The Dawn of a New -Era!. On Wed. Oct. 7, 1992, at 1 p.m., history was macde at Milton Chrysier Dodge Jeep Eagle. Heinz Vogel (president) and Phil Clantar (salés manager) presented Mr. & Mrs. Zoeller with the keys ta their 1993 Chrysier lntrepld ES, the firsi to be delivered. The Chrysier lntrepid, along with the Chrysier Concorde and' Eagle %(sion, are the much talked-about world-class cars now offered by Chrysier. The Zoollers have purchased 16 cars from us since 1965. Be like the Zoellers and corne in for a test drive to see what 30 years ef sales and service excellence can do for yout !~~pcm Real estate sales up this fail - c enuai MW lgue prosnineoily ia Ibauo"'s mm rfa. dii Ohvill, Miho ad Dua- trict Reil Sua Bon,& wiah aiai ics *- a Scçucsnbolla- volume of ailes qp 64 pa cent Io $49 million km un1 Sepaeîber. fIse Bond's saisdic WSo show a six per cent increci ovec ntals recmded lmi mends. "'flue figges reinfoe dmt bat dm t he real ess aruket ia inta à stng. vicady cycle." ni Board -ràdn Mark Maflaliesi. "fIlie dl- lai volume of saine.. onaidccably elc dma lmt Scpteml.lec's MWt of 2.9 million but it's also qp over Sepiember 1990 wben il mâeic only $28.7 million. la only mune pet cent lowoe dma lmt Septenubei's ycu-b-d5i total of $483 million, Thrce mnods atgo, thei w or i die Yeu wus down 18 pet centuover 1991.* "We're clsang the gp." Mr. Mal- lslies mys. "S"le fur die uis six mnondu i ths aYeu wee corasat- ly lower dmo the corresponding moodu Mf 1991. 'fli siuaaion SItad urniu siound in July and dm trend la continains ... unieu conditions change draouaiically we expoet sales will match. if not nu- Pms, lms ycn'a tota by tue Cof ..A nm of bien fun wealhe cao in- finance bayera ai du lune of Yen id euly indications for du Oclober "ea esame market are duât it'a going ta hi anotuer busy monLh," M. Mal aicu says. Wluile die upcomng Contitution- ai rcfcciodum May Camn ame people âo ducé dun icg essaie plans. Mcr. Malalien nmte iouy oducci are stI actively safkng à new Place ta [WC. "Inicee raies hav gene up un teceut weeks ... but tucy'ce stilI lounc dms duy were a yen or two Mgo," lue adds. "*Akho its im- pomblc to da wn ilh .next."