0W. C Shamolfor ap«sartoS neul $265,9W0 ST streais. dom fk.- 04Sf oaa, opiace, 3 tern ICI POWER 0F SALE 42 ACRES Fantastic potential close to Campbellvili and five minules f0 Hwy. 401. A beautituj parcel 0f laind wufh many efroice OL.îldin sites Must be seen. Cai Sharon for mot information $29.900. Pullen Sales Rap 878-2365 office 870-110Res. 52BI1ýl Ta-. 1 L. AUDREY ~NEWELL 878-339 or 878-2365 CeMaedo a 66JaaMEran17.900. Oa 1.4 ACRE COÎUNTRY aiacnetrthmeI¶5fl50<¶01l * ~SUBDIVISION LOT $156,000. b-m Ca Pai 0 'l'6 Onac a. to nu I n anr aiea < .00 I. hiome ttc acring I CiIA*Oele2 i. J 900 W fu road anddO Çfatoued bcgrOe sli ea ttractivat home ans. ust north ofi £IWY EVUS Camfibete4 Cao anay, foi sua 8782365, id o a n e u lti N IIe e the h o u s o u W W t ? b u Ip4 0 n &AR S T M P A * REDUCED TO SISOC. , acur. lacit i m aise 06 wbOgALT10?57750 i c M . on a paaied a or 7 mine~1.w I UPi-0ie 611.1 uPwoie gaca 'hea 4 dro honm rqW& thea loir te*5 hBve battn Pi Cal frnçho MnU MW 2 PIo uasroe 3 poee 0.01.10 818-2365 t p@W@'* te 6. iac- n hdtr Cao 'Ad"O et --C-- ---E fr Yl w*M dmh.3 YR H E te lme. aý- «d*Ie Ska. a tue Fmr app.o.1eI M nata- .40el ope", end centrai Il "M FOI AU. SOASOfaS $189,900. robe apgadn cmh a. 011* 0 Oei 0.1 au.n c * nec dOa rt aac 01100* e - Oa Xun&_b ao 4a.i 0e tirn gaow suo. ~ vision potentiel under à Brampton Official 'Plan revlew. Iocated on 8teeleb Avenue mear Chinguamauy. GiUe of t otae 3 mm ge At 3.95 mn. mnn, là fine Cal JPfor ortede" dom. r. ithè 3 bd aimali .4d. 1-1/2 174.900 'eý :-ý