Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 16 Oct 1992, p. 22

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160 Auctons l6 Saturcday Night Aucfloo 2Octobe lM.h 6:30 p.m. 8 4M0 Spéers Rd. OokviIIm. Eslti. co.îslnments and hwpenhipII PartIl list .5 j2 0 Plc sulln Royal Doullon 'Omhiîd iet lgjie iting0 Limoges *CH FW CPm . , attIque EX. dioleg toc", otalemps, collectibles. =Xhtl aI 1po -m . serrgl cltter u u ,> Cash, choequ, h C. Cwalgmrwr ~ dcl a 9 65 tost or Strav-ed SLOUT FAMILY RING, In Molatr on Sabrday 7 bwmra If foulond pleffl COa8078.Rl15ý 78 Firewood DRY SEAS0ONED FIREWOOO. ct a. sprat Pîdt op $60 lace tond $76 1960ý FIREWOOD FOR SALE. $190. bushcond, $75. tacto ord, rrapie, oeil. ch 878-6865 or 876 1636 §Fr SIq 4r" FRONT MOUNT SNOW ILOWER, for gisr dgn rfeDO. $5S0 fim 878-Mgi afie 6 ANTIQUE OAK OESC. nery large. excollent contdéo, 11400 Rt0tt henI Mceg" goW clubs attd baga, exell8ent condition, $300 Cal 87S 4682 aler 6 p m SICESt BIKESt BUCESI W. have for Sal a boys 12 .peed mourban boxe. gorle 10 speed tacéng béa.ie mers 3 speed. 3 umdl.r chécaes bias, 2 .illadl for 7 0, a peur cède. 1 btt f or 6 lien olds ) Pkmeacal 8a 78-0635 I SEPTIC TANKI PUMPINO (Foley lue Spni.ce Eterr5el CARPETS, 1 have 1.000.a nete Sitmeale a 100% Nylon Capot Sf14 do hnerngroort and haïl tor $360 lrtuhtde. Caoepet1i end lr..alato (30yrds Sle 789, 2068 ENORUM SALE. Se0otday/Ssnd. a posler b."> beaitué tkoaing tUe.. dot cabinces lots of winal tble Merogon onnrer cabietl Oak boohc eand buffet New eleclo .ahi $275 Inglîs Vision $125 Ohd minrora atd lampe. destin urd los 0f Unti dem. Hbo Atrbes. locad on Siecie Ave > ainde W cd Trafalgar FIRST quaÈly roc roorn capet$5 95/sq -yard For al your carpet neo& Cd Jet, 877 6W02 20 yeats 0f expoentiel GARAGES PRE-FABRICATED; co'poral auid.5/fl bey "Packagec muai b. ourred ta. caIt l4c, $31l75 2ca $3.725,2bcuw $3.9965 Fm r.. elabon C«xsnel gonfi etr 1 &M 387 1001 anyowt MOVINO SALE. 2 dresteeoeb cal laie sbed colle, table, occasital chair. king site weulbed. bodicue hendo.l. oei deefi aid OMM0 dm., deto "Wgo mme, paso cet latn frmoscte ed gardon boais &%3»3504 e.»ne PIANO. Excelent aoe*n, ce.d and chair. triple deese sel con cavaler e.sd Manic 875- 0002 SEPTIC TANK PUMPING R~bt Noble Ltd. 1 80 ILofho" for cro.etg lavinu 3 rado despetchdil truck. Io sarve you Don'ntlo trouble ,0M- Pu"=p6.e. 11*4W lettl (ShoutM purnp ai toast enery 3 Irs) Ni lue coloureld on double pétr IWMe pape. <$10f) 0634M0 Aile.. Au.cwalng Servi- 8784M0 OVER 30 VEARS £IPErEN I 114E WELL KNOWN Formter kil. Business Mon Bi11 Ifobli hoc inle. à bock BIL1.5 "TORY. 50 loer cm.o Page. Cents. Bc.r $12 00 plue posage GST PST puld aiFelgtu VACUU CLEANERS. Newe "l ueed pau end repais fon motif mabe. Canepac. Euofa, Eloclroluo. fHoover. Ftller Oticen. Kîrby, Kenmnom, Trolnaie, a", et Ii.94 84 Catend r IIITATMO'r0 vouOO Holy gocary Ca' -Il, W...... Leegue F la »CNFEig VM LOWr. e oeil ah»g &id cleon S.atW Notrembe 22 kw. 10m 1M%04 Pm M in Noir Foctry Boait Gym. on Unio otait. Wu ge=me cai pepl 10 pe.ocpee by rgtlmeà a ble for SU0 Fon mon c., wie. ~en ml Cpdfu Huil 8 78-7M7 or Normna lotio a 876- 1257. LRn i à n M UBIEFET GARAGE SALE Amu UAR$EOIJJ ERNEST C. DRURVSBCHOOI. in front of du dlockuocar Procoeds fro lte= oral e go amgand 1h. pur- cta.. of equ.pment for Hoalher Coudeon, 1h. ocmof a dotvng accident. MOVING - MUS! SEfLLI Saiurdoy, 00.16e 17, 104 Sundap. 