+ OPINION Box 248,191lManS LE., MWee j Milton L9T 4N9 FdmydiIt Torocnto Lina 821-3837 , Acag BUWW Fax -878-4943 Put .'Cw Claasiried Advaciing: 875-3300 w-ê lmIa Oliver Pubikiger Nel Oliver Aa%wvciMDbcurl vaicu.i 8w Gaeral Managoer ~ l Jane muller -_oe Adaur h Karen Hhma Ccucari Mac'agr8f ý 910 Teon Cau" Office Mamge, ses. wu nia buc Tiai Caea Poduction Mfanger na pow M lu r4 nb@Pdh WhereMi the pi Will ymi respect me in thé"cnomiing? Afier maiiy homr of listening Io Oir ga- called ponofting pillans of society'telling me how a 'yes'vote will lad in, gratezociai and economic equaMty, l'ye hrardno facts tu cousinr Use maiy 'ns' vote arguments. 1 cae't bel pbut cmotmdiii Io localresnitig for ~..ufke vaue ssient aid can only con- 'cu du d'E roLs of palitical gratuitus self- înterest and medcocrity comne fcamn municipal gavetrmenL fie only considersion lf on MVA i, how qucckly dicy will te mie Morey. Mmiey and convroi are d'e issues, nos fairneas. Ever tirs subdivision (a ilîtoni phenainena) whather inlustrial, commercia or residrtitial, requins Use developer ta pro. vide ail] Use raids, curba. sidewalka, seisage and waic pipes. fie developer ausa puts funds toward parka amd schools ai ns centl thUe Town. T'ien Use Towni collecta frce revenue for 15 10 20 years _ wci d'e exception af walcr, bydra, snow removal aid park services for whmcb d'ry charge extra. fihe awisrr of neis homes pay bigher taxes Usai aider propertira hacause ymaas wasn't around wbrn the lait assesrien was donc. If you live in d'e country. you "oo afier ymir awn wasrr and seic. aid haul your asic garsage ar Yeu pay even more taxes. If ymi lcve cn ai aider haine, aid anying gZoés wrong wîi d'e services, Usry rise yawr races. ires neyer rnough money ta give you curtis aid tidewalks (like Use neiser acta) hacause Usry spent dhe money on d'e town hall, or hcring Lawyers tu light dhe develepers of iiew business. You sac tiiese tirs dovelopmenta amt sup- posedl to lower ail our tises becauas Use conts ame spreadaacmnd. Why docsn*t d'ai ever happen? Govers cmenti Usinkth de well is endless. Mayor Gord Krintz reccntly u&W seniors don't tuffer as much an is reeasion as rveryone believes becaus Usey have more savinga d'an Use remt of us. HIe musi d'ink fon Failfun o ver- 1 Usinti 1May haverîaken on jus à meiy bit 100 mueil d'as fait. Forget about lune bursmit. I May corse crasliing dawn in ai cxbatutrd bnap beore Uhe end of 1992. * By looking ai d'e bagt under d' eryrs af allier modiers I mcl, Vl mari Use only cmecx- periencing d'e fail fling. And now for some observaions as 1lplod my wiy Ursugb October. Firtly. idversising paya.' Youlil find mit why je a second. Secondly. d'e sign-up-for-asydiing-in-Lhe-falI-treni wiUl put you in debt soulier Uai daise Cliasimas hop- piag spire. If we're lucky. we'lf have enougb monley leit Ia boy the grocesies ai d'e end of di month. But bock ta Use advertising. 1 cati bLarse' dmc new fai ictivities on posters, nespaper articles aid brochures. I wouldn't, for es- ample, have given much daruiglt Io taking up badminton axcept sa the local club bat Postad On d'e sciperiarkrt bulletin baud! an announconient of ils opesi bouse. Morcaver as a result of my introduction ta d'e gamne of ten-' nas last summer. 