HRISTIe.OD 18 ManSre.MlonR A sAELD 90 ACRES STONE HOUSE BANK BARN' PRICED TO SELLI To vter cati Cern GO 878-2095, 876-4532 COUNTRY SPECIAL WAL< TO TOWN 3 bedrsom bungalow at-in fotchen wrlfr 06w counterfop, fouds of cuphoards, bn ght living 100w, new bathrooPri, To view Cali Bob or Main. 878-2095ý * v .... lec:." -1 'e REDUCED $279,000, seaia rn-law suite - S nrutes to 401 - quiet cotI ty. /4 cre* cogatcgfi brait bunga- foc *neutu deOr nkltchtefformiali n- img * 4 bedroom, mailter ensuite - Sumorer Coortori - ait cormdrfonng pool & paie, huge suriroom -Cozy Wanter -treplace, higr efiS- CM"rn gis hat Cali Yvonne 878-2095. REDMJED ASKING $299,000 7,000 sq.ft industriel building on 1.9 acres, 550 sq ft office. Cail Yvonne Christie at 878-2095. Denzil. Lawrence 1968 On 24 of Great 1992 Years Service =o ÙPA EM j- 01 (Tor. Line) 338-4838