DATEI4NE4 Dam la a~t be mac grup ID mains ln piool ar oUi.dntm h la.. w Nolm lwDis m s~laê a ans ik pion. 101 tain St E,. or m bx 248, ilon. &t.. LOT 4 dadine o.s le x aio ard sien Wdad eda. No anm, su Dmi Weudssaa 0Wq-» Desevd Familles of Halton-Peel bonis a fini nighi focusing on «'Grief ly Aifair." Extcnded fa bers and friends ame we event takes place si Uniscd Clhlrci,. 346 I Ave.. in Oakville at 7:3 more inmtions. cau 5c Senior Citizen, Club pot luth lunch ai Canadian Legion on Ch ai 12:30 pin. AIl seniors The Mutasn Hockey 1 Ceffe ai" Deurl lHOi Hall ai 8:30 p.m. Fo i cal! Casel Herbert a, 875- flsuruday Oct 01 - M-piB con , . u. é , iisl If d b. w Uns I Thé Cham- Andle s ai a9 Tls. la Vedneezasa ,for Filaya D wil b. n- .14 lutarlo - iNy support - AFani- nsly mein- ioese Ille 4aplegrove 4aplegrove, )p.m. For ?-2200. 18 laids a bc Royal rdes Street velcoise. tomns hold r ai Poster forsnaion, )409. ii A seminar on iner g jour adoleset's self estem M place al St. Pauls United Ourch frein 7:30 ao9 pin. Counselior Bcd, Avis nid Mavis O'Ne am Uic gueit speakers Thse cosi is$3 payablle ai thse damr. Thse Living wlUi C»er Group mnccli a[ Uic Millon bueh of thse Camadian Cancer Society 751 Main St. E., frein 7:30-9 p.m. Iroup dis- cussion, provide emotiola support sid practcal guidance 1) patients. fsmnily. and friends. For i ore infor- niation, calt 878-5228 or 878-1876. Thse VidiSm Order of Nurses holds a font clin eqair at Mutasn District Hospital'# emergency deparimexi frin 6-8 p.n. Ille cost is $15. For fussiser information or ai appointnent. cauit 875-4636. fise Milles ttorient Society fealsares welU-known CBC farim brea"cser George AIkans as guest spcaker ai i tient mccting. Everyone is welconse Ro attend Uic eveni at Hugli Fosier Hall ai 8 pin. Learu tg masât Iýal1oween cos- tumnes in a craft wokshop by Marianna Blasco at Uic Milton Children aid Yoells Centre, 917 Nipissing Rd.. frine 9ta,11 &.m. fise weitsliop is Um ic'st in à scies of four on Halloween aid Christmnas craftt. Cali 876-1244. Batursday Oct. e7 A bemeit garage ill and bar-. 1ecu lakes place ai E,C. Drusy Hlgh Scbseel, ink bocf thec dock tower, frina 8 &m. Io 3 pan. PRo- ceedafr e mile go thlUe (à WlndshldSIM ChIp Repaiss *b 'mnnu cov (à Runnlng oeam 78 ANST. one a EAST L partisane of home equlpacen for suad $1 for senir anud chidre Hclaoer Cuchon, dmc vicii ofaà car under 12 yemu ofaie. fli eveist ix McldooL open to aIL Tlle Milta HordMuhra Society Kid on CWoi 9, cclcâing tie halda las animal fUI plat unie ai Week of ds. Chiki. takS place nt Miltan Mail. Bulîte, porenials auj Blsc Reding Sdiool fbens 12:3D ao smm bics plintât ae for mâle. 3:30 p.m. Tho event inchides entier- Mille. Bap«i Chuuch, 900) Mament food. i iqslays Ialie. Niimg Rd., holds lis second an. fianilica ne invilcd go aiclnd. aid beuw fren 10 ajn. tu 2 p.m. flic Rockwood and District Lions Thic sale includes halte table. evafi. Club holda has ~ffi &muni C«"ra a&W a fea mnarket. Mit doig aid Oatario Paum 'fly Show ai Sale refrushients ame aleavaiiablc. a, Rocknoaa Coenunity