Back to thel8409 MWti, md rland W U. Jutais *ngln.if Clu*ch Il _ eagmay Oatil~ 150 lUii t ofeon- grg M@n urh#P 0i a MOMa abqalat.a i-tem.,md MW i raaadî» in uid lltiig. Annn tSrl=a8n er, (< JIMi An*a.aiIn Md (abdum> IrMM h b & IM Dougan. Join ck mo wu OW 0,gaha Children 's treatment centre opens tomorrow Tbt mcw Cluidte'a Ama.umm anmd fleannn Ceimi (CATC) wdl ogricilly open in w Baeitagun lbmaày. Thec Put SUe vSuiena ceteri for childa wida crotivia difficmi- Lia. allaci al bu a loat in Mfilii ai bc optai Io Lhe public. *Roent incidtmc In det Bit- liagmom eam ie ang die public mont mil mme aaaa of dit mcd for magrvcrnao for aie etinitei onie ini flve chidao betwetai di r.sof44 . 16aho wil a> cm am psyctiiaiic dusceot" 's"d Fc. Cuam. CATCs duic=o of dtvelcp. ImaiL CA1W gut ici;sint ait ie Joaqlih Bamat Ioqital in 1974 aicai a gvou of cned pnafrssoeab mil comm.iity aqxcsmenias mw - anai Wm cd for uep for ycwug chilairca expecnenciaig ernotictiail dif- racultimi In it lm ail of1990, CATC cin- tkcd ona it biga chaâlege tcm - ruidiagama hotm for its But- lingin clinic, regiona aahinimi- Lion cIlices. anad aie progxmnI. lis pevacu loeukmci bail be ctu ial- ly iradequm fur due txp.iding or- gmunaon. Wah a M finual <lit ptavincia sovcan m d aM long-aoen Imam vaauimsmt wiIi die Buhmetg Ceo"a Lac.>s Club. CATC ulot- 100 a funafraiig caipaiga forthei building of a maw cliniimn Lico Put* in Bawmiu. CATC is lic ony mut-diipWi nary, ncn-rudl Svio in lal- ocn for ciike2 lu 17 yeunfallae. Aitu ca of du chuI are c"Llnai" *ibc arume. of due mca Uariiy." pcimtcd out Mi Caro. "ila dit' tm cxuapl of due putive <cuit ahai hadma... Md due conmy aoek ' l ' r" 'Nu cinly docs CAiV bace a nS boc, but li Buio (CoMMQ Lion Club bu a Icaely c Wl abic il rent 80 du ccrnrmlay ai vM ftewbkc rom 11c D4to Douvemma Cc.mmcil de uDhblmmmC2aa et due Cauo Pj 0( Schio .icl . ao bac M m the MW buiding" Rughbt no', wX.u cati installa phone sys(er that could literally change the u)av You do business for as 1,111e as $3995' per month. lrnugm- .a telepha nc sysacm ahitas simple, reliable and uusa- efficient. A sysacan th.aa impnis'-us tisi nh.r .us t 11(1gets Iings tion. Liasier aînd mort- vcIfetaisut n hoa i, àa .saivntit Iai, as sarmd Ic nicl Iliai vt(!tii as \a ir.Id troi nlkIeu (.anad. Naartir Icis >,ou inigrate al] of 5 ar umn'. i fnitinaici an need% inl onu pl.aau Naîrslar fo.i, ïýâchoosA. Ille tu.atturc Yota nuaêd tu a.reaau the phoane '.551ci that s nighi for ýitui busine.xs Nuastar as flexible eni ugh ai> gaisa wiah your Pnsnesllus. il's inaa-dihly utasy.t liast' A dLsplay Lowville gets foot cmr cànicPnoe by tic Vi.,e 0,Mw of Newa wiü @» lb availiiibl me Lqw- vft lrâ hach on Outilp Là... wiUlc cli b bld ma Dei ZMnrncanu Rocm on the Scod and fourdah Maoeâ 0=6icn fti I tu4 pai.. As àO=aic<SlS.dteum Win PR> va&u regul coemn.. cue for die fent lacimali mil pmmg~ *ma mil -~ go NeIive tua. mil calicuca& %o qapotnwm.e, c@l t chmea si 333-0911 Moeahy tind Tucaahy ml 9E &m. Io mmn. mil Wadmesy. Tluaay mil iahy hum 9 &m.. Io 4 pI a &W ke iS.e. u AN INEXPENSIVE ALTERNATIVE NEW FALL AND WINTEMASIONS ARRIVING DAILY A O AN~ ACCNESSAaS 'nl'V'"-875-02132 -s rein (n i atar phanel gide, au c% (1'. ICI~) oif Ille V% .1 'iot ( uan ,.ac lTy li1a% ing theu NS5tIVII outniglal .and rt-duceu apitl. auiil.a tý fin.ana îng thra uglh a thard parny lussar lai guI the phaone sy 5cm ahaitio I pua vc a ar liaasinuss oan hiald ss'urkang taor >'iu, c a Il 1-800-268-2555. Bell S Answering your Cal Thfere'1s a smal price to pay for putting your business on the uine. $39-95a'