D th inI an 177HOME IMDPOVEMENT Durable* floor Going to sleep,, theI coverings laist j old-fashi.oned way 0 'ru e s o a c m b c a fig a ~ ng - H eadboard staffs illing Io Invest mgr@ crr n te -~ abls e s aeaat ofBy in Iloor caver rom. abair0n aWO as urabil;ity ha. become Oaden furni urefld: de eacrd ci Sgfla a aee The Shaker hirniture Lticlaum. a former 44tefluence on crett ~. bck n fshonintenor trends. its a sober style tauseit is a durable pes a e fri a n lunclîinsl Shrakle easilt maintained maieriai nere is sîso now a good choice of colors and patterns available in linoleum, il 's usually available in a- square-tile forlmat ai con venient sizes Linoleumn s installeit in a maniner thial requires little fOllOwup care, Hemp rugs, which have an ancient past. aliso are msking a comebacli The hemp plant #rom which trhel are made ha. qualifies t hat create a durable Iloor covenng, Linoleum ti@ la a durable and attractilve ffoor CO.whg. eslremly weh This sea now comîng back be Seaweed produces a material Ihat vias olten cause 0f ils lorîg-lastinq; braided rug that wears seen years ago and is qualîties TWISS-FUELS FOR HOME, FARM & COMMERCIAL NEEDS Have Yoù Thought About The High Cost of Electric Heat Lately? CALI US FO DETA1Lý, *Sheil Fuels & Lubncants *24 Hour Bumer Service *Instaliabons & Bumer Inserts 9Equalized Bfihing O "«Your Comfort is Our business-j ý 0 ..7863801j 32 Steele Ave., Unit 15, Milton