1;Bt518 YFlyer' pins MVA'decision on councillor Dy NOS KELLY li a rWplo Burlington regional counciUlor Don Carter says Uih txesident of dmc OmkvIle Chamber ai Commnerce bas blown any chance -of ne~raos on nàrkeî value assfesment. mae w j Ic Homa ihe Gmkvile flamber p "ada.mdy (Rfiday) in - cditit k> fr- maily dion dm coeiovmai nmud Valuea.ue (MVA) Iscpeny tuas tne limi lm - 'lmeas reghamal iluc mm two aImaS equal facilommuCa îvle and Hal- ton Wlii counciloe, oppoe dic tax change, witie lier- Urg~ abd Mhoeeçsaaaves supiporti 1. lie meeting illun"ley Io Iakt place mow lia lealles slonmmg Mr Caors«MVA 'lanc hse q- peared in bis dowalown Ward 6. ime maserial was pfinied sud dinribted by u 0se OaileCmnber cf Ccii- Mr. CAMai timinki Ù' dimty poci. becume ho led lthe im- *peso - tom Mr. Hogg dut ue to would diacues die issue psivaiey belone any such acionw teabou~. -Opea fInd now closed -.1 wu surprised because lmt P ay 1 was maimg m> ~John Hou and 1 mentiaird Io>i u mymnd's soUl om," Mrt. Ckrfer reeSimeu "Ve baU ananged o #et moffember Fnday (uoàofbr a codée. Ijie bang, dii minig biLi on5 Monday. As fur as l'il P.--&med he's cloied dmcdour onnedfalng wid e. Mrbi. Carter charged tuai Mir. Hougs gtop àix6p- to a method of oryin ?ifmdé ebfr vnt SThe lcal1eîwmsiLha 63.5 pe cent ofWard poucr ty Laies will go up' under MVA. fi isys dma widiout bir. Carner' support "Ibis unfair mediod of taxation would not have passed," and urges voiets wo light MVA. Mr« Carier saiU ha gai the ieaflet frn a coosuuel Who p.ckcd i up in a V/vU 6 groeery iore eanier dés Change Ofoft? Ilf i. Carter hau* ard lime. i would mean a "haP s e eumi-MIVA nuvemnlei tinder dguc oly way ucn mui could ha ic- i( somSuce sebe ongmgy supporied MVA bu tf bea. Chier wu srecas a possible uceNd bSuk ont of ut Budliaig bmm M 01,e1dilbEffi un page 4, 1* and- trn in weapons Local police me oendcting s Sum end exploae TiI me fun, raoUgj uid-op Dm moid 10 go for duir âçowm weibout furmff mi e rli-e ôam= sl of<poaon, Il' merehot MWlehsh f cI *g= uri u moeif Novesnber polM= aev"'=aco 101aiu Id m~ ai*u Tm Cnaaimeemnqf public mn emg =Ucfc du, uuowU uilims n iasaidtres om ier aeplosime aid milia, lisit m.nurow eolg olUshu c OiEO s or souveni). MI@e iey dM% tu ~~l 11, The 11.11c Rebionda Police service, in apport ;< lis dote oi aO os profinami idl receffe rimrais. coausece Mad mumsuy m'a s M o (Comus rana explosivec "u aiism for diqicu Mmiday m> *lIRMIs HUMile 9M% 3.KMl iim P y, bosse.. 8s.m. end 4 pm.. Noveumber 1 to 30 m tfbea., e, lIumel llUan à. L-OS * lie mmle Regiml Police Senrice HmàuuhIoa 1151 3rnit . end Vkd KIUZ.1 7. Brumie Roed. OÊv1le. . (ias pipeline - moJces pro gre .ss Tise $1.25 million nejral @~k xtension 10 = 1' a sheuld be onWed by 11w end 01th1e year, Union Ga ollcials Say. Union Gas §a buidin th1e IS-lkimere extension 10 citer nabjrai Gas Io four reW@drtial subdiv$M l0n h Canfibevil. Ma weil as l0 Moh-k Racoway.1 Aprroxhirréel 205 residoen- cas utiI have acees la gas servce. Mark Jome. th1e divisona saies manqer Wo Union gas. te pluasad wlh-1ý progreas of tha proIe«. «r ooperstlon and suPPort we've red frrnt rmnunicipo stf and officiais has been oulslab*andnd bas 494»ed keep thés projo on7rck' A detim of expenoence io b~hht he paintings of Marie Cwrerts See page 10 Features Dateias -154 Riealw at... E1-ES STARUWGSOon __ MION CAU 681O0M ML 103 374::tàsin 4 LiN M SUPER SUNbAY TIRE SALE.àâMI OPEN SUNDAY, NOV. 1 10 AM TO 4PM Eroarwoe 45 ONTARIO ST. NORTH, MILTON 875-1502