ont. CornitY Newspape 'I1eV1LLE, ont ario L6,ý5A8 'C MtoadCounùmty Nýewspaper VoL 134 No14 #DESAY OCYODER 2%~ 19M 36 .1 t> Pa5es pumi fh.lrwol jacéc-o-I Thes ln, Lihoi, heip of Bronte énd Don Put Ihel cuib. Thr Acme on "Ti. .74u cm " #» prog ewr aid 1v hope "h Town dlfined vl wu cfflUra couny See Feati *CALLE Aoka 374&Mai Halowenorganizers, ikin pick-up -say they 'did, 0i &"w ucuà8yey agroup cf M0 Pilon umpilin plilkng OWior mms K&IY =dmb rio ad&, soksspcrao Rick cond an, pumpldn M&u wuo q*3 plsassd Ini tis »', f .m. '4* Yé, ,.fp, ROISHaim afld John menUnr of îeM &llnrwesdappSnlod' but onmnts Awueus boophsca as tis CO liaroown Ac- (TEMJ, wMl Oie cod wats awsptaas* Monday. rown of Pilon buckt Vq~Mb is in, ia Co=ne Dm Cpuniphine ln wt>m e o. coeamlc renenaL Ptom Mms ffloodas. fau re i s lumier. «I Uvng wNthi die o f Main - éd ~ [~ Â I »ets and Thonqmu% A DA yro"adm ar b Sa ro " - te - V acq d Uiny bu. IJ 0 c f dm Perl Q.iilao aid Ld a-p-a b1@ pu- Bochr of Un Bloc Qudi o n i t »y,~ sI TEAM VSmudeu ibM jae aam whb U e Iod Uo* O(ofmaday'arelemm ium t»1h huge Op c' ~M"a fw Un Yu dde alOi »9. »"a a -ra r.olve hou- fam b-- mmillo by bhum ont YcS " ~~O ~ ~ Ca.ulu Ihere la places te "b UIWN bi "- ni0 SVid ewlac crfflopole i U dl y-s Wbl un MO~ of M004 mmu~ ueg-pýiy in 'lia " ni nM a more *»0~-1 ishluehg a wmWhen *Uny ocWd- Accord p.utiilts commet YS MAwiee10n cumty Pnsis' ofetc ep for dic Yes bmacn glas. lhug.h Tiae . gu kiegu ou bon," Mms Hantai "i. "If forthm Sb vua Slg om"dta Aicy bW 4n îaay ali die Semab. I a"ni AsI do' ' on e "oyt Womanfends off4atackeri9ý cci bicken ua àeapPosed la n;- bonilapartment bUi g hallway audies Mm*l~ iffrimi uid di. A police mvmdptuioo n usr a 69- fic 1i 1uoqelyfldUcbidn i didnut s due lMm. "John (CbSlIiil) yeoe-oïd muhc ogna~f% L ;;s tue vk- cmh dep m in cident to bcr fias Mid bis finis wotted 'lie bulle&i But as "acxullr =;:d;2pwff7labeOncUulo Sfm bond. A» on popO 4 qrN ulsglsViica. v.g iii OP' acre caied (0 dic scnt and rail C a so police. the wonua a wu fcbckafd'ic amwaîinoreia' Milton votes 'Yes U rnwbrpio.o li ohna iotaeaMI i ewflnCo-but it was close-' Po.Chdber f 'md d '.Ih- gmS,",u toen"emdk de1"wik.Fcarng a irnife snack. Une aoel did not or Mach die dm be Mut In- b1 NEL R creanl for belp. continue. age21 licmd tiadeciter tW f hd Un aooian' information concerntiz this in- ne ba)n&L. m il <if ntianiti mo aasfarMi, injurna ber abouder, end Pullcd c i *dt ODscieSsn & ires~ Unc suet of 'lie S" u co n- down ber track peau. au ahich urine te EscreiM88511 or CeaieSeopp cf li uresldm mm ftm ie rm of n woran ked bock wii be font inn~. at-nt 1-SOo.-n.sîs or £25-TEPS (Ouais At i; uMefn mciqusl, dhe Ves Cao- tlq U~8537 C.~<I8-19 milic lledicad ain per cent tusina ai 9W ....21-24 -munm PceifBrother faces assault charg ..25-27 10L.g "ft ~ flbcy i lsùdcted9puScnt* Y V Au argaieât belee a rthmr muded A fig b acou 09tucq OuRnihz RU_____ i n OskvilisMilt nding -W day àa 60 wat m amlt clap for a 17-yow-old Mil- aluich dm ien Un ider ab'm aledY ac Percen % oie t igàmwe"YË DM iat dlie kbe. Mdlan: là lb. loal «M4 *lk au bc4u cosied a AiSmg 10local poi~e, d 1-owl Accordîin pole SPx id Un MMIi aaMile by Yet Comabu mmber Jack -~ ntedatbis qano *ei ,c on Wkf to is y-oene brodier «à1 *T X UnWIs Demi Sucet ali four frcnà ai 4:30 pa. Is Mids wcot ibis goa dS Un oue *w@Y 1SOÇN M TN "In a vote Mm se u a 60 per cme-40 per cmn ab=r iey founl bis 13-yeu-ob l d brothr I hies. Afler iis. Un 17.ycw-Wl begai 1814 - - L 103 MWis aconsidered a laidide. fuis af Un Îhai o ud amde ea mM. pascNug ks beobu. puittaf acr MYhug. 1ibik aeve donc vcY. le yosup mseeUn au aked I sain Undulo recje illrn redU STlUC0~lc8 verY WJVlLfdMN.LLsw au0"POU fub lhi fm dom. but WMaed mçqo.ded by y"a for MM alO a niqic M9 11:10 et. bibboci. UR1 2a acre poed tg Une locl Yu Comsicee beed- 1 bmiq Un Vohai. 1P. poier . p.M. lu Y"s ulU aww n cut I 1418) -*6 > Policenreport