RFJWX SCOTT a. MiOn SOibewpoqi 878-2 *.1>. DEVELOPMENT LOT = ", "-- hsea.tsM i h", (P.O.S.) J. te't. »* ros. Located in Downtown 'O2m ZkSai CampbelMlle in the heart of die tourist area. Design your own building. Asking $159,900.Ml Please oeil Scot WANTED!! CAMPSELLVILLE Townhouse in the Childs Drive %JA 1 ~000ghO. -00*05 hhad tc area, 60 to 90 day closing. Firm oufo*_ kosnka fosnh osoae. .P purchasers. Please oeil Scott. em. m.o --lm W.o 5245 SOONm AUDREY NEWELL.IF rr '<Ig;ad@ afile 0aO,d osaCO 51 4 000,0c, h-or l .t l'a,, 1-c, fflh s 0,. S 5,0500 A7&2ýO ah, itvraao T ala cicoff l onie 2 510ey o uie 0 court Central au. central vai. mi ciffarf. tanin, roce et Monolac. pao doYrs le deck with niatural 555 bbq. Oak. banoster Oak. Wi.hs. calonals. morne0 appéaoeos. B&e brcad. lami asT. 3 bedoes large eai- W sctio Caliex CAudrey al 878-2365 Lw~o .tea pa., -piit ai a o..k Ide,., lww y aidan POM bewui rra". thS 051V tt,.Cadolof aid Il05 iM. oo a QOd Olsd tii lisse, a p., .s roo OCICe, ood al .ale W.01ot a vd Cal Auffru ai 87& 2M5 Nô TRICI< - WHAT A FREDA LAWRENCE 878-2365 rol. Lm 0& 1-i0 SiL 58&4ff .wy ,worfs uwi uqueac. longue a groove Su> f 10. 9lued. nalied & screwnailed down. This gorgeolus 3,000 sq. fi. ail brick home lits stateiy on Y/4 acre lot in Cariable. Features include curved Oak staircase, skyioghts, greenhouse kflchen, hardwood & ceramic kome, Jacuzzi, Frenchi doors and the list goes on. Aaltinll $34.900. WMS21-113O TO TNULY APREWÊ Tor. Une Tt- ,:- -9eI bc . RW . a of- Cd booly Mhotowne Realty Corp Sa/ci more homes since 1983 22 Ontario St. South 878-2365 aille 'REIUAX FOR SALE REMAX BOLO. Ç~ MOE % ~876-4577 ru WV Bmker As, WHAT A TREAT STwo alor.y maintenance ire. xhomre. Pflvecy f enced yard wilh Inare deck., hadwood fbors in don-G lng rcom and kîtchon, fininhed o= eratioe arlea. cenbtra a. auz "u in maiter bedcm. Cm=adhi -J higBr&dcM» Met:ous, $169900. eT al a or CWpu R & DR P ssa I DALLAS MODEL >~ Grgau. ~pgrdedhome wi ne. Cr bey winda. in liing rom. macho -j dieat.fi" ,crm.uidl7o12' cedér dock. casi mmedleîely lier Shmcâm oma 18* th"i Mmt R lljoAitr 878-2385 or 876-4577. i TWO FAMIUIE8 Thiars ilgtl A rosi nie@ bick bua- Sgit IIIM large eU-in Michen, coin- ial air, living rm.ienad Ihree bed- rofne. Ocunstairs ycuil find an ov veized bright living mont plus g; ilichen. #vsiae- balhrccie. bed- à road eax on grid lavi. PJ ihîs en à locovly ounby, effing >< idi an ceernize doubiol garage. ~Cotdtlsing ilM Mi KOiN, *REMUAX FOR SALE.- ÉMX SM1.. LANGE TMUHotu S mAnu 8142,MW S8teven J. Porter 0Ç" Sales Representative I1-.4 Bus. 878-2365 Ibr. urn 828-1030 RETAIL "'AZ SPACE Prime rotail spdce avallable tIn Mian. Compeiive rates. relocation allowances and 011w r icenives. Cal for an appoinemr. INVESTMENT PROPERTY Formelr Mount Nemo, restaurant. Located onlly mlinults north of Bur- fington. Presetiy leased. Asing $295.000 Fohorte for kd=oenm - ~3 .-v - ý% I~1 INDUSTRIAL BUILDING LOT 3acres of land,, zorsed Acr Lot Muiialsris ZOflW C-3 Commercial. Was or lighi Industiel uses. Urban Ovoti psoN.,. boteusaie as. aSos.om.~So $50.00 per acre. nowi ai soogai ~ ieo H* A ~A iU listed ai $285.000 per 'su ca.FoN ieo10 N-Y ï-Fosy.2Loê Rt., acre. prlced to soli. Cal INVESIMENT OPPORTJNIT stOp saso ai w.sd Ps.soaa of 0. èh ilion gol cours v.eope ___ almadb«c w .oA __ off ir- oai o a.&o ol or@dvlpe m - de.o"m II uo -Y 'i lo Ob % 0 floll, paflership or e«ity partil- Ca k tueu lash, v Lkiàuay J. MLwe oaa. . ,,,a.a -Ws i 4CA Mm as usel air i kéi Minb I V& .cs-r elils