~rU"" vioc, c" Chief Oflb 1180 cft o iid anjoyaQf a IHum mmumalNull n à. l la Coloel Nu* Ub, çradi rlg la h e c 0,a àik lon "Mao. Elliot c>an chief at 'home' in Milton Mutui M"c 0( Itceugh dme 2M1 Gilm of Clm EUHII vluhad w»ie roeuwdy in uduf Io mac bas uish mu of ft cadugld 10,00 peuple à0ff cwà Who liii du - i So namt The BOucl hmv a Mffl ssacia tifl uidi Cmda The fmulh Bl of Mmni. M Elimi u Ooveen Geec r.. 1898 lm 1904 "i lmE incber of tbç BIllo Clm Sacety. O die loca aue, Mati mu suty uednclby 5111d (oerabu of dit - r«o -) ln SCO"c Dkak aid nemÉy ICclm HeULhe Wht' mou knw m due Haffo Hiom oamn wu 110 by, Wil- lan BlIlaina 11124.TIle fnhywu "1we uc qepmau- in due mma Thece la a menwla] plaaye Io oufe Efficu. ou of due yomau couly WMu ioda. ond hualà ci due coudwm o n Sicelea Avem. le wu ah. an CUWi luie al- bl. Mugue EBI wccoedd bu ialbu, du lm Sir Aflho gno, a Low-cost rabies clinics avaolable Tuo iou-me nabes câut uil bc (<ct. 17). ou hn Ac=a Md on in lia Anmcic wi u b. ai due Do a. in Puaae Pub. ulol lb. Gbnau cm ul bc hal mg Caduvaleat ub. tu1 hm L 1-3 p-. Thn".4 aaou by de Hma -aim He" DqaçarnMd *A Mmi Hd Mim m Nbuho e 1h. * 118su Miwm Ilil at du~ ~~~I fum <h uei" yvm> cy*l. I4ouavm. à Mu ai et due vianw1un i.MO IoO hc du Vuws» ain h ,ov ffâ hlm 0311M k9 ..d uit h a ou eg um.ai*u Doge &W cm icoh& b. vw- elu ady . cà Myhu puSby RAJIId MI book &W #ia suNoundlnga l ebt H.rvo 4f ft 1 cuhl nhad cmu MWlh, a There'>s a 'small price. to pay for putting.your. business on te e $39-959 customer service and ges thimqg done faster and more effiectively. in short, a systein that is second t0 none. Thai systemn la N6rsiarm from Bell Canada. Norstar Lts youa integrate ail of your businessu communicatio needs in one place. Norstar lets ymchoose the lémtures you need ,to crqste the phone systen dhats fight for y=hI business. Norstar ipflexihle enough 10 grow wtith your business. Plus, is incredibly easy t0 use. A dLspla s4Teenpný your phone guies you ev eay step of the way. *You can save hy huying the sygtemn outrlght and reducr your capital outlay hy financig dhmgh a, third partyIlespor. To gel the phone sygtem that won't put your business on hold woulong for you, calu 1-800-268-2555. Bell Answering your cail' *- iHu%1 e1ÇlLTON SPECIAL PAN PIZZA - REALLY IS SPECIAL DERR# RD. & HWY. 25 875-4890 Rigbt now, yvu can install a pbone ysièm that couki Iiterally cbange tbe way you do business for as litte as $39 95 ber month. Imagine a telephone "CstM diats simple, oellable and cost- elficient. A systemf thai inproves