DATELINE I Dooleaa ,0 lis c omcg b tn.!aitaNov. a7nu" United ammuch Wa.nes lIme Optimnia Contre, 311Commr- , si,~ ine bocnun t onPbM Chonch on HoIy Joli7 Cb"u "MWi Mt Ci@[ St. Tickets cou $Io. couI 86. grOfla In aout i ono 60WV #li A 'Tiird Line lsia uisà a ai am SL Pauls United Omercli. 123 Main 4466. The0 C&MmaiuCmr Soetey Mit- . - * cosu*mi" front 10-30 90. 1:30 p.m. Thme SL ai 1&-30 a... Numeous tablesa ifom BenAL. 751 Main St. . ta the Ilmsuei orup ïamyI sal. inlue bakn, crs, dcii cradts. uwiM kaftiSi cawmy, ModyN@w auj of Be livig wlth C-m- dooooIo 11» dm of etw oeoumoe si- tableon mectionCICI quili dmaw. mmd plants, deli items, haine haking, aid A pedagog dm for dhe Milton Gçmp Omeli S C r ecaai tmug "me 1 Nuilmu are Panoml i $3.50 hots lunch. The evensat &Wei- cold plaile lucheaim efor m>-. Music Tricheras Associatuon tai Ttmursday lirons 7:30emi 9pmmm.ib note dermarsd là lows Ondes a dmsplay of an by chumrci Thme Ontario MaivIt of Dine place ai Hugli Frer Hall et 9:15 rimd Oi mot aie oei dui e r NO" oStr oUhlhm W« is Wimns membor, W-lia a cenliaalghs, douce, aul am. For emere infotuitont. cati Val Society 878 5228,or878-187&. ' Phmi 11 VM u tE., or mai04l us et Evayome is invited lu attend thme aucticur firaie 7:30 p.. to 1 am. as ast 854-0437. Box 248 lotio.On.LOT 4NI. Th. Un loia mno Fmldoy ror Weàwms edacean otion Wedn»aody tu Foidmy ", o. No évun for Datesicui ne @oc- g tir WW-I u. Something's Brewing fflday Oct. 30 Ditéce taises plac in lime Drookville of lil age a diferemt dance leveLs am"cm.ton ie Tne.a t Gallinger Motors, s4e willi caller Bill Everett. Cos- turnes ame optiea. Tickets a r al- able i du doot. 1 9 Satnu'dey Oct. 31 Senior Cîitizems Club 88 utl bit! their F411 Bmamur ai the Royal C E R N E Canadien% Legion. 26 Charles St. C E RNE fronn 1Oa.m. 2 p.m. Otlenngswdii irclude baise, crafi. plans and white etepiam tables as wellas lunch. The Milton District Hospital Auxiliary hosts Halloween Nigmi [)lnuer and Ma-dr Mystery ithlie Mohmawk Inn. Tickets cous $40. Space ms limmsd. Cali 878-6892 or 854-2675. Beche Unied Churcli ce Trafalgar Road mn Drumquin hohds a bazaar from 2 wo 4 p.m. lime sale includes baise table, crafis, simd preserves. lime Nassagaweya preshyWeni Church Wonei's Association Imols mis in nuid baar, lunch, and bake sale from s &m. we 2 p.m. 15yo Sideo m Io ut on dumpi 1993 AERO SPORT evemi ai due chimcli locsied un No. Line. -Ala, asmnon3. l itre Vis Engine; Mcnday Novu 2 Wn"»a/ww/eo llme Milton Music Tenclecis As- 9oclation morts ai Hugh Foss Hait. 8 Hugli St. ai 9:15 arn. New moto- ** ** g ber are weleo me. For more infor. 111Li 0 1elf 1 q1Lýj1: 1]s mutin contact Val as 854-0437. >seParmion sappori-senmmai, a 3 1092 1002 TAUJRUS L leu2 CROWN snsOsi &çps ei.FrTHUNDERBIRoS . IAN VICTOMi LX Anoymlou ai33-989 A,, Auto 'V6. A., Auto VO. Air. Auto. mooinom t i CaSpaW25C -&11À* - StA 4 2330 - Slu 0 2391 .'LoalsO SItue 2502 Tisday Nov.3 '1,,~ 9,891: 'i32 " 24,285 lime Victorien Order oif Nu=se 19o2 MERCURY 10192 TOPAZ OS102CIJA liolds a foot care elitil ai due Hur. TRACER leu 4 DOOR moy Cortaplue.s 111 Outiait, 4Cy AuttAu ,. V uLo SL. fronti I:30 tu4:30 p.Thecou mdf cb -.l Anuto, Ai 4 Cg Auto. A.r V6, Av, A33o is $15. For funrtl information ormi ani 02093 200 Stk-2 affininent. cat1827-M.W 3 1 5 1,47~8O Va.dMlim am tiiler erlee la Ouri Semant sut ho due îopc 1002 GRAND 111112 LINCOL.N l02eX OE preseemed by police Consmable Deb- MARQUIS TOWN euR XLT 4X4 bic Ramsay as Bishli Reutig Higs O Cyl. Auo. O.Tq cri. sur V8. Avr. Auto Sctnool, 8 p.m. Presentei by du ýLr3 ý Loefsd Sau. 2523 &WSOis 2577 S*#i 2756 scimOOts Paient asscmationm. %o . ' 2,3 '- - '35,750 ' 25,462 n 878-1892. Wedneaday Nov. 4 %m Hilo Wmane Teaclers As- sociation ivitles memmibersof thed conmmnitylo hmo speaker L"nd Hawkes of Med" Wacm, dm ai- socim dlit scas go change due mative portrayal of wolle. hi the media. Pami Bennett of due Hal- ton Sexuat Abuse Prograin atmo speas dming due evens ai du iVan- dgp Municipal Golf Course m Bumr- lieglon ai 7 pini. Evearaeno is el- conne." Thursdlay Nov. à lime aMo Regian ttramcm of due Luong Assomciation proemu mime Aay. tlila Go. Autiot. ai due Bar- finglom Ancblon Gallery. 481 Jalpi St. Prview ta ai 7 pan. mmd mmcb- aa is 8Pm. icksets cam $10. Cull/ 847-1033. LG REA MAR EN CLAAC .EL sIH ONTEWNSHI7