RFIM;t7( Seo"r B. PRIOR 24 New pain euaffl DEVELOPMENT LOT (P.O.S.) Located in Downtown Campbellville in thie heart of the tourlst area. Design your own building. Asking $159,900. Please oeil Scott! WANTED" Townhouse in the Childs Drive area, 60 to 90 day closing.- Fi rm purchasers. Ploase oeil Scott. CAPMPOEILVILLE A ol Wt hanr.,n Otaraot« M aot.. tad t. tnd Loti M. to.tha, ma tis hAi h« tt àM Wdhte..* t.-a 9.hn .. -uk-. 1-ong 1000 «OI trapla.,. .pa. atpab 551h amorils aS 245.900 NOW 229,900 Piass oeil SOcS SUPER DUPER $1OOO YCu waot u<rade They aie ai <loneo tho 2 GtO"O onqu cjo ul! centrai a. centrai 0kc. avuama înmo Çinane. Iam* -ixo -ht froPa. Pot«) domr "'~ ~ ~ ,~ ,-,~ce o deck wâh flaturIl gas bbq. Oak bafirer. 08 c,, r Pogl0add~ao Mmw rk., noak lai Jul CabMeL. appincaroe. 58etw broad- c,'aavoo W~ obd t ý r *. o. agods a Imm lt mm M. 3 bedmoprs. Wa eïm a, ichon beo. a pw. mrte. sotcW and ai m, a. . _M and nes CatAndrey ai 878-2366 a -se C4l>,e 818 2355 NO TRICK -WIIAT A TREAr. FREDA 1LAWRENCE Sals aesgat..My floors dont sqJeait. Tonloue & groove sub floor, glued. cm nailéd & screwnailed down. This gorgeous 3,000 sq. ft. ail 878-2365 brick home sits staily on 3/4 acre kr<in Caffisio. Features roi. Lm aIE 93-030 lflIde curved Oak staircase. Sklyights, greenhouse kitchen, WEI inwa hardwood & ceramlic floors, Jacuui, French doors and thse Nsf goes on. Asldng $344,900. 878-2M6 82-lWo O 0M. ~ta r~ 0 100 , m SM o NEW LISTING X 3.34 acresof landi zonled AUAU~C-3 Commercial. Was or?~M 000 onu, ace nus 30 lai~i..r99.4 ~ UTATTflJg llsted ai $285.000 M r mo er .4 oi l oa acre. o. . ri., c~ed ta sel, Cao n, and 1 a luge for5 Asclo qtd ol.~ dals. dons .. m.oai McA un W ý My -Oy W..aa 8 » o. a L6 CRI 0 IVtu " Wxy cae MW a"Ne isUMs. LM-a J le-.. m keai Miltowne Realty Corp Sa/ci more homes since 1983 22 Oto St. Su878-2365 *IAXFR SALE - REIMAX SopD * MOE r' ~MILJOUR ',878-25 87",4577 ~'WHAT A TREAT To storey maintenance Ira. Shome. Prlv&Cy lenced yard wilh, à% lugededi hardwood floors in diii- Ing room and kitchen. finlahed oerCred -111e. central air. jacuzil .tub ini master bednon. Contac hi- W Sig Broker, &Ape MWjour. Sl69.g<M. 0 DALLAS MODEL 11 Orgete uffgred home widi meri .m~ot cua" jai, pin bewindom luing Nooima6 certer decki. Caei lmmedilaîeîy for -mous-a C«nwu »Yn &are m 2MIlJOtIr 878-2385 or 878-4577. TWO FAMIULES ~ Than ryi A remi nSi brli brai- 911g19oi ails larg eun kren. con- Morne. Oownstaire youlI ttnd pon M kvid briphil àving roont plus Md-, d-ps- vlhoo,.ë m and w~Imta rum AUIlis on a tovsly ountry seln vr0 0 u s a n g r k r h n l oe<w l i o v e r uiz e d o u b le g a ra g e , ce 878-2365. $M,000. aG TM OEMIJIAI *RE/MAX FOR SALE.- REMUX SMIJ. 30. 't0.ci0,eo.26 SteenJ. Porter Ç0p Sales Representative fl.sldnthl 0 Commemrc a *Mp Iatm.-oI BUS. 878-235 Tro. Lb,. 828-1030 ROs. 875-2582 INDUSTRIL BUILDING LOT Auee Lot. munlooa servces. zoned or lght industrial uses. Urban ESIMENT OPPORTUNITy Halton golf Cour»e developm.ssî.. sae., paltndsp or eqully paiti- patlon aval~le. Cal loi detah. $295.000. Phono or k*nyalion. RETAIL PLAZA SPAC-E Prkne rotail saci avali-is in mulon. Competitive rates, rBlocation aliowances and offier icerdives. ta IIdVSTMIENT PROPERTy Forjsie MoUnt Neino restaurant. Located Orly nimutea north 0f Bur- lingtOon. Presen)Iy lessed. Asklng s n o o