your ciass ified Hotine 875-3300 tg Lssi i àii RUCUTCHEO, "»fMU - At the mi Distinct .Hospital on Thumday. Oc1bsr 2»0. t992. t/i 9-a. (meS, DonCalas> of ilo, bidoed me of thev tls Dr John Waae McCulcheffl MD LovIng mothef of Mn@w and the legs Laury Shoeil joh.nai Ouem kkcCckeo Jean amd Douq; Nelson. Dovg McCulchean Peler and Diraite Mcuicaoin si EiobeI tend Peter Seiat Sadiy misi tri1f4 grandctamsen and 6 geiai g,atlidsNk Survivied loi her bruiner Ais,, Do.' Carbs of seais. Rua, DOMafos of Port Calinq Pr oduceasd by her parents Henry C and Atablai DonCalas nri selu Mary DonCarias Resurq ai 9w J Sco Eaeiy Funetal Hom. 21 James Settat Milon fr0nt 7 9 p m Surdi Pumai Servias en b. falli on, 10day Moinse ber 2rne 21 p m Cmmabw o f0ol. ri lieu cd 6»ms dorltosego ta0 lgin Distrct Hotasps ni lis appsaa UV te band 41 ruriurui uuruvwru - wi l.. an WE IOULO LICE go explose ous hefai taii go Ouf lumbIs Georga à Self M=OugI live Sarimn Ewan Beaw . Evoeyin Watson, Sonlieliad Goden Ceri. Gra Clwr, Cai- gragation for f h.. love, assistance. fatale. ggooniverille. crda ài arlocaursi0 arias my liitnt Ka" nyad 1 m. truyg 1hèia foei ch, = hm . Ou m xw godrfi(ume *b tedgraida.ailr Jri, Sm Franki flanti Liagalon W! WOULD lime Io isa Iis hppoernty teae PiRs Our elelf eist <ou %0 do of oms grands who uIhad enr saoro du"mg fixaent til o t c n o p hm alco ue m l Y o ur e x s i oas c . d g th nd de" content for air fomi t scmor IvoUghuflint5 difctf plçi " LSJIED INFORMATION 05 jrh v Thie Canadien Champion ClasoifiedMo Clasifait eDùpa.Mon.3 Pm GI¶T I!! Ciasified Word ai & Garage Saitnt q4e~ 3&4 ~ .a~ Tueaday 11 an Desifies r he ndg Ed iton ThuZday Il amn FAX 878-4943 ALLADMI15 SEP Erros and Omisasions Th. p.bîi..r. -.ur fi .o ibit y a typogric. * rormo oy ni y th. Ilee.n ombrih th-n lie io'..ocp by. e,.d.preiaietpibio.oe oe <fron.1 in Canada and Gnnuy ton «District Hfospital on OCleb 10, 1992 and .0cMd ligie la lirai Ba frina aif finiy lortNer leva and support MARNDEN - ucliy and Kim (Rtddell, are Pialai go ainounSeN finsr bif gîter dauighier Mercy La.. S loi 11 of on SepIseber 23, 192Prud gruxais e Busch ai en P dl* 1i Mai Mad, ap abe Caiiy , alrid wgh hetm w oly Thanks ro Dr Wio lo,d and la staf ai Credif Val"y Hospital HU GHES. John, tend Wfferdy (mee Mt")wy Î"nl 00410.0wt sale arrii of gher miracle WAlm., Aton Davd on Ocobe<16,4002 ai 724 p fiB "e 4 0' P"id graidewmiils a. Aie,, Mr Sam AJonephine Vtiti ame piredi Hughes of Camiiellvia. Si" Phb Fi I annotince the engagement of her des of Mil and Larec ffaugh an u y nS Mr MoLEM ndenr ndDintai tckog Pli30 Deaths 10 aoicee0 the olo e dauglar. Mme' ALLEN, MONTAGUE RALPH "MONtr» Eilemi on Oclober 15, 1992, weighliig 7 inc*ac "thm Tami Tr.emepouter, Meuh. .1e pounda 10 ouncs