MILL MRX A OowNTowN MLroN . wE<LY Fe:oR ON( 1 00.#T NWvi*B& MAPF*àG I{ê. 1~ 1 fiONWTOWN SHOPPER"1 Please cail* 876-2773 to Win! HALLOWEEN, rnHarri Juat For A Laugh SMALL DUSINESS. WEEK OCT. 25-31 Support dme Businesses ai Downtown Milton! OCT. «31 FINAL FARMIERS' MARKET FOR '92 HaUloween Acti vides Dawntown Pumokin Carving Celobrutei Market's 20th Birthday Main Street vilt tic closed sa eveIyone coni Cljoy 111e Party in front af Knox Church./ SANTA CLAUS PARADE SUN. NQV. 22 Dawniown Milton has the perfect git for everyane an your list this'Christmas! Explore thc shaps while waiting for Uic parade. -WHY SHOP XN DOWNTOWN MILTON? Quaity - is a characteristic that Downtawn Milton strivés ta embrae. Fo over-100 year quaiity lias been a traditiomi that has enticed gcncrAtioni after generation ILrIg the iuiendly doors oi a variéty of Downtawn Merchant. Ibis traition ive arc proud ta say w'ill con- tinue for generullons ta corne. Selection' n Te numbers spcak for themacives. Over 140 shops and service arc available ta pravide a shopping versaility diat ig rivaied onlyby ils quality & service. In addition there arc aver 600 free parking spaces available for yowrconvenienc. Service - Ini the Hemr ai Milton, yau will he happy ta discover merchants truly interested ini your purchasing needs. Courteous and friendly staff laok forward ia scrv - ng you, and wiII inake tliat extra effort ta ensuiethdat yau ait satisficd. Évery Need Can Bt»l Met * nDowntown Milton ýApêsoeýwhere friedme. Pride.. In Vour Hoi4etown,! ru HN CEWN TOSATA AN ISýc2~ MILTON 8501 lui u P C 0 N CI