Rash ùf break-ins ini Burlington5ç. Hito Rci i~Plce dcecuvc in Burlingon and Crimc opr culpnts reqionaibinfor a string of break w4~ enters along Faawicw Smccinm Burlînglon. During thc cady momîing binas of August 25 and 26. five businesses wuc beoken oto ii slrip plaznlog Fairiw Sua5éî. flic businesses £argesed icere die Framing Expcslcnce. Joy Fabrics, LewisWat, and Davillc Hair Design on Fairview Street anid Radio Shack in tic Bwligion Mall. Ovemight on August 28 and 29. tic culptits strsick &gain and entered My Socce Project and Stoçp ln.. bod; ai 3480 Faurvicw Si. lovealigafors have cxamincd Uic modus operandi in each cntry and arc conviticcd thc saine culpniLs arc responsible for al] of these break and cnters.' Thc tieves tageted cash in mfost of tie entis, however, ai My Science PIojci tic culprits siolc snm: unusual eqwipmeot: a large Gujilco ihemiomcetcr (glass cncased bubble type), an atolbe (bisass and pcwtýr). a trnc pyunîrd (bLack), ani a world clock wi airpiane and assortcdl crystals. If Yom hâve a-Y îfornawn ihai Ieads io ant arresi in this or any other case, yoîs îay be elîgible for a cash rewasi of âp t0 $1,000). Yom need flot give your noue and your u'forinalion bWil bc iiealed wbth corrpete anonyety. Cali !-)O -66-S 151 or 825-8477. Peanuts help fund grow fli Kidticy Foundtio ta feeling Ki<bcy FAindaion peantis cau bc "dic cisacl" O 0 - onnlcpîarhud bY caflng Valerie Ban- Lunesa durig iii afalual funrkauain ducci, Milton-ara co-odinator ai pcunit camp.ig. 82404.Ms Overall salesam dowo an avcagc flicy vili alan hac sold ai Town Of il pa, r mi lmi ycw as iis Hall flssday, Oct 15, ai milon lime,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ & Dcs usBd.c ii-M# Saturday, OCt. 17 andai Militon paiga chaupemn for Uic To " t D¶c Hospita} Wedticiday Oct. and Districi chapter of die orpnatuz1- lion. 'The recesason ta having a direct reut nor eutSs" h si.Fame for miuarea kecpmng a positive baept EFach bal; of panuta oeils for $3 Yomr heroic anmal could ha in- and contans 16 individual snack ducled 11110 Uic Purinat Animal IFal packs. o f Fame. , "As Halloween approaches, me For Uic pas' 125 yeas Ralston anticipait an leerease in sales sinc Panina bas ~tordrlrgoi -aY pseuple puichase oui peanuis animaIs that easa. hma