Centr 10 Baturday OCt. 17-18 am. go04 pt. Rleal antique cm aid traionas n5e on dlsplay weaher- The Sprlaus'ldge Faiu Hument mitingJ A clIpdacn's peda W .l Crah Fair takea place frein 10 a.m. sced ilfor ilo u 12 pi. Tickets tc,5 p.m. lise evens felicites 40 ex- coat Cyor aduits md $1 for chidien hibitors as well a a barbecue, baked under 12 yeaus; of age. Admission for gooda. pony rides, wagon rides. live pre-ichool udents ia fiee. enterlainnient sud pumpkin carving. flic Grâce Anglican Church Hassi flic faim is lacatcd on Bell Schoo Bell Choir celebrases Conatl's Une. siorth cf Derry Rond. 125th ulniversary with a concert ai Sws<da Oct. 18 7 pmn. Tickets cos $5 for aduis, $2 for childrcs. &M $12 for failles. MICON V plastic model conteat Procoeds go in dic maturation fuid. takea place at Bishop Redini Secon- dary School. Regisiration opera ai 8<Oei& Oct 19 10 a.m. Atearmepresened a,3:30 Dereaived Pamilles of Ontario - p.m. Admission cosis $2 for adults l4sIton-Peel boita an educadon night $11fw DELU UUE SPRT ACKG ~1NONSTERNG RARWIDO DTEFRER * RNTAO ER TBIIERBR THEUR RIGTH T PLACE ELETROIC^MfM SEVOU O nR FOD SATND ERCU R C A ND P4NION~ ~ ~ ~ ~ STEIG-RA IDWDFOTR RN N ERSAIIE A *J T H NEW 1 9 93 E S C R T For Less Cash. with Dr. Stephen Flemxing. a Brin ses'ved ai dunes siting a, 4:45,6 land g Mill Lodgcl, 2132 Dundas St. W. i 7:45 p... Thic cot is $9 for atlaitai 3 Minsasug frin 7-9 pin. Dr. Flen- Wa $4.50 for châdrem Med 51en 12 ing qSxas On "Grief: Impact on uc yeurs. Chldien uider 5 ycer cf opa Individial aid Funily." Auiuic mre adxiued Ince. Tilcketa me avil- hs limited to 150 peuple. For more able frein United Chtuch Woosus informatmcii507-2200..ý matibers or ç*ion M.Wxgla Mlic LeArug Dtaablllle As- woulh es 878-6350 or R.T.flonp soclatioa of Halle nicets nt Lard son et 877-7997. Elgin High School in Btalingtao. Dr. Aile wonn e imvited i lc ui David Cadmn. developinenalà amg Nellghlboubood Cofte Heunr mx thc behaviara pedisiicn. simili on main W&dtmrun of Halion Cenoen- inijsoving comimunication wilà jow nial Mmsio. 125 Ontario Si. hum kids. For informiltion. cali 634-068. 9:30 Io Il &m. flic spcial féalure s -aÎ ~ <>~, "Crafa frei Uic Philippine"- by~ ibudw Ot. 20 Headier bTompkins who ia aIue Uic TherAlxhemera Pamly Support guesc speaker. flic event, hoeted by Group mccli ai Uie Pettit Hossi in tihe Mitais Christian Ladies Coffec Halton Centennial Mno fies, 7 tu Houe includes minterlude of muni- 8 p.m. For re information, cals% cal selections. Admission and Yvonne Supaita 8784141. babysittngmWC rce. M.s Victoia Ontr cf Wonn intezestil in hreasteed- hoi a foot cam cOii ai tis Borce lng Information ai aupport arc Street &petinents. 40 Ontario SL, welconse Io attend Uic nexi meeting. frein 1:30 tai 4:30 pin. Thse cost as of Uic Millon LaLe c League. Thse $15. For fursil information«aM an tapic is "At Home wiUi Yosie New appoiniment, oeil 8274800. Baby." flic meeting lakes place ai Wedneo&ta Oct. 21 Grâce Anglicani Church. 317 Main Ille Hillrest Tlarkey Supper is cali 878-4803 or 878- 6387. ESCORT SPM H AIR