your classified, Hotine 87,1 CLASSOlIED JNFOIMATION 0D ts flerndian OamplonCOauioid, RYDER. OLEB Ai U Credi Valey Hsi Deddh- fg Meadaae.igaa."M Fe. Oacib. 23, lm. Gilati ~~ lydar cf Ma. belceca fiusba'd of On Wu Oaaslfsd. Dhaph-ý Mon. 3 Pm Edilh Rb Laelgfi Wraf Bob tond his wd Cbiasfied wagd adis & Case alm-< ShiW an m i hic O wib Mwa of Mlon. lb"y l amguerits Spielva'ý.l of-Actas. Lod by 7 Dedi frteEd ddn grarldchildr.e and 41I grout-randhldrsrl. Claa.u1.d Dispisyr Wed. 3 Pmn P!oeoe.M by a healfr Radd& Fwwd Sv'- Thtsdày il arn OU aithmon Mo<id90 liboe »,# lm0 ai FAX 878-4943 31 Funeral Diroctor Tepblrase-aes o dîcinlabîîy tes Fw~1çs. unea(,f> iypopal.lý. .rror - cepy Oslsoaby th. 1ii506 Mlo. ~~ nau"Pap o1her lb.. iii. soar 0f gêne oewda by th mr ou 1 -i. d -- o ue ia 878-4452 Coipplete Funeral Planning Pn> ftis wal eth pro-payrnas 01 Blrths adt-amtot JANICE GARROO AND TOMli mARm3 ara,* Cresaton OrIo l amamur OUe " cd @War ffihd dON. biNamw autefis PS,. Edaud, osi*g1h2z n8p brothér for "udrr &W Jeua*c and a aurae grarM fr le Ml aid OU fsa t Gounod of Oderil, aond Muln and EdMd Main of 5 I rGislisns Specitl Oui taI fisnds admhls for thir hol. and 10 mécloricas Jirarls and Eilse. Hution. fo hler uppr t060ard a"il- toin alOi air hanrubhvO Dm YeNO5oosvrylrdrA 'Isos1*. soisasses?195 41A9f" . uM"ab - 9qsi .*à DYW 0-9 Io Màsf Da Cisa y your RMrne As in OU tro Cordially invi te farnify, frierids and neigh- bors in Seefrate MaSnif 111 bulhday Anr RMMR Open Hirese ernîl be held ire Say sy. IFI November 151h. 1992 it Club 88, The TheMIio Canaduen Legion mn Chearles Street, Millier1 <ladon McDanid biuaed cshadaiPis lard laitiai of VIIIIIII aid INe ralwh be Of wmbmgud a-W Lu aid DoUSo1 Mo¶jrm bcdh ei homes. ProWs gyaidiftdale, of Rlky. ..seaid mm" '. oiw boait fOsii and hW hsbéd Gare BéiUs of MonoMIls CkfSrd aid ic milse klagaS McDonsd of jAR #3. Gecogl»ra. >CiSela and hWs wdlf Bab I&cnold ad VIaIg Seau a" predaoe by »hu0 and Jaa Mcoanal Fiéaes -er Mooed t foi, J 8. lana aid Baln Passi Homi. 1152 TbO Pd Noe of kopaAv., G.arg.M (7- o3I n Nurdiy brai 2 XI4 aid7la0 p.m.WmrePuri Samw ragu a m.,OUCOupai 'aiq cadea2688 3:30p... lerin O111raenia Comae-y. morasnh maa.- rneattina b OU Cpisise Cancer wadiy Aad lit aWmdsiad. L've -CraI5. Bohsy aMd Dor & Scott D & BIsie E Neerbisb 2, 197 la M : o &andra xi 30 yeor4 Sparty hisSatutrday &Sunday O -5 oeMr Pu*pm mm~ -~l "MA m -MO uIn WAGO Ro -a PAU PAwnTNIC a MMUUCW SprisaprWje Paru 7M 80 Sdlc IM U L~~C T an514lerom siuEIPU.2Rws. Bail mltU m TMIRSIOAY, OCTOUA » 6:30 P. as6 Nde AT MaEI AUItION FAIM 1 313 4THUNIE es (4 nid(4sNE 0M&UN= ndoit4tUp.) HALL WEENTg Coasi 0f ADu4cOTIJUSFORAE1101O.11£40. FUANITURE AND AD COU.ECTA BLS, ETC. \fl5~~~~~335me ChIra..