247 on.. , AYa 401.5 Ln.doed d wood b.,,> ail>, $trot= anc mtus "le. Lgs bn.3 + 2 5dim., 3 bath&, fin. Im-a euh. SCOTr DENTON, BA 338-2201 826-2818 14ER>,TUESID T J The Mill Ridge ý front 246,90.e 2275 sq. ft. tlitff fer M looo- honuin Ou~s Parf. M"i MWo éte* mm wm âéJ "o waitait W " tmg bAud mom MW *mors. Cali nos for ail the a -os *iss mm mg. Brok«% AsmOeutiof ai ou .NOTICE Th 0"u 0f Choisi ofJ.R.E.BA ans how 10 uvuo #uW fie JO"c Scott 0i Joye Scott Real Estai@ mnc. Milion, Oul, Nu bos 1 g î - is 11u11lw Of Presid o0f I.RE.IÂ se ot %oc e- - m. 10 IREA b In i t0f oi Boards of»Micora; Joyce Io a FoW*aÇvsE 01 LRE.BA rd WUbe a lo<i IAJÂkiin 0pubm I.R.E.B.A. le an organizallon of IndePmndmnt Real EBIaie Bkokers wmue hms haiih fighslis, v ,a Cauda. b moNsu a 11101 Of eOelsn o* vuhbard clients, W. vs commilted te honoasty, bilguty nid ho hlgs lêvel of MW.ga #f YOe have any quesiorns or wuld fille mors IfMualin rsgarln I.R.E.9 piaust miree to caII.Joyce Scott at '878-1526. 7- New Homes ian Establushed Neighborhoo FROM Charevn HO E O Seaatî in-law suIt iua a41 quli country. 314 acrs - unique cuatom buiIt bungalow.- noutral olsor - eg-in kitchen - formaI dlning . 4 hmdroom, motter ensuite - Summsr Camiont - air Serdliankng, poof A paio, hupesaunraaom -Cozy Wintsr - firopièce, 111g sffiasnc gol hat. CM Yviné 878-20M6 NÉW LISTING -4 Wdoom town- "W. vityl fico ing à oeuiar op in yWini Fin. Ru. Flom. pri. vas,~m moi",asi air usaiof W-soi. Pool à fonnim Mue. offosed ai$3l.500 or 8764 WANTED DETACHED HOME WELL M A INTA INED'. Undr $100,OOo Immediate sale lapon Purchasers approval. If you hýve sorrithing il mllar, piess coUw Bob Cr.Ig et 878-2095 or 875-4M1. COUNTRY SPECIAL WALK TO TOWN 3 biedroom bungalow, esai kâdm. sikh now counitariop, loads of cupiecards. bn@ righ g room. 55» bafhrao.. To vlsw Col lB or Allen. 878-2M9. 'For peo pie who want more in a home.. ~ CLL(416) 854»10ME -