Proud graidarnu ar ed goail Canmaien Les"i amh 34, OeUs tact Doroltiy Hilgon 0f légio, and Irai and LM Mseur of St Jeta. Anican Chutsai - AI McCiaan 0f Ouea A iw lam Dond Hillo,, aid 0w OM Solda Maîromua Hospigal on Wad- Michael anmd Anne UcCie Many spectel adyGN.2.10e'h734euMci Similis 10 Dr Boxeoh ai 0 GStaff ai légin Alla,, 2a.o9e 2 ltb i hm Paryu , aMney Dehid onombeLonni tatar cf Cainton Amroi Ahun Ib.0w i-lai, 0f Sia Vgddum. Pcanod Hamingway and #w tai Le"sli e'ngway Uni 0f gloger 05 Br" vsand Devisex Hemingway. Stae and Clive Willias. Moirai end Shawo Heminigway, Tfw tamrdy of0 Illeb MoayS Aton momsd &iiesd at r igneL Ceealad Chapel of fer OoolO Fwnem 9LIFW " V Homfe. 64 CleeWMa St E. Can. roin 2-4 and 7-9 p. Thmmsday Flirteri lseas très a&ew nuom (Fnide) et 3 o'dada hou kL Jaf Auo- cm Chiada (Pmelaad CoNeoB St) Or@*. iesmapoillèa tif bs Megmil d HaOP10 on fladay. adaber 29111. 1M.9 Ar- flou Uaa 01 of M . lu ladfy ofMaaO Tei. Losi - csvp dau0 lbe Paeson. v.MHWO Co Gre ad M reéam« bye ~%.v am iaq W hLM" bp.pamdI- W. Nae 1%M Wueat S.w Mdd VA@e~ ~5,% DOW. màeie and .0k Duai ni aft ied haham Devl aid giait- Tins. Kendra. lisae. Sarb i,&l: he gumaa TbsofW M d Haiy. Buavhe III 10 @WrEh Peaiiet Wagone. Pd". at dm J. SlelatFum mis ase B1 Ju mae t n é an d 7-0 pm Fidby. Fuaaei 2 '- wu. Ilsppyr &wee 16 belion Seaude< OOêa 3 si ai f1 em. front Qnath Pisbylabm Chiada ben0e TO Y0loio. Ilieu 0# -ae d IDm a 0 w aS ~~ 0ofooies da ,'oui bpprednW. I àAIfW N I , r__ 8(1f, MURRAY MRY YOUNOi Satwdmy NIgh HMaloui Auctiort ,NO Trcte LOU 0111itS Plmnty of Griot rins October 31let, 6:30 pi.m. 490 Speers Rd. O&kviII. tir, c~~i c aiO' p.% %mgo tudLUEM-C ""O teaee nr a, Ai dogle MC QSAOiEUE 010 AUàTION SALE TMURBDAV. NOV. S et 6:30 P.M. T. lie hfaie HUNES AUCiON FAUnt 9313-41h 1lse.4 Mile@ IfOtthOSSI 90 MatonI on d 1h Nmi 1. Te HOUSE11O1.11 FURNITURE. AN- TIGUES.ANO COLLECTAOLEU. ETC. To acade a godod tmm0 uiila cf a gd rihop To elcmide A 9p Mid lanp Pal-, ar hu. aI anes id patte. calme: vass. and oewdmaafeesa i.. Mm$ NS. Cash, aI sla CaDOT Aw 1 on dwr moi e 0 aac5ai N'ans b.usa 10. at eafsor isolai y on ai 0 dW oimd Shoerois Num.,AuOtI@nf 41B.BTB-4878 AUCOON AFAX.% &YOUm CtASMWED ADS.:. A To us! JA Our FAX numbrs*: i 21 îamitis Si Miltoin 88 6 50 C.omin Eventa STENcIL COuSE.- V*Wady, Noaie 11 32 Florlus £xxxxxxxxxxidx à é Rsgmsfsro Phone Beega'sen t 7/kn,.f -,u'r THE OFFICE'OF TH1E CANADIAN CHAMPION .~,. ,~,,WILL BE OPEN ON' Il an I ~dlv >~'1 I MONDAYS UNTIL 6 P.M. 81-t'loix)TO SERVE -YOUR 50Crtn vet CLASSIFIED NEEDS SpiinrigeHalloween ,Oarty this 5aftÙrday &~ Sunday 10-5 CAON RI01F * FACE PAINTVC * 3ARMCUE wow your coitumOl SreydeParua ni6 Bel SdlOoi Li MTON - 0178 CENgig T i R -8»M & O f allr25. oivl foklt OnM $Umw