DA TELIVE. Daueie ka *»e ln = cfoe àm ~polvliue - a i lut Mr"* onl. emeu mm boMan cehfouic. md direton munéty wpcs.I @» in Pld. m prmm 842-3M or 85.262. tisr fiAse rants. Only dwarWl or no--pio - emunly Voup mu/ Lse this aerice. W. oint onr Shiipp-g Dm&i Mm si e guaranta.on 0 " di ps*idy Maui hmc DhhiiS MW bu cloom I t he date cf 9h. occn P.J-Lii Mm O m gu, Ovn« alheuh more Insaio mr poui ubiS UMMd kS miqi.. md &W cdidmnad e buw. Notis. for D@dkie shoul be . d -_ ____ soand h«an d u bofflu of 1% Chian10<~1 Main SI. E., or mfalsd 4N9. The fina deadilo. a maon Friday for Wednu@day edillo aid mon W.dn..day foufrldoys editiou. No enu for Daim. est b. ac- cepte by WO--cordial In cclebration of Oikubio IIc Lihrary .WSok Mite. Pdlw Li- hacy, 4S Pruce St., 1isa Noali.o iaUgita <bhuegi. ouey.~r ocigitu fiddle mode) ut 8 p... Ticety wbc. m7-2o buTmURDlé ali, whce i f roc.y aie 875-2M5. SAT *M: 0g . bléoao hc r.1.. 2 pan. in uic zuIl gam. Refiý Satiirda Oct. X %li Mu" Omnâ hPubyterim Çkwek qKa i = t pièce fro. 1 . 330 p.BLat g oya. CommunaÉy Centre, 1Ui udeic cludes bared gooda, planms ciuft. am mt uaNc A rmaffl "i tato place nt Grac Anglican Clumb un Mai Som etroe8 &m.to 12nomm. Sunday Ont 26 Ebcnco Uited Oiiuîc un Guelph Linc. iuorth of Higwy 401. holds is lé9th Anlversay Ser- vice at 11 a.m. Evoryone is wclcquei lojomn dho celebraion and reunule of monday OcI. 28 $IMMt SOqo I Am Net Abu. fur people cariq for jgmg reou Mcci gt Hilom Cml.] Mmcc front 7-9 p.M. Evoryca. as ucbomp. For informaluo, ant Lamine Andrews ai 78i4141. ni. 167. 2lMIaey Oct. 27 nei Kaki Wgi. Diâ Ate. Cio.. (VRAC) (r.p accu tePM nuforculic. Md for IMaWdl pent. flc -tx .ceeag la Ph m lue Par diaboe pmmacui Sm&&ka on stff. BoaMi aaucdfor aheh ~frD. unca mdw n For mare hifoeM aa Un.Ki cy is, vidam «NadW Ume*. W due.my ct.SU bng7gim2g& aODee A Consarfot Loy.%Shoey" am 1-7 bond mma gt th e llie Of t*eë of IIoly m ves~6m.m 1~ ~ 0<e 1-7 à6o,'o 11 m"cu of » m Wiu... evmnn sai&Ar RMn- CUSc7pL1bBcUlSbO. t.m lié. J@ hj &@ *" teU WhiSe Riblion Apiclt Pwuugqpbyj au ab dg 751 MMii S guIde .du h MSgaui»Pe OcI. 25-31. LBRCASSO .N? ly invites you and your friends to an exhibition show and sale ,riginals, limited editions and new releases. 4y and SUNDAY October 24,25 il amn to 6p eshments ;Mfsç nd oesbrmM"akm O I'ha q uinkr, mae uni "~i, P" ùiis vùof cour edoe yens-? Waa, 1n shrih sruisr-nteing noave shWs M cre i~~eci-d 0~f~1%61t(~ C48M ~ ~ m