hIOME IMPQOVEMENT How to store a lawnmower Certain care is nel ar Ite and essary toi put a iawn sftàrpée b lad Ifs mower away properiy important I0 clean for winter whatever ils .away ail leffaver grasý mareý and debris under the I i 5 i seufrai $teps gré necesgary Io pepa,. à 08-,, m"., Io, wrrle, sferage have thëir gas drained ouf of them Ho*evr. there is a new speciai additive thaf can stab, lîze gasoline for up Io fwO ySitfS. If if Is added. gas can bet len nr t he Iawrtmower over f e wirifer Nexf, pou shOuld change the Oit. c ean S t C l Ir Tffis ao fit ftnàioey with rte rI f fli doe=. the paint and paper people GUARANTEEDt LOWEST PRICEs The warmth ON PAINT AND WALLPAPER o ielc PERLvu TO VV LATEX SATIN WSTRE Warmth us the key word fris pearmun nror decorirr / And what gveate ig ot wafmth amor 38LiI hani a fireplas'e Ifrere s nofh ng lite a LATEX SEMP-LS wr. ell praparfîoned lire place .emînirg me glow LATEX SAIN WTE oy f ifs flames toi ait paris of thre rocmn fa malle a rom warmiy invling LATEX RtAIEf0L Asnfrr design -9 LAEX PIM" "u, ls h o ueivls trom = , -- Conil emrporarp f0 aid 'on Mahirr frpace de- Sîgn hS riad ta adapi Tue fîrsi question ta answat whten looling for a tîrepiace s htreher pou wan ta heat tour bOdp or tOur heaut Il heating is pour primary considerauan theT pou shauld choose a controiied combustion If thre fleasure or s.t ting in front 0f an open tire Is pour apy conid erafion ihen ~rr r othfr types fr relces tram which o0 choase Crît erla Io re member are ettc,ehc> salefp durabiitp uppeaiarrce ana She eruvironment «hen Chaosîrrg a ture. place unit tf you lue Io looh ai She lamie 0t a tire but reall don t litre iightrrg Ilt f might matre more sentie to bup a gas tire place wtr ceramic laps Il wîii pravîde the ai mosplrere but faf fhe crat ke and smei of a teai tire TaIse out the spark Plug and prta litile dit n the cyin er This *'f lpevent ruisting n fil. moto, Then ctheck fhaf ail lhe worluung parts are in Order If pou fhave a tractor mowe r lubricate and grease the mouung paris cilàMUON Fre 878.~22