Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 9 Oct 1992, p. 19

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litN MONTE CAMtA 2 on. cW. PA 1 AUO YOUUff CAN .dbu Wd p.b. antn, la lm.. - ,an u-iln 83.80 Aud"l Mnm* No pets, fo ..i rg i caUSai 5180483-21111 or 416-78>0. oupl. byamais pteas ir LMNmMsWA m* U 1lu8 VOYAGEUN SE.. 7 péatsai r, lu 2 3 81 n'C APARIU<T in ACliA Avi rr0 I. 01e. hIIahi noes 1 Preiiis. 875116 or -12743 om A e 00 ouis pdt no nms $42 O.IB. .8 10tîe 1 #_U Saoeece Cole. n F A IXI 1. 8UN-Mi. W.6ilo., Zsa IGAooumom 2ut Yom MW Au* I188 OSUOSILE DELTA 88. 2 do.. --. W., Ac». 853471 A a fl O * a.' ir =K"w ri 2 0111101111APANTW. dian&hUbn, mi8WU SuutouTniesA 04 FAX numbor ja A aoMi "1W attenti mI NF ~5 5 G O Naeèmlban. Pianoteq V bairi ànoa - a %mi su ffe . G O U -~~LD MW_______ _ n M lbnui y. Ob. As"d 8130 m, 3 88IDOOM APARTMEI, aaI1l" Nwm.- s74-079olor W»emeautr ------uuIIIik ber1TM lsa fl .*yas- nisl'.lu h apuacs nWiaiduh.P"o PUVATUSALE.3 C "LASSI FIF E à MLTON ta~~~lundry end tenced. treed yard. Close 10 * iodlomoe, OVR 5 AR &TRUCKS « malmd" an c"' "" 875 330 W! UUY CARS PHUVATELY AND No *OI3ps. $Mprmoih C1170-MW aW. 875-3300_______ COL CONSI ENTS A W11i1i95 i= Aal _ or2cet ki UM -o 87M, 10W-you see it, now 25 Osne f»ide UON? ONE BE0110M butamnt @pétunera. UW0 plI. utlilu. F1,1 and lut. No peu. Leav BUSIES FOR SALE you don't.. changing mutn Mdly b@tISIMl . pMle afn» Riiuis *nrb w» el hm&,r-nkr oP.S mt a child's behaviour 41641%87770 85541W.'i; a peS ânt caoees w"ul lac '#no"nu" for dmi age. Iýy ta Ici. more __________________FOm RNI Pi 01000870: émisdR mwi d hîlik ta be hapçf'. féel god a"ot di. age anid stugs of cllt MILTON FRANCHISE mavalt Year.rdund. bo&- faOfl-BIit $M8 plus utiles: about dianselve aid _le à*i to got devcopmcnL mSs.iw ww avbInW Pitial pal*Ukg arhl. Noestrd 1. 1002. along wLh oder childn4kut, a atilts. Bal.rssrkIaySide uaSnnis Pa 87M WC atn tend &a facua (on tie chilifs Beralsi suppliai by Ooupsry. Conipla ldibi uid FUNNUE0 IACELON APARNYMT. ,' shoetcmip bu"a ofnl uniqumeas Negabve behavcur tale à long tint nvsiii 15.000 Iliat aissance (raie levi sopaeaen aiac. ý, prvt bhr W .dtI reaOusve.alo adontdqpraetg ventur«.. For more Information catil Eric biab paloing. I? mlvi. Iront Maton. $48o W odem nonvs 0 w dwntdsç vt* Jomw m.«4 m. 16-»188 pur nmni dudng 111. Non-entis. onty. Foc"u CM ~ tact Inh bc pmrec for dim bdaiatr ba _________________Ca 519-767-2142. jumaîtivai g« of it gmi loer lkkIe MIL.TON- Clos.I 1401. on@ bedrmni basanaint huaIk about IL Star ta lUa dit spocia one probienm tg a tame fly ta be conalai- 2 87001?. 