44 G;realtest, biggLest pumpkijws flic gisai "omkÈn of d 11 89 deler- si54 pawIs wu WbY Donnaî faicd At AnDMbs Scenlc Actes Momly ai uhe m» coneca>I 10 Md"cio oly a" dbe dihd anue MM pumpkm cllonge $40JjImou csdvionçlle PRUI Peàuns cour £11g ini et 21 pondsr Çllr iadst <dsrcâoicc. aidin cgndd Bgl SCI rpmtison àudbuawin *ticyow inq.u dent luin nide A*latlc Olutdivisin M Bos- PmecIloMa CIancI shile kcWt Pedie Dpphe eu dm er.ect9 con donsIed H bis wbnhp ta, dis Hai-n-Uad d«wu wcSiq a ciBerl Resource Centre la Odrvills. bigr Iý ~exccced bis expetal-'----'cny dis SOM- AtSrg,graown by Der& et hinncy, a day and Sunidy uo MaS Skqi am bualaut Ho11 _Y Roey Sc"ca, wu du wcond la addtion la du coua çcia evemu lai@si 0"ai si 1-111ad81 GMsY Of MW-labg a limntd fouent. PoZ Md wagon vitdes, a Vu«i niIdlii Place wich 98 poua pinnp&ln. idboz aid ulA" aiaL In a* nt"l Jask-hmnoeni puÉ divisin, vIlilo over, du sskaid MMr encmoued Io Scott PeoUls Eel dvilUe pSm dis b sIie4gb plant uh osmn ajolcmtl l na 7 powids. Ille 3= çsc1gIsff.e" f PtWMMnyaMilinuucoodwaannty Mflic a a lcaicd oui 10 Sidoead un of selglun 56 poa »d di *&pize punpun Highsay 25. con'duct subject »f hearing, A local reaitor lias laid a ,public heaning that an off- ty offimpied ta Jiaarof h in a dispute over hip of; lawn sign. tdtd et aBod inqlyi- log yceday *k i Sepamnt 1909. t4 TousMM oicnnk Wwssd himvn g Itua. l moe a rm lgn 4 MsW do lfccrshomcle al Mon »valisai flront Police Mmce al- leofa discreiibis couna nier dis Police Services Act in dis twa.dY myarn shich ia ex- pctet d nt codoy nt Ibwn HaIL ~~lDmaiasr i Roal CPIge Rcalty ui Main Saet. WLeone laid du hqli le aid tour odus real estaie BAs. sas ,doivug bock ftic viewin me a l stin bJis deebde toa sq aid Sa opdmelg M à vu plopey ofdmconpay MW aigu, shicI w sas buea dlong No. 15 Sidaund oui public pwapeny in ftofoi Cawas loc, nid 3r. Lions ws alver- tiinga (W, cICUJ uiacd aign bdouugd ta Royal Le- PNe MW. LioSS pot min lia ca, lisai ou hi. Rulrlving due tg- signs la caumino practice by ral escas agonI. h lc ifli& becaus iey'm espuive. But shp lic tool the up. coun- thuacd-M. Lieue'. W ss Ca atni ng ut of lW lous tassd due car meaiq. wavkq his rut, ai yeflhns ai Mu al os-. tme agnus Ia give biné bock bu Out Of tus, mm M. Laem, le drove off lic dmonuId Ille hng s hi la isPick-up wwiial 11b uo MleaUbo8ai"on bio. 15 S dio- Omongeoy veu na go lin le publ offe. agUMth «", duc Mc d este @ii*UhUlooipfl2 Ys -no sides to square off atepecial meeting, finieàà for mm litoun abunonddo i ialng a yet 4ao0 luaaa mI Wya MW 'no, saqa seth b ue* quaIs for boolâ yu m* @Mi'w' s exu- Colin DcAt cououKioul aun-âagns- sidiosu mo pl"i ou positionset 13Dihc" RedlaMo 11 be flcvent si u ge mdoSéy a& 7:30 p... p m W n bM§sg MÉNU hi so aMilo4 ta whaol nont sede. Md ru mi 10pi& Tii tue quabs sin bcgsioi luc MiuM Iiycectp long q ofa cati- tlmld to10 alas inl 6*cpedg esmwàs, . An Mlio eu wm sudcia fedoru Méou. dliii minunlu aigh for vinthutibons, tolbosu by paeiouu b fiad am e for batso M< pl ' 1t hmv lim lai 11 IDu* Dmz wiuhuuy <Gel. 21)Ait silI tu.oms flr .I lie aflosed one qony quta MM baodu la du foyer Io oilW ab Me M lam On q"ewe hmo due '>es ade Mdlon foS du everyoneshha Idnia ID lou lad ous cane lim. butdey aisat bin "W 10 im .00' Cam%& 10 àmm sie. d m. à* Dont d Jmyceu sf8h lie isug Wluls led&Ik hmiln Wpod t DM c i umycs @"d 69 bdâ dim fer 3M0people, A&imc la te Harvest ' craftfaie to benefit hospital Bulli a @carecow, mite a corn-huelc dcli nid cliecI oui due offérIngls of artiais aid miu.lclu il t*i annual Splird.Fam buvea ratFlnxIt w»elced (Oc- lober 17-18). The fund-rlslMg eveni for Moln DWeMo Hompibi iP trmsbe 8,000 vlelars leit year psu' earned $4000 for du 1 oudtin la=1to duth olferlng of GplivdeFm'& ùMi gifi barndure will be 40 oralt ex- hibilars at the fair. -For. du chllden a corn naue wsi bu omnmbucted aid dirai lu a chace ta w iun #mbl hay itoik, catve a puRilchn id vu du 10 boa r Atium lavouaele 9 -q pls i "proservea wM be abla Md dure WIN lu a mhalloW» remet and ber- ludu m »Hi. Sprlnolge Faim la localed on Me Schoof Ligie norlh, of Derr Roïd. The e4'nt rura frorn 10 arn. la 5 p.m. bolh da"i. - Glu', on a tow of Noml -Ameelca Io ge'in toudi vMI allais sfo have Mi fanious sumnama.. See Page 9 Features. Dataine.. .........13 Speola........19-22, CiFe..24.27i Ram 1 -Mw. .R 103E wo~veM P4MW