00.1.6er le. 104 Frons Tregaige. a Si*"l. go East Io ai, Lin. 2e. km,. N. Upslght freezer. enptai choir, old record. -heelbarou, numerotu houtold ams GARAGE SALE MOVING 661 CHILOS DRIVE, UNIT 33 Saturday, October 17 8;30 -12 GARAGE SALE 7320 TWISq ROAD De" yRd W IoTwmRd, Nl1mée Seoawdep, 0.1.6 17,0.4 Lois of enoryite.g. enUab6.e. boa lèer for Merde o. téinl. »cbdu ouch. brupieo 0.ser? end tables clothing. lires. aqorm vordolus, bacyciel mernu and fos of goad GARAGE SALE 391 BELL STREET Saturday, October 111h 9-2 CompM 0e. cPmelt dWK-nc*Beh. cl qp GARAGE SAL.E M0 EDISONd COURT Salwdaey, OCtabse 171h * &r..t 1 pin. Billes îocl.îng chair. hîlchen oei lent mo.lt mml XL CARAGEJARD SALE FINAL PHASE MOVING SALE mmd a el Inlde. N~ reliý Seil l. .voryoay beo..ehobby làn-. booliec, W fte i'wratow note W. Of Guegi M- Som cle& 2 Cnorll Bekwrnr S.ce. bho son0fe b.d -sivérege dmar. Oha bttioe, Henmren ncan nore. drur soi. B00k sheloeS 011<. Moiir.aqe Cat Pe.".le C-_eow or _ bsoons Antique colle@.OI ml Furepear Othe, Coaacunec à Lu& à oea cor., SowTbés Va1es SteergtI Léo garder, *rld Itrto.eator e 2. a Iloel 1-,n gale. gas ans.x e/hl pfp., 3 p-!" lolcI snpray- Mmi pylo purps Sn. terce In erini.Tîte o tît. ooion ao.. Dio-2eild 21 .le Il n IlNaoi. IolSdie Dt'it.,I êladewe gleNra Chorale for mi seasnx uele 14 one 42 46, on.es dbWMi sje b.7 arcl 910, aroooe leîngt, - à ( b r corne mooi 0fb alcuf'ir Tou..ýf a cioClrn0 SALE ON SATIJRDAY, OCTOBER 17 FROMIO1AA.M TO 4P.M ot Phone 519 86-4457 eoigs or 416 481 15it/hToronto S.gi à8r AUh. sayo GARAGE SALE 315 MAPLEWOOD Sunday, October 18 9-2 APPLES U-Pkci AR.ady Plcltsd Mers. Empiras. Ccullundce Mulu. Golden. Red Delicoui, Idu. Pusai Tolman Sw..ia WMLL MS ORCHARD CI 30 UINE MLO 876-4220 Oum 9 -eid S 10 Garden & nr ýi GARDEN ML,1. matu.i bod. groed "ree A .fvubs Taylon Numuc. 7420 Ftr bs.e 876 4100 LANDUCAPMN 8TUDEMT, Wanla Iiec to Petit "e.. la nota. id 10 youir W la, der ne@*e Sema., dehaoueréo el gre man Coli 1176-3563. O pl m ueuoc MILTONI FIREWOOO 4*40 TUIEI SERVICE. ont herdwood ce. eveileie. TREE SERVICE PruninqtgPmlmng, remanai. FENCING Chai hék p.cue eaed, codiv DECKS, toncmmi eam kîIeéntcmr telep id 0nce6eyc ôa Normae 1 pie«O c Cao&% 6 Ptrt 4164M2 4269 SIAM ILITTN. mpUv"d kw. chon .5/ré n8mrtud luUrp, koverg noU Wuid sait Botbsee usat 053-41872 DEcCRATIVE PIASTERIOn 1trl.er and *OMkiaitc raill Wn menen, owénç canas panl oudng cotu.m rfdlrbonat, esf kupçec, nid oie.w. mai Io youtancgor For mg types cd pWi-lenvo te- do yu 10 $fi= Cal 825,4700 -» T O eADVERTU -S Icmnabon 0.0.0e. cf g «M> ma It I th cb.a tamioed nabonady :-.71l onS pate o oga In mie *ia.g co car Ii.ec,l Sam 4pm apm- IZp fcts Te.llyo &ar4ceani oppar- uwti Scaming fanse Wmage le $7 00 par lus.f AMW or poma. Loaed i Ffup 25ai 401 (ftlai FIMB wheel Tturéa5/p> ALASKA JiOUI Ee.r up5 ID3M000mn 3 monras Filer Sabseon Aiea agulticcon caneas.. otI W&el ph.. moral For elilIedele reeponue CAO 1 604446-4513. ami K204- 24 Hotm boal brand M tnugbol. km h.m ede opnt.ngo $110 te laientr No O.enrince n ..,yrp mrane pronided for qtmalited apph.arb Ful andI pan bola posabolte anedabe Gred" 13, Cobffead Utnersity eludide setoomel AÔ.asoeno.r oppovrn» avaid" For knrrougpelrUrl cel bi-ener 1000 4'm - ô00 Pmia 41 5l0037-9211l ERTIIETICAKI veinrd hac Anse Chreubse aFor Ha. PIeu, mi 873-6027 GROOM nedd for Privaie Shtow Jumping Stabie "lia b. eope.ta.sed Phane 416 456 32»6 dep ai esmngs 416 873.6248 HELP WANTED Full lime WAIT STAFF SWss Chalet 50 Market Drive. MOHAWK INN tequkea UIIER VER For loup dmoetom Evenange E g»ecbd Mmu finie ai toast 2 Irens eploatrice Fem Ceaba Mr. Banal, CevitituS ei: MOHAWK MO Cempi-hUc MOHAWK INN BREAKIFAST & LUNCH LINE COOK1 3 5 claie par wei aubat lune a &MWc 2 pear exoie.u.oie Pleotesaci Mr. mitas Ca.epblol ai: MOH4AWK MO 401 à Guaelph Lérw Campieivet 4164LIW-2277 - E~ §no lob" me es-A @cbmuneff -rmk -u mmfl od dm le ieIle taquina 8733CqI 0S Min S-rue, E. ACCOIJNTANT vill ae locéang har a qis-leae-'g PN Inolotud -.,46il moto song .Orb"cc o, gmuonlea &ad ar96pe.sorwal 544hf lo aar ou, lts Pued A=.n"*s Depaotrut vol, ei Pm""e a rlttiloilf 2 violn Ac lOngl- E-peten it.n Gatcelal Ledger CUAICt<%Pro r an u wcani Codege boré.m d,cngwV LobE 1 23/ crd PC NOlWharg Syse«s M yoseo.dd melu o putlodà ynar.c gcha nug comptoir id gfry e &-%-@anr -Mo mrfwnnaw e.Ol a Ten Opk«. pl.ea cd meie or w.epafm Wedesecde. Ceaci la Ie. MADISON OIIEk#CAI ouD<TR"E Icý. 410 MOceDe Doive. MOde.,. Onariol, Lai 350 FAX: 870-1440 ATTN. ACCOWETUO SIRERISOR Customer Service Representatives English and Bilingual These poiions mrercccnl a Balor Canadian corporation lill b. af itentai te recenl colilqe or univcnulty graduai.. Iookins for à cuslOmer. oeleid introduction la te busiess wodid. As the company s customer wrese rvctp. yo4 erill impîrment a cusiomer- satisfaation program with clamenIt Ilsers of lthe.conipany's producîs. A tItre- week trainting programi will be providesi Your abitiec must tnclude an excellent commnand of lte vvritlln and spoken word, basic keyboardtng and comtputer okîhi., goo:d inîreersonai skiffs, and mature biness) îudgcnt This is a salarted position it a poasant office enviroomeol it Oakvmll for a period of about one year. Il chould prtosrde excellent coperience for a wide range of future marketing5 and sales careers. Several repeentatives will ,noý lobe fluent in rth Mlette tend your raseumfe tel: box 30, 247 Nths Serviwre Road W., Oakville Ontgaioe, LM 36 4

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