1 wua intmeed in consider- cng a second rocquetspqort, Su Off 1 bravrly wctit widi My humble bock- yard racquat (calleil à "clubl" by seclous player) tu, as evening of ba"st and missing hurda aid cawaiff baluid my rocquet whan fauter dmi btumnly paisible ahumbaocks zred in on my brembling, tii body. Oh d'e 1 ill, . pM*khod ony Wo*w- ai" hi Ut E.. bila. Ont. LUT4 «UPm 2ffl, . cmn cd * bthkdmb: AOMdoc*dq Nb"OmS w 9à,le Aéwl. - udm - ,w8a fiOmici GudWttauicw Ad- Wl8w NianAd i Mhaigo ~~hdiaugh d Mhm .. Sadad Uc- -Cohm on ow md . a MMu 01 a sewç- Su ub domadawumhcg ~ oçoby M hgd'r li a iochl iebeaigne- idouniftdm deh. inch Une? VIEW POINT 1~ batiks acî e figumicial inatitution. J Bucnhapay'as much or more property I/V~rc las as home ownehs. For the oppoetunîty tole i sursl ymir liwn business )vu get tu psy a bsi- nes ax aboveand beyond Uhe alliers - forTu v , m e tl ks a which you gel absalutely noting. Tr a m n lo sa causes 1 refused tu pay ti tax ututil toise officcals î* could tll me wbai i was for. Ibe 1 ecvd I' important ta undrrssand why people gel a vcsit [rom the aheriff who thremtncd Lu close depresseai. The remsonts wiIi afiten dite how my business anIe 1 paid. At tuai Lime 1 was ise scouid dea with i toldtheextr ta is "fnd-raisr- nd eery .lIe first anmi s obviaus cause of depres- taist charges it (altsougc Mikan's is unc e T f or praioun . of so nd Oe ay pas te getrtasafcdrisr.d r monyeV chag rm$i e oe o s sromn edonea puise _ Us hghat. lsy ve care c 15pe way. or we cati feel rejected by hrin o PSYC OLOGY parking q- alo t o n~m my ->s propecy. family. Unfortunately, Use depresiion i ofte With MVA, if 1 add lu Use value of my **, à yqrsdn tcmchtn ti IN '90S homne. my taxes wdl go sp. So lid hatter~ n bot U ose kn.by sp e asing mc imoer d. - - finish Use biamni or put in a 1pool. if I keepingaottek.B elsigi vrad M ftecin el o eniiiy my home in wrrtclied condition -gras ni. ov we build it up into somneihing far wor. SOiideclntfearm repnblty cul. trm not painird - maytie the value icli 11iis .is not tu say duit Usere isn'ta place for gil, hopeleasira, Or l0as Of self-estm. For dere an 1 ca pa m .pyM But moursing a losi. ic fatii probably quite exsmple. a Userapist mîgit use: "reality Usey did say NMVA il revenue neutral -;. o< heaUsy. pehap5 ve nèe anad much tcssig' ("Haw cao we find out if yocir as lik d GTcan bc learned during d'is mioumsing pli.a really haies you?"); d'aought stoppitsg- (cg. ik od prT. e Onai .odgi But when we mourn tcu lonig, constantly giving tdm client socneting else to do or say 125n00 jlob hsY . pr ee ia osn 60 wmaigoeriw ar iepolm weecladeii oico huh oe 1,0jobs ay wmse an dea th Sodcureo Sig up); "cognitive behaviaur modification" We're told d'e jobs will con bock and d'e If dhe deprealin does Mo begini Io liut widsmn <icing positive Usougbts and tatements; e&ofomfy will bomt if lhes a rsajority -y-, tW odmwks strtent pragratnu lUiiUig Positive stateens wiUs pleaaurable vote. Yet Floyd tal bis people tu fm<nd more would iichll arm film of disiractioc, Pla- connequences and negative Usougilts wid' Way ta laine taes. fuMs eatm g iU8 arme enjoyabla social and recoca" fleptive ccaisequecicei). l'm "ycssfuaed no.I ys . - "iCLiVii. flis wouId tir consbcndwd Soiiietimeis. howevem, people becusue raally ~ if i y s igoilg mm ptroductive way of thinkin abothdedpeadai sydn ca s esn tu niake Canad à fairer place Io live. moagaoi h erc adLe o' nwtemsn who's goitig 10 niake it happen' Noith kmoi when we do dilati about il ("i wr will), Tiat istl oiOU and Use person catit idcntify clowns who naw run die vanous levels of 30 dmi somnedung construictive cmb ha eod Uiytiling diut led ta their depression. fliry govmmet:la re» Protth anwe or. nstSea of wailowing indpesin . may makre brondl sweepmng statersents, lik gaerlne la thestie Pua deii Uo hIn addition, a Usesîpist mnay counsel the per. "nodhing us fun anymore" or "I canit finil any