~Re gion s I Private corn Uv ROB KELLY ,The Champion Li wcek's arguments over a '~potential compoeung systcm for Halme Region wcrc rehaahed Wcd- neadlay. with uie appaent progreas on ny front. Halien Region sUl rpeas deber- Imincd in builmi ils own faciity, and a à pnival ic 0c is s$bu wanung they'II <~conpeme with il. if nececsay. SRegional cNica Peter Pom"c went heal-i-tmed with repre. sentalives front Equity Eavuonrmen- Rai Services ai Wedneaday's plan- ning and public icorbi cenunitc meeting. Equiîy bas -n option on 48 0 acres of [and on Fine Line. beside the back estuaire tn Halion's nese 250-acre landOi in south Milte. Equity plais in build a contpeNing centre Uiere. But Haieon wants te erect one widsîn dec regiornal landljill. Halien is calbng fer preste serRer bids ta oudîne plans for a $10-20 million centposting phuo the landfll site. 1bose hids axune e x- pecied [o coui ecc înerested ricin about $100.000. Regional council- eeks bids for comp ost facility îpany'poised to open composting site near dumfp lors bave tfvised a varte4y of cons and reane shaning proposal dma wmuld, in effeet. malce Maian and te choei finit pariners But Eqwty hus oter plans. Ilhe Compiany wanta in epnem ita aici contpeaiing centre andl charg Hal- ton a fée for dumping wsse there. Eqwty lha an option on ils 48 ares. hasically &am die ron liront dmc landd. aim has alîeay ommiuem te buying equmpmei fin a sup plier. chie( exacutivc officer Lamc Hurlcy said Wednesday. While Equity would like Io be- conte Halion's compost proccaser, dmic ompmîy will go it aleste and compete for wsse with Hilton if an arrangemient can't lic we.ked eut. Equîty officiais have rcpeatedy slated. Andd jqwty has btide irnerest inpicnmg £bksddg waritebudd en regional landill preperty whcm iLs owis project is wcll underway. Mr. Murle1 bas indicateil. Equlty bawyer Ron Webb suid bis client's systent adI bc cheaper thsan any ef dim cost-shuing options Hai- ton is considering. "Thntc will h à mure contpetjitve ipping fe (dis- posai charge) ith tis proposai duna aicU aiy otites un die taNs.". Mr. Ponieay flatiy uhad whetier Equity aculmi censider joinung Uie regiesul bidding lxtlcess for puing a conipeosig cannre on Halion's lVAd. "Yéraor no?" M. Webb> didn't ltclly dicomait dma possibility. but lic indicaiemi ii awu reniete. "A deciaon ha net been macle by my clienC. However. Eqssty has been cenccntrug on ils own projeci lic stccused. nid "wih or wsiout Uie Region. ibis is a gond business invesisent. My clins amc ready willing and able te proeed wiUi il", Mr. Murley said as ecly as lait autunm lie wundooed dut Malte lad "ne money for new wasle ven- tures aid would rel.y on Uic pnvaie scclor. Given Uiai. "ire considerei Our lacility 10 bic prebably sene. [bing Obat Uic Regien ireuli irait. we tell you would probably gei 14 on Uic roofleps antd shet" At tat lime Halion's contponting 250 AD*E WITUTUE UASE SFATDN Twenty-ive years ago McDonald's Restaurants of Canada Limlted opened its doors for the first timc in Richmond, British Columbia. Today. over 650 Mcl)onald's locations span the nation from Vancouver Island to Newfoundland. And wc couldn't have done it without you! Picase join us on Friday. October 16. Saturday October 17. and Sunday October 18, 1992 as we celebrate. Order any drink and get a McDonald's Hamburger for just 25 cents. 'TIÎANK You CANADA!" Lîmrr 2 IU4MDIJRGERS PER DRINK PIJECIASE MILTON and GEORGETOWN Md