4 ladoa 4 ous. 2 aUlirOCiti apaanmsepaa enéranS, folais ouf UllihieS. qulities of eael chilU Fir one chilci die min yow IsL. gaqfl lma &Wd éW - ulUss Avabbl Oc- klpkm uid»s palg tmg. a slave, ruw ii,,b ia i o a att 1*«e 15. 878-018 broadon A deowatinir No sniq.m No poi.Eeaytlayu ywtl 3 DE0000 i'OWsKEos nsuty MeMuaI1 W #Wi o* P--0 pao OmonliAvlat dmu abiout du to. SomD cbtikt am I"01110 the behaviotar .W"hi snmdusy. $1.000 -k UMMN Cd Wvnaualtt. casie tI Me dmn oMmr. Use agaoring oniy when ie bMlavumt Joanne. 078486110 bfors, 4 .30 p.M.. or OMM gcEMa spam 1 bsdooom comiy IlPart- ia nt huafu ta die chilti or allir. Gordon. 878-4781 alitr S pm. ment $SSmoni Inkdis utitet, fauniry, Malce positive ommtallf Maiy acgave beliaviour wUl (à& 35100000 TOUSIBOUSE nlcsl deorUad. Puki6- Ilide à «tM MW- 6 mg" "m Sa ollen wbea chiltiren am playimg away Entai lacI of mentio. Auftls osialssis 1. Asltsg SM0 focal tomnI à401- 87FL483 morifi. To ts., 076-00114. -STEEL£& AND TOIAFALOAN, î.and 2 nic tageth. w. docile Io luve weil SMlmt S IRED0000 Meda« B"la Bunor.(ain<j b5*OOtiis, isiO I b5êo,. hlM7 ipiavils. enougli akm. lInatSi. wby ot cent- 00c) r? aionispltuntalos oreD~- o0r, bsumby mini paldq. sapérae mmenad uy 10w phaacd you m dam Cluin nopd linias, a IcIpa dieu We ly V. e.ut., 878-3008 aPls ad' e- gwy mu pl wefl topetâ ucute. Dine u e la ngotl yau. 3 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ d . 2ERO 15OOil $750 tiimlily * MeM738, 883.t a cuiiài white yon m peawdSeti s'&,tw tules mid ull fit tâten. If you Sniri ar. sntia. ose u bttemnt.nm gh d wa fil, h b e Beym m0 UDy nues, it wonti watt. p87eint - circmnit d. -10281. 858Aovd &do aPOCf ab«t wliy. We ai kmw abont oma8 8100000M TOWNNOU8E, in Mion. SM80 çbliut ai&di thelome. Sa for ex @' atyiIfl AP$31 4 DDROMFAMHUS, i Mfft nt. mmnih Indule. Non-amelar prelsrred. la- -epie. if a chti daca't tupt Youi. Sonelthew uet am"or luck wi ra"l.4 810.C F RMIOUem $W MoFo a ie oomntacy. 878-83 wben you conte off dm. pltoa, bc suint I jiu on mor euand or aiop* j«s mmlih Olu und». 8Scs. A ELY REN0VATD end b.autitully MSio it betor mil tdnt or a mgi. 34c'r juste s- , . hom %@ hweConaet di nkm, AVAILAUIu IMMIOIATIELY. To telty blelM L*pem 88-134. earl moe Iiq for trStal. redsooami 3 beiroff ouilou stnm'11011 cfflICUNMIoatté ii (418) 86-00I7. ea U.oaiplslalt and 401. $00171m MOU chcIrlk hn but by wadtlgdqîa cnsume BAN MW NU T 5 N.y M Ct d t~Ssau-m M__________ d laittn tite, fafies. If yoiJ W«1 A&l y=M.el (Usf-tà W aluwtg? If tisW t -irede aloraga, woeltalop or sud *MAE 3 IsriiTownhiuse.ms, an a ChIl t