Halton-Peel says - -yesl by 15%, margin Turner praises 'new era in demo0crac y' Umililc lu majioly f Cuiulims. Halo-Pec ridin vosesi - lu CwmrIoUesva Cnaullbdn 'Accord la Moseley aligls reflata- dum by a nmiarn of about li"pa Unofricial resuits show 33.65P 'yes' votes woe eut la lue eiding which cavas CampitIlville anti aoesh-wol a Milttsak compued ta 24,781 s o' voles. .11 'Yes' sida lad racao saaccess bim dms it tit in th luest of provine howovar. wbero lu vote wau toallocketi with lue 'Yes' "id MaanthMSia a SlighL etige of 49.8 per cent vermus 49.6 par Sms aginsa. lbe resulu i HaIW -Peri played a role in lue auso appaoval afidlu accord in Ontaio. BuLlub demi col- wIlc it vas rojwmtd in Ruls tiarout Desie lue delcat cf lue Accord, which Haitoi-Poc MPOÉ5II 'Tuma mlongly supporsd. ho i caling lu referondua a "oral bil for direct demaracy." Mir. Tmmser says votar tamiut i lu ritilg mised lue rondusoeureu lu ciaantry. Uoocialesttshw th of the 77.82 peopfq.ciigUlmo vote in Hilton-Poil Moaday aiglt. a"ot 75 per cent or 58,710 diti. A total of 279 ballots ce« vere lbe MIP feit good afli lue reuis vos. Le Monday nighL "I foul gocd frànuleoa rouons" MMi Mo. l'm "nltcm-Pcol jactA 60 pet cent of lue votars vire la fayot of dic Accorn We eizoeedd lu popular vote naioaaly . cical Md tn Mccc hlIr960." Unoestalss imas "lle poople vue tikedy Lia- volvetin lemnnng lue oastry. Tis sa à 9w ean of deuiocraiy." But ho ulde ihat Canada i facing ntasain lames. "lTb. sky von't fail but lu dollar widijoulekuauid abaL" .Claiaa à Caadm Food 4Sad Bar and Demea 181 MAIN Sf.E. 878-45l itc FFR ON RICUT VOTES He. dmy luomry's Mms ati ecamomc b"U wil depend on lur acurimt an Quouscý "Ibis is ard m1 igl for Cm"ad if this gaves lue upfltis a banal, If luy gel s balle hortaceo ccis ýi ill hc a roaUh trt dmv di. BUss." Tir sff bo wWt surprimed by lut reacasdn rejeclin o ie demi aion Ucoucntry. *'No' wuad aicmer vote. YOn coasit vote *nO' if you didîtt Uek aay af lue 60 classes (in luc Acorod). You coulti vote 'no' if yosà haue Bian Mulmmay or ayde Wells or uiodav politicim.a" He mays la biadsigt lue pwapg vu probably tao big, end lue polilicians coaald bav aule up wid a hoam way of plxenis ia luth '*ibaght Canada bas an uan- daumcatie. umelectedi moam, w. have lue polblity.cf abozatta.. mnd vo hama nto r qualiy la cou cisIlliO." MW Mr. lhan reflecuag on wha ho taini am me0 ie positive aspects of lue Accordl dm bav trae lest fmla sway huom titIs avay hsm da.'4 mid Mo. Turner whe s.*ed wha Prime Mlinisser MaalSqc, lb u sesng me eV politiciens vl do notv. DBat I don't litÉ lusis Nosbe. 1 don't dair vo CM svSp luComhuo t ender lu cr , » He ay" lu pobitciau will bave a w*oughb Mahof cftas. *'Mulroaeyci inl a very difficult positon, (flic rmils of lut rofaa- dom) hav AMlI howa dftis il la in govemi a ccasary dui la on Wph[ on a hanguiasc mnd regiouual hassa SHARON PRESSE LN.,LLB. Bamrster & Solicitor Suite 301 205 Main Street Milton, Ontarjo 876-4656 Free soft drinks for designated drivers at Kelsey's " û. a " ftlid*A Tho cmam chais. w m- àw Cca-cote labclpt in lue Thoros çppraco Kcy s as- bn for Ihei puaclperson mn lu pmglm %c, kcp ùmpoud dmiveas He caila irouam -*a ex- mronly laiptaal advuiconsoat ia dm Iighat aganlM &kmg Md div- in&- *lb. numsbera(c peuple kfld and tjuOl on Onlui naadways as a rmùut of<dnviag afer drirnkmg band isitveau caiial" if stg- -1 lioesud drivets in ont". ne. c cordin 0 sasistics, duc ne poup secotnts for 28 per cotf *imk Muria uleb.ts lur 'Ulhl dilva lisuIn nlght at driving collisions uid 32 per cent Kalasy% Octre Il t da.o klekof e à propun lia oft as or hWi auàbms oke bbà*Iwra Peuu"a tl propun me Irmm UN OPP Co- Iloiever. since 1933, yoau Bfl tm ere, ftM Fuis "iW~ Quart INlsgth 3fté MW divar lavolveca ia deinl Md lb. Llsd- i-h Morertu 1u Kilsava ResNu d*iviag U" co l mb boom decba- MCK.hI. &0 o f opealon for d"MWc the ad drinks. sas fouirf dhu My cUl i Une deChamsa li knick-knacks will ho given group. Driva spd 25 to34 bhv *'Kdlay's Reaama am de oi la dcslgauc drivas wmd go inao ovisiakn lu youaga ruitme r assurant chain ia Can- q0 the resut with duinkang cus- dives. accoang for lue pelu ada to ulopi dr dciaed driver somers. mati Ron ltaymea. genorl perciatege of aico btd grpuin." caamiial Doug NM- mmiger, of ic Chisbhn ai ve ceaiàa Bonald of Stmé Fnpi bavuaoe. loin . Conrsal. Tho m id mon es- l pqpmal wu mérottced Io Mr ftayme raid Kelacy's a par- uNablisluaeaqs b e xmhd for lue mmimo oeay lmt yevu tcqpmtiga thI pn b »I get ia- uqapa in lue prope "dact by MoUica AgWnat Datik Dulv- vohed la lue commuity andi bc- iavolvemarst fo.ha dix it wwIdt ig (MqADO> la as méit u put cause lh ou ls iàrot "hmu liti aleol ais. lut braltes on hnpafred *ig. obligUiOn." lb. prope coedy igiclude Sme Foraikbs providcd Iie pmom wili hc kiceot ofi Kelacys 40 resMsea mmy On- Kelscys wiUi duisiptcd driver on Halloween Salaaday aiglt at ratio, andi Phu ame mdawe for ls fuil of wri*cl gvomoting Kehey's Mihon. lle festivatme Caaada-widc cpasin. mid AI soba driviag., ad C "~oI bu wifl bIsa local b@at BdaeooL. ,91 rûnipw Jflmoal ExpOffoo THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29TH -9:00 M European Design - a s Ai Occasion Arrangements Entiti çIJI a Dried, Fresh, SiIk FREE e Gi t & Fruit Baskets , n.- . ad n