Leaver major bantams win skating contest, etMk os M"~ la wbf buf ao be ouy 10m uk 111110%011111 B-..ifci @W Robé bm* Nllb ot Hom»- fa NNlam m. de q..c*..ya W& Fei bo blp *» Mm m~vU à a- 1. mkey ni Th"1IOb mg uu*no 5110111 M16UM hUAi.M"4m" %ffl -kl a. bu &'MI leu hap AMM ÉwAn aa Md.ihuyu ir __M Mdà - «*,u * a h.b« in Uàe&=1 emum os piy WU Io seu 60 i ' - C" lie, dab the Pm m a 11101111t 111m13fs bc h m wu mss.W Jais Bail tcmb0 dW bus «ah de 193 mil. ormn ly. *mais man& Sm his Md BOY _S qem "tgn M o n au*ky prokh h1111i.lvd en bob shha ob k k> hm MW~ üns. ph y k l motelà dbuU CkW hi1d1 omt » « d n i a 100m e! p on poo *m or h m IDthe bmm MW Ks v onh das hm aw> éoem e M i li ibi uu i s tas ihh w hni ui bmb- (m. pàylsg hM -ot mkw., cal a~ - qpi ions. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n in die mutms yhkm .Wvs.bhh13 iW 001* leua. m PUndme! n is do, hl Nêru liai li scls. dm is.ula ~is n - de gvlI gisis pm oyq n 3. - b K yl M* Ca Jouit SmI. myLs. fm pesta shea a "i h. the patte Tu Hwdcsa aauiWî evov hm. mfim aiy à* wai dellocWs m en, opa. h9 oow M l Lvo bNihromî Hanm the lnOMb UM aW je iy mgh lai of he ym ag"b Emditogi M"As'£ RYM 41*11 M u.hal Mt d miHurus AAA main bailsi oWp.sldme li11 tachb ta bibi 20 in he movai th Pwb sol mil Km=icY ih dW ahct aiy M«IbisCi- lne HaMs qui pmia 3-1 fi uni iu Wf di Pam mf »d an.Paumprviding ko(Wr Am Calisqa CuR bhky lois- rcai. h md pssAbhmy mom& ftCam& OL fuise plumant. mm i Lis. Placl New York. IM beai th Mlum Taim. 9-2. Wdhi.o on the acowo lm. in Witgh 15 wcaaê let m dit fir wsshni. Dut 9 èid win mot- âugUq ou hi Hu hucy the liaai peki si. Hais.> pntld Pum «Wlm m bah des m blag. a mmy Ou suai lm a Shb " mil sidlq 9 Emt masbil oe o. à brobamay ti.i a rlions h.e h fnff Ia le th mm g Wq tê. Culas, 354. lIaiS'$ lm. lm n ii q h.eft MaUu 1-1. le meai ici b àait of W la a spsodasig .Sby campai- aoasn rvsd mai a 5-2 dam te Dam, .1- in ht thi puti, deflacian for NMlts gmindo. am àai Wf Has'icua playei the bais Wi dh New York Appleo Kaa pu me bock by malig cm Kyl ow ua sh played à mlii beaml ail cumns oatditsminciq n- Cm, a mraguasud aneit. ihg ii puce Pm demls th S-I inal ma. Close encounter Merchants. corne up with big wins wlth Orane vlle - . Mmg£ lmm 2f 2 MI-o -s-il *- - guis m> Mdms Ineves go Royal yok e wm a sottei m*oir 60 hLW ocS> os th pawuy. theh r"M miiildaint 1umi WR3 %o, Iite ms dm Rgns Md u mau noves A top bockey mma wshlb Mh Muy hi rome a fitis RA's eps n u m h bu Pmr Wg is ni mo ' v*m Tm- MW~ hia akw n a lc. Msai ndsnsi h Crsunislue, agmaos hmima .uc.is ul aati hek ais s h iss3 pointaîum a pait nilit riin nth S-I~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~b eh DUd.wania11lcpmeiyi JbDm iPssgmmWuaa. ~ . . Fda sp.e dit- eMerchant's Win ovar Brampto . unlAtU-ilb. Hannabea7toti, - th 00k.eu tva Ama libg for Mils m hfi e de RM in 8ul lhye Capotais. Ha misa icorao Ilira = y bm scre M»'sso& ckm o &m wncSm erci - e I4uuiscir ad Riggi, Ceaiuu Ont guis MLas -n 1:14110111 4k - kw nie si" Dhuàsh aU Lhiay. D-n Fi., lTavi RIft wha, sii ho.lic paota os th mn n r m» --SOODe W4« 1111SY<him sfIli. ulisis by Rinalau i Mduan Sasvauoe alibi Wid Ricbis Sleventon. Fni W«s Dhv W L T F A Pt MAMTR QOUSjLXD. lam" HIm ni P po Nâ Mii.piys diacipin hockey Md Umnmsy pkWea qa natal BnÇMpgo 11 2 O 106 35 22 A"ws m.. a m Vb, Josuba Swmbti àu a uiont- i dm u" bas. kw&miq nDp la iSad oc", bu msek. 0kw- Buhio 10 4 1 89 62- 21 W éd. -I. v sunm au. lag i te Mis" cet, &*Ml the in pas. on r#fmS. CoOd emily a iti tit lhb mm big MM ha g« 4 2 70 58 lB *Pw 11uO en taihsirla w siaim mc. e u shaaRhmhai comxaivs hindma 6 9 I 71 86 14 ,w ý "& Wo lMs g pist@W (ovels m Glassxi tuam -mAth amu big goals bhicl a bu-mlcb aW Cmai" 6 4 1 60 28 13 NUla wu m ni-asai b"i mma metdi h hos. lei by Mat- BDaIÇipuR*1ghCR amaY midi Ouhft 6 7 0 53 58 12 171M08 5. km m i, tafll. ortgvÇc *ray milRicme~ mt ai M pa- lém 0111 goal bu mois -d OopaMa 41 IlO 59110 8 a 1-O h.ihinh.oscondRu prai. bi-10105. Sym coredIhm psàjý-- RayalYouk 212 I 39101 6 1 A « w2 ý footballcon te~s~ b, E ZI kw; 'w. E ~rI osiA i I i a s WEEK #11 WlNe4A Oe VEI<10 DNJAOOA of Mlaon 511h 12 Coruat R5~PU#uniX In2 t b tial fs Anam of ami ySu Utta Mitowne.ReIty Corp. . AA51,111 lhKAds -Oda Na~.n 191 MMN UU?11 u.az .LTO LaT «O on FAR IT le a7a.Na 22 ONTARIO ST. S. 4.AI W b n f MbydsvutÉ NOON 878-2365 amVuaîaa g ucmrCaoO 89 9TAMPA BAY Commftted to find ffie rig g CC»l adioT U N.Y.ETS homi for yo and yofwd 1 OQ= le u N~oe= u PI408NXe Q ATLMTA, i O5LTILE id DLA AIO5A QWAUffiOTN Q cKANSAS CITY wAMo oucam ouv Our Famau Wbip Jua ~TO4 Colle 200akmUid 87l8-OM~PUVIUPLAE AA a