ta y phase aidl àY-. not. kot doiih d i nr himae. Ymar buitae. Cdl SyM&s 875-22094 or 864-01161. nat 10 plus. biolt 55'. = ot mire. Cu dm- bon& sa colti mni yon don't m OMtM W,3i8aesy lar-ni .2 "iom 7M4 dq^s 8764017 evanlog. ,- ~<~ on 2 MMs. Idu 2 qiainese. Chme* OMMA00 CUTRT HOME. 20 mirmita tront Avoid nîlxd faaaaaas., e >. vnicets. bains risucorsi.d $1.000 par mondI - Um MIanS0111noeii plu 112 u«»s. 1-510.703- afu mb oeme 1 O"HPVKDon'ithi a" chilt for nlàiaa bis Loid . om UUS Royat L~,ws 878-8101. 0wn b.d., ad dim reeale IL L40ve oi Set clou guldoinea Expiaie hat Winl -O UNIT TOWNHOUSE, a + 1 beroom. die word "bit" tehSe wUkltOwodh à hqpea if lh(dll .laoluu aid dm *1111ta11 hasaia pal à àcmih is. oTMIN.5I. entas.ad ne I job «Ui done. fo"~ tinugh Expect esi eedmmu -k aUm& lunsiai 8781387. ls. a"Joa) ilua ad &mn. OlIShasIaIl Aoimqfkkd tm e k4btm h0 m o Sz EXECUM MM mf. Suai.~ kds. 4ei For eoaple. 87740§M. wlag y-t. My. Ian. SIa0oanl. Cd PMe hddue Usa 18~. empling 8-70.» ii.ap nebtl d I&" u Rap.. Ropi Làpffi Plu 0100 SurIs.W. MMu PMs . 4W, -id -uIi.. du. *M*.s Pg.u tl MM did 6«. - i's Tinéo lo its dii 0I ta 8784101. 1a " 81704Mr88. auCil. i plaonaMd gilets Yo boi FOI ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 80 @W milru 1as houa ofs.30C O i hau~.I os _il siq ~ Md off. select a dm out plâ u b u hou5ý MMul aid NINT &Wpqa "mal b.« pàsags §M'; oh- eau. CM isrmgMiet- a itm ha llteh*f hal s. ospa bI.DomWa N"Muéo uss. RW'. J ,u . aiv.u od o hlncta.ataI ordibos. Yo m e m c Ndag Etim wu% Sisas LI V70101 F1"ce(MW IM 8 in731 Oulitk idu y Itou die floit shneo timr. Unit ds. m opautgy and gl à mm ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~0 lalgat iomal àiu haitoh CampWib ié hielssovr 0000*-01010 * au. o. area %o matue rawsutng ait'h ous.EI»IIU ~ 11 h ' vr ks. Seuil.18 111111b 0av -,.ae LUTM AII -ý.O-7 Nqative Udiavious Avold tbr«eat mjoEj PCM M 3uau a lar i C O nUI 3 b"iooni bungalow, fTae a look ait Ibe àfmtn If you»'rm în ýpo ç a g ow @dm ahius Mm. bdg..se. bel aid '.5 Ci' sts ak- lm_________ M0u 10wjmf 010a yoacssnBlt.YmOot§p okMd"e Ramat bV Rm4 Coirp 874-2M. Cdti 875. Io cett pealu lacmaplat 0d nom FOR.00MÎTS Nom in des.-Wiaase lM FOo AIT, Houe ,a oamedo ~~ ~ ouM« binduai $1941310 or 414-842- y- b@Ih saqice Chiltii %*à Iotl ta s', mgol alie. 1-112ay 111301e ini ogivors.V y à - - bluI vl. SpidiS lUth000ES pu nég iaI wkhy <ds 80 iS.. ee liiaoptt i 878-2117. Cdo 8010. b W &I OWteh&slnelietA dwow t a ~ ~ _= <oll moULOtA. a u home. YoiI may lind à fflI' boauos is pSâ cm oh ip à MM"l.

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