Award recipients represent shining examples to business lamma %im Aaàew àuinm a 0us - F "laha wiy mmd Hale Umm -rom en sui »m a " e for à. 10Sdmf h10 amid daV,'gai le la aw- amu fir piuseveritce met fa c el muimer Ami fie à. hm? 'lmt mutA ckywouap="la mlieoM"is Oa yn illy mmuse," *0 mecad" Ms" W le ci, a ri. L-np. ioWgty are! conuay moevice = op yhà Lw f"rWt .n crl af"w mâwb M Ab« 0 wUwimskupçed tBlevaeat, e ucli plOye oesefl bim m ay o e"Herbcmunky. imYs Sam 10 81101(l ià. dm= ai CMM PfflM éà saNg., ammca1 di à. ils, reed à.y mure iM Muwà Cuole aM4,ie bumd Brise à.wldbi Golf Club liano erDt pd=apub" étéegauty. M-4e uuqua *11k bumn"o lbuamgvin Mc.mdy Wbml- St' CalP" ad WaUpqo Storein Mila Auw fAà«am ce i oevonmolu cnces - coupled miAs 'Gre Piaqakin Cliuu" sa àaS me> àui-a 197 dmh..codmr mCnd I r dm f.Yen. Md Carole Dudme de pmoem mahms evus for due ile reoe 1984. Shte went ist meu eau, Min 1989 Royal Ld>pa Îai Fa.M mie wu mud, CaMeM - au rleemaa m*y Audrews "somhig huile a ami buuuus." lie &Wid mà PisidwAt'. Gald Club Award ut Btautcsqemm of the y«. plek.ycur-im fua a Mât a scoeu. ' eminded die emd. But bisA up.hty potfrjce Royal LAPMe for beian mvalved in $4.5 nul- OACCcsMut Lmad J. N4iaI ýc duwslà 11me tfsa admpot à.Ç *emmuily mi Mmd lumaoive affl WC cuadmNmd. à i lmcm u lin 1991. AairWs u-d Mxuid à* mmeuWgani W eeMM fiumd-aUblM -ffors bu.e umclutled à.t coudv vluywma OMMn Mo mi asoil - m en im 25 0 (I_) PARTS 'a- Anti Foe.ze AU Motorcraft 4 Litre Jug Wlp.r Blaes, Motor Oit 1019)40 695 GETI AT One Ju par person HALF PRICE aL 9of1 litres per Aak about H N Ê44 8teab CIw&loe A gAVUILLEEVUER R.;o 655 MAIN STRET. EAUY 87-FORD b3673) ~ jAVANTI ýUýo TE&Hi 1 LUBE. OIL &FILTRiii COOUNC SYMTM FLUSi' IM Copn, It cuo 1J7 95I,§ 45. *! AVANTI AUTO TECH 909 NIDISSIna Rd. 878-2952» WHATr PRICE FREEDOM! ~ HERTZ FREEDOM RATES The on aital 0hg thatgêvusyouse fdo f hoieS Yomj choose 0* nunaber cirey. Ycu dcos. "s car. You choce the dealution. Fit-$ aul ycurs for anal cm, dady rus. sor te rue F aajeher nm cm Just uap ft car ovarea Saturdoy nigN We G. VanAss For Y,.j and rstumn 550 tote ormgthui rernchg Iocti. MACKAGESAVMILAJL FEOM MDL 7It7 *~ A 9E V.TUMJhTEDI KLOMRS N~ II Z ~ . ~ a. -S*p«. um W INI Y DY ~~ -$'"" ,,.- Avanti Surges Forward! Avanti Auto Techias a new naine with a familiar face and an old location an the Milton Automotive care busi- ness. Owner/operator Raz Arcaro bas been a factory trained technician for the past 15 years, being self- employed for four of those years. Some of you ma>' rememer Rz f m AuoGenhcs. In April 1992, Raz purchased Joe's Garage, an estab- jished Milton operation at 909 Nipissing Road. He has since been siowly changing the namne to Avanti Auto Tech. Avanti being a European word meaning to go for- ward or progress. At Avanti Auto Tech, their main concemn is serving you; and wath three trained mechanics in a six ba>' shop this goal is easil>' achieved. With computer diagnostics and aligniments and a full range of automotive services, the staff is well equipped to, take care of your car's ever>' service need. Recenti>' Avanti Auto Tech expanded to, exhaust care and. they accept competitors warrianties including Thruway. Ail exhaust services are competitivel>' priced with a lifetime warrant>'. The same arrangement holds true for brake work. Ail oepiacement 'parts are also on warranty for one yemr If ail this is not enough Avanti Auto Tech bas a full range of tires with such names as Yokohama, Cooper, Good Year, Michelin and Duniop available. Avanti Auto Tech is available to serve you from Monday -Friday 8 a.m. tii 6 p.m. and Saturday 8 a.m. - 1 p.m. Take a step forward and visit them today.