=go o tl.rr ri e,la Croe * ~TE90jS Cool u Chraas flra c ~sroo &.Y of aUeNi., r Me, srrirraa .11 THE OFFICE 0F dt 1a THE CANADIAN CHAMPION SU M MACME WILL BE OPEN ON M U'I SL MM ASU n 6~'. ForMr. Rod Pinbnay plus a4ddifons on TO SEF BâtubdW.Ocltebr 3 A 9 .In. alui Saisi CLIIE NEEDS Hill (11î2bs 01 ko.autx cargoeornier cd O n mma aiw im mOnie lmt & lmt Wf Ill mu il, Iaies I W. d AUCTION SALE emi b1,a aitt Km "M Wu 4sr AMflUES COLLECTABLE$6 PRfiVE Lap F Mi t. sse fuM iab AT THEi Dsm CaUu 1410) 1178-31U BmAWTOe UVESTOCI EXCOfANGE WC. dia ia ON TUES. EVIL NOV. 3. 1M0 AT 610 PU Asgn" 2 Pc Pies 8.0 lajs hi l ; 3 Dows Pire, jues cupiroard. 2 dec,. 4 d,eusr, sonal;. s-112 -Pn* STANIP AUCTIOt SALE abe. &ffBar Wae at ti op da srig SAT1JRDAY, OCT. 31 Ar 1000o Am slePins chrant (bancal. 2 Pr.. bci rtUhai O Illest S0 f;O LM. W os. eg. TUr.adia, Grain Mis; Wamb&rUM Laqi la; Psddi earicflre.d iasgr rs Nc, 0" lotgit bai'. PRaOak bile Pèr r il, uidisnt Tis, err ees .'& cmmtie of aroe .6-a Tr*ud ~ia Bird Eps Chruti ~ieklrr uiss - y'5 GLASS: Carnloal, Gapisuin Corelleus, Mdik U nne à uConfitsra. Ilaer isM Book-100 bqus 01 bocks & -usza To bu ir.d ei 01 Lswçe - OC1bâ B"~ Glas. Ar,,be, Al.dd,n UES UIONPR BN5. CPR. l Gis. as MM;r Turqus ue 3 pet, 9313 fil Lias, R. R. #S Miion ied gls Ipaeded base Pier laps, Tria bel 3 Mil" notaMolsl of MiNan. Ontarfo plesn pins 0OCha, serpe CPR. = =uco.Orn; SiNEAWOO HME, AUCTIONER antaal resi s iipliri na rmMkd,g onai, Tê y&i5 (40I754M WU bor raid., Npo tssu Dae ls ucrsaia, Savnta Fou (41s> s-Os4o Mr, pauil la rahair asisiras, Gus parp; 0 balles TOYS: DU Tra" large d M, . ire., Mars ftisci. nt bs; 2 mg q Amim t 0 nbu ls fics ID TES A NOWYOUCAN : seuil 3 %shooasi ,ke Sigira. Wagons; Recking sA bora.,; Pedidi cars. Cirains, Toa.e gir Chairs; ~a S5e5ser oses e. MISC Large eléa Boasi u; Skis. Seeeira. Tebarco rail.,. uWood boul: A A Lawl... MaS Car's, Cre Cua. Pnirag Ae srts, AA Sas., Radios, Wood. Rabli, Salir. C=S -~ 25 O mrcs ~, coi. JUo. Riadusia. BOUMr. aa.é Moieta. 0 MR A DA plus eD,*ad 01 durne r eW bon lc, a "soit~bT S h bson con .o past 60 paon , -m cossumr «M Anri,., sds "lqerTdne ahc Ouu r FAX numbr j Kesse Ctqse. AU.@ velaiaeoarneat oi yr AUlCItBN.W8SOOBRAr416-486-1071 lilt-.a.