7PROCLAMATIONj g i I I i OLY LOADEDI Regular 599.00 37900 Infto ffer. .... Plus Recelve An g o At ody 10 ai. Ii 0re~rclia aw e~~ otrac AIph-ntimerxdis0ayletyou siooenamo<upto I chaacetih the coraviporiding phone numnber. It alto h4s à conewmt 48-numbe mernÏoy mnduhe ably wsl* in y=s potiesu eay porablit-y 17-1060 Or tryou of dseshwAWducdimOriy IO»zciwuh 72msujte of taIkîinie. 17-800. Pet~ 649.00 . ..ulb4.00 AM à S 100 ak-dm ceiiacs 100-no. alphanurnc rnemory-we a nlJn*er or naine w cal. 10 oz. 171- 503 i 9 .00. a aller. ." of 39".00 A $100 cellular certiflate! &wy a haildceffiW lian bore Rado aà *d aid sgnm bsacdvado>-flwsie4 s 1OO ce n fciUk a prpm SWw cebaw phom bil alisr aVe t«ulved dmmmu fceàhlarW, fmnducudner ofmvaur dia lc dw »Wersiaagi cSwnids app, =Wé by ur namO Radb Shack slais br conpleooe* AMI'Y 1OlUYI M~w UMM * Mayor G. Krantz anld Members of Milton Council do hereby proclaim the period of October 3Oth to November il th, 1992 as Remembrance Weelî in the Town of Milton. Mayor G. Krantz and Members of Milton Councl 1 Loca 'yes' vote gratiyn for group = nv aclwî -u bàm est aiL "me IA fSeIShI5O b.- CANADA __ & jd "m*&mmi oàâmm"VOTES Conwiwâ"- Acbr bdamtssie g lai CmmSU." MMi Isuy "tahas 3.81va, lb vote wu a «M. Alama . w4se be11v, lb *0 m " in Ai" ai valieua mi Bui lm yu vone fat Ckvlile-Mil "dlffectin wiih paikieha wu mmg - lb ecoMby. 1wu gxulfk in km in l o- Mb Omri&% hm~ in lb 'n vole *'Peopl b.lcly MW vige m Ch* c ai %b Y..onstec Indy, lbbowyl coutty *ha badin dml one- «%wu bdiv gu . ml~l u' n ch d In*» *iahmn*@ CiuiMio, U ySdvui. Wmi wIII *8 cf gMd evwy- ëdu. 10 &0 Acored ar Casudis H»««vo, Me sai people in lb MhgMi - id k Otàcia âmla Mus lb (bÈvile hSdqmffl, Omville4â idhy wog e Of 1uu ad » 0110bnid. «%% Pre- cm a red and whit Yua Cm*o moby smd ve silleas in tmr ldm viW bloe ewe've deaoeJ*b"' c"k "Wbu*s s pmty widi= a plèSod ia lb Vus Commume "r.m dimmmd but 1 ite san» cake?" coninmai amns s up. woik. *'Jîs diappalning wben coclort in de hope edocatio effect. porter allsepin te llgum dbimase vievi(ai O.kvie-Milm) ae Eveybady bu boo lslkhg ad amuke wSao ie phic. Mx ahmd Bc=a lbe comlsy." dmt lomiml md &a'* a roaly gond Laws. qVoakg le lb .mdan ulded #Reform pleased Hovever. be mmaed dm n u - plcitm of "b soermdas in lb (Usari elecioes ut momy Femna iiiiong dàhUD ài Uni every elab- liait palicun i ga<ng la bc a nak. DL Sornrsu lbw*hî lby have becorne so delachcd and Pm51 inorgahizng mnes adveniwn canmagns lhey worc unéblo le van Dr. Sontersil flitd ho was fiai pes- unmmlc abaj lbe cauaezy'sfure alhaugh b Mmugod i mightuîi r gosa peTiai af oanceraînty. Certinly i would nos fa spart Hgowvoe. be vas "dislresc" that Lhose voling No mighl ho perceivcd as "a lunch of peuple wha dmdn't know who lby were or wha Lbey voie doing.". is awhale bwich afi mcangrusm andi dmssident vaices lb uerne lhang i MeO1C~O for lb: Accord for a Wbksto-reoms Thcy ve Wc u p wiLi lbe COraliiuhoa or lhcy votci againa Judy Rebmck gr saie- ont elsc on lbe'o ic ~, Haove. lbe Reo. anàdai maanlamed lbe reioeesmduni's plan- oins and lsnug wu all vices. flu paople of Canada simauld have voiei afinr Queocci Pleboeýcmc Mot befomo As il wu. ley, voeu lu à Quc (cel, abmmi UIc dmiail DE Smeoell -'d Pull Quilocol hi..r O.rcpo vl.. bmw bu iu veihua Caudi vot ia lbord Quibo w4sdm aon, avooes n proUm. D.Sein rn om nide lae. O.k. remis hid'ces b w. mprisei by mi'm a O 'vn ineiinVo e b thAco ud Quivh-ewu lbo Soin àoiIt -osrilv Lif. eOpak- A.o.. but~M bcwuimI b seminar Friday A healM lo kiyle wiS b po-.as àaum uiarby Dr. Am Ru" Pud1) sDqiored by -~r OWikN< peo t"n 'Addmq LI l Yw Ybar md Vom te Voe IIlm ae *Cae. l"Awe ntl k spaned. dresa y« 9 sas Dc. 24, lm0 p...Ro 6. c.30e