y c h d Educto system leading to sbciW l chaos, syftur> If he«lcaion"M ' -f c omgoduwh bwoui h k* ida eyve. jat. <leyre ont udoedyu laitune. NIe n-a otd ut wn u i6e iu hbaua change. w're braaid for social in 6E l.fde bid aa.awullOaawagk kSffl 6e good cma à u eldaei" blo paole modete Debkde. "W hha >uIo lMiOg calmuty in te nul îo tg 15fyens, n t. e lueaid. hoL8 tcye " ba t" or gavan 'in- enSugu wilbut 06I~ rend mof whn, m AsurCm 1MM la 1 rSèe yaud 80 per Dr. Scludeduey set §sduho be acol neq«ma". dtthr LeOUNn ho, Io weu «'lmaI. cmaof U.S. srdea &apged out cri viewed as cuaeoe salaud of AMddie todua Md modes amI h lo be hored umUuhmoouty 9 flue dure warmug wu deluvered by schoal adi thoum 't àaa drop out pradutta du stheoolaopis sluouuld ho aflawed Io ri wtat ex- us mm dan day cm sIani.& ueJ Dr. Philli SciLleclay. auor of problan. "Now 85 pet cent of mu- secod dtesun ý luue Mt ca dlum. ed <Juy lari lu reidm a SChuAMs for the 2191 CeAnwy, k> derma e auuahg ai we do have atuoua uud ul fhut more dlm 1,00 iu moinut adi a drap a<apuum.' modemlisawahhy coemuMity <epuemtva a<ending By the 194(b duoee wluo wan,'t "If waie d nr~ m m a Hallorn Bood of P.duocaou con- going Io collagle ami who wara fAnc- Iookod in luisu icLuactd puabu-I Schols for de2It aCeuuy ai SL chance of,"uuu bs'. dPaiue _ai piace wluor tie relaiveiy youg TRAVEL PRESENTATION! Vo llo cluey. cav m eeny ho ainoe k> wicu the relativaly ou uu fo.'a7-ay Corlhemcaim Dr clct.p f ldefiue siuo aMu tIl dae' do"s han adm eot nwa Wuuy 1110 f e0o .ofour 1-f- du klu for Sc oadoeidip Rlor, adlw stle joshave Vkr atisfiatd if thy (luigl M woiis fyu rb atuvuar lu U.S. peaidn aad ndidme'bo"kwad ùnpcso" job.= oolh' mnusWà acipuir kiuowlodg doorpu* s ow f- - on emmRAwÉl. BihJ Ouruton, waa adm die teawrei cy.ruve yam AV. a totier U.S. <Jury cm diapI, nos kwlodg day - Cantel aiswe pveeamugon &u ga by Rob Aboeuter, speaker at a public meeting which race platation owmar didât cm if a cmu <ie" .1 Schleclty. CellulJar Phopn esideni,4 Saqgee CrabDiv#"u. motraciatu 240 people. worear could randor writ. If ho buti $200 ave Ë !msurbe.fiwd.r *T1othu Sber, a strng tai ami could do wlui ho fahf cif was k>Ad. heo m ndun m dcsug Dr. SchWJcluy nid cmuiiiutn me reri~ficarrTna <.2el9 B e "If y-e don't bita wluore yoa ami civilized in the burgaiu. orgmfizod an Way dom caillct a SFV.D â4. Ucces -rn k>- go o.U am P w lene Toda, the m m fam r hm a .iedsevO penod. <ut uumlly the reai The (aùd W a ' ¶peejju ed. you'ra lueid. wamad Dr. $150M00 combine wluiclu is corn- knoWpdge ohim i madle out- sein dmoqymufpiejs. Pleuse RSVP SctgShtY. *Wlu you sce in Las puarized mnd coma, wiLh à a nual. sia due school. Antgeles mu thue tsp0ofdth iceberg.'* Whle ie counbine lum elimboueai a flue atajor mort ulchol muât me B ruce lood ý0 Dr. Scllchty said dmu L.A. riui loi of jobse, it aiso requires omona aach madat as a cliat. laaioing thue 1 %";î ind lue growing qieauanc Of who cas ri t Io 6lte rmanamg leaang precerts Io untt the van- 'outu gangs am tlue agns of thue Aol. alsec oe rnsi cSi r v Ha attacha Lue old adage, anoujur lune * place. wluan il was tlurougu dle tiiug of btuinas andI .Scluools aie worse dmio tley <'ted <>0< mand<o<y to niccard it scluol icos go mtudeams can Imaam what o ba, teachers a tasy, trases ara t0 succed un so." ha lm id. awaits tdmu un 6 oimra.A easy amt piancipuls ara ine." rla f loha » al echers ant boy raier mu a Î"i, Dr. Schiechuy Coucemd Dr. Sclulochey, *Wé schoots. wluat vs have 10 do is un- sauf luis owm lome ife paovidad dmia ave talactuve menonae of<dm good densumod wa're uryung go <site a dif- expanaenca, whuita lis crn dauglwr Id dayi. Our scluohs a beret for<ent tiip," ssj4Dr. Scluleclty. kiteu lnud about hai ovm job ba- oLig whasth<ey <'ted to do. avcueh osits a t h rolinu ias we dmu't want daem '<I'>î'àae tiftw c"' adad o< on ýdo dos1 mnyrlie. ."If we wmît higu quality perfor- *"Swdtdus sluul haclnun 'Schools ae u doing a satusfac- mance out of eveayona, we must ha ichool aMd r buduai tuY . C sry joli, nt bemase <lue'r not pçepared in change <ing, un dm sys- tduin m dodiug dunp nl on etuaff omng wht t day <'ted tu. but hecause <cm <lis accoumn for performauce <rausculer! la, daem" ha satI. ey're not doing wtuat 6hey nemi su hacusa we cat change the chli. Dr. Schlécday &Wd âchools mne' "saud Mlu ad«. Parants are sndmng the scluools dur bad mu producsug tcu o leJeanette SHOES & ACCESSORIES LT~P 30% to 50% OFF ENiTIEZ STOCK Ladies' and Men's Shoes, Boots, Purses, Jewellery and Accessortes. etc.... 212 MAIN ST. MILTON 875-1627 MAPLEWOOD VETERINARY HOSPITAL 491 Main S., 1111111n, Ontâfr LOTîR T1 l (46>B0. _______________AAHA ACCREDITS MtAPLEWOOD ____________________VET HOSPITAL MaPeurood Velerlnauy Hoapital la now an _____________________________ accreddted hoapital member of the Amorican Animai Hospital Assaoilon. Legs than ada per. cent of thue amal1 animal veterlnary faclitiea in S canada a accre=e hoapitai member of Ithe association. To echieve thig distinction. Maplewood Veterinary Hoapli votuntarily pertlcipated in a compuonave, qualitIy aaaeaament eveluation of ita acllity. eqtipnent practice methoda and pet heell ca" managemnt. In order b malntain hoapital mendier acereditaiou, the hospita muat lie evaknatd regeuIery by IUn masciaton% tralrued canauftnta. The Americau Animal Hlospital Assaciation la an iternational association of more than 11.000 veterin ariena who beat compenlosi animaia, auch aa doga and cala. Eatablletied in 1933, thue association la watt known in the veterulary fleih for lia hlgh atandards for horspitala andi pet humll cmg. TOI: (418) 8784M