meaning ta My life. ' Tr= arr in Irat tisa reasons for Uhs kini load~o cornes crasingdow get depressel when léad omes rashig down tre feis pleasures in dhie flfe - few I immedaatey discaverei dut hitiing tlarme purstuts. Tie "as Ush is ta plan User. Thit, five Pins int as easY as it 1o0k0. Deapitc my hoisever, je more d'an a sciledulmng problers. M a iciexpercence. however, the womrin have haen Hea May nerd social skclls training. go duat ha. Paient wd' my siiortcommng, (gatier halls). it as abNe Ia develop friendsliips. Or ha may need halps te have a handicap tao, ta do arme,"iampling'. in ai attecnpt tualica ON THEf Moving right along. nom. I alar lotii arme tris. enjayable activitis; aile may nerd d'rough d'e falI adult edtication brochure. I ai- amsnivenms training, 1acr haw la ask for HOMFROT ays do dta and I always mark off coucrs I'd a maise, or ta lemr llaw ta say 'noa ihen _________________________like ta lake, and I always end up out regisler- iaken ailvantage ofby frienfs. cng - except dhi urine, wbcci I decîdeil tu take *Anbodier resson for iis kuid of depreascon sCe venlng. I diacaverecl low fragjle my harmionica lesSocs. Doesnt everybody want ta invalves a jack oif contrai. Il's not Usai dicte ego (or IrJf-co m , Wel-image - calI it learci t0 play (aid byperventLit wid') Lhat aren-t good d'ingi happening, raUser d'e prob- What You wilI) wus whei I fSoun no am 9"1 stsinstrument wjih the tcny holes?" ICM js d'a you can't teeni tu rami or piedact wanlad to play wid' me, a raidi beginuer. who tiien. wass't even Sian enough ta follOw d'e proper fie kils antd I a&H take piano lessons. bot d'e Iflle~ Usai yo hst effort gelsa spplsssdr ai dress code. - piano, dors not lend iscîf tu easy mObmlity, work ty= ra effotjn ve aiel Na me hd wanedme dai wancuirudîng wheras a harmnonica fils nmcrly in my pucrge. 0"e 11-u d'at it doesn't maltier whad'er yoei upon a highly competitive clique. Fortunately Aund 1 cm play il aiywhere aid anytim - sa give your brai effort. Sucers or failcre is in- I found a more sociable clab elsewhoee I plûtd long as no acl is listening. stMead attributeil ta d'ings outaide of ymcr con- my dues and boughti àreal rocquet aid a Oh. aid 1 havent laIld you abmut the twa tsol, sucl as luck or yaur bous mmo lidat uitable pair of shors. lIc fact, I bough ient volumieer jobs l'm tackling Usis ralî - Usaiika day. If it happil mu aften. Use world wiIl racgarma for dhe kids aid on c"t days ise bit ta nrwspaperarticls. ment a unpredictable place, itd resticg d'e bird aracasi in d'e lckyard. Monlay bas tumred oui tu brUdie MOis hrctic feclingn of helpesunran d depression. A saisqiaper id drew me to d'e bowling night for famuly activitirs. Our finit dry run ai- in sucil case, mne goal of treaasent wjU ha alley milere 1 signed die kids iqi for Satwday mon brouglit about a niarriage brrakdown. ta &ive d'e persasotiem cocusol aver his( nicxiing, junior league,. Ove-pin bowling. .1t Reluctaidy (or isis il witi reliefr), ie cati- world. Social akils lsaining. for exacple .. loo kke so muc f(ai aid a rehaively easy celîrd cm aclivit#wbicil brougbt us down toia miglit help d'e petion heave more aliaclve- gàne au play d'ait aller niakig enqucrira. I maiigaabriOve. ly aud rffectively. Funsdy counaselhing May ha pined à wersly alleriiom als gue - I aim gaing lu have to give LUp reait l naaded. as facnily monihans can bacante more paid my dura aid bouinh à pair of bowling Ouml monuy id it keps am (aid die fancly) sensitive ta and supporhive of racli ailers cf- chOCs. ta0 buny pursuing ail diras new inlersas. forts. Ir ý