-7wt Country thirg in teen on PesaI.e tbo.d lot in WNage of Carvrbeavie. Numoea upgrades roside and eut nma. ttris on. a tri>. trlasur. t0 show, Cal Shraren fot moe. Wiornubor or a perwnral vwmng. RE/MAX MILTOWNE PEALTY CORP. A H0M~ WITMOIT THMOMEWORK - This Iromacula homne. set on a huge M0 oni a quiet court oSfers sep, dawng roont, fireptace, eatra long dnveway & many upgracles. RE/MAX MILTOWNE REALTY CORP. licau oueflflCI a- -«ao *WIAT A TREAT« Two slcrey maintenanrce fre. horne, privacy teirced yard with large dedi, hardwood floors in diOhog room and kachen. fin. Wiedt recreatio area cntral air. jacuuri tub in master bedroo RE/MAX MILTOWNE REALTY CORP. 040E MILJOUR 878-2365 .84ilui AI m 1 i.,IV 1 UseIIMTl r. i I 1w4u - Ul IoS 1 10wn tricir Sidespiît fealures 4 Bdrina. Liv. rn wîth F/P. 2 Battis. upgraded Kit., Farily Pin. wrth F/P. Double Car Garage. 1 AC treed lot ROYAL LEPAGE REAL ESTATE SERVICES LTD. A. LFAR.COSTIAN 2Ta-min t' -a *smF VO EXÉCUTIE OUAUTVy wihut a» oubsuOse prie Thé$ tefalf y fiéhlad, or#. val. hom" ham 3+ Bdoorm. 4 Wautwoml§ Miffi Amo Fmny Rece & la jull AP sapm wa ar a, scioolia * 9 sç.. To iwflulovely -=Wi. REALTY WORLD - W. J. MOCRUODEN REAL ESTATE DICK BELFORD 87&-1133 am tope o aie lâchai wi k*-ir, aplanso Jécli in msala aMU, Vound menas he« puro. SOsnIed on 4 Ww se iam. COUNTRYWIDE CAMPBELL VILLE REALTY INC. SYL VIA DURSEY 8711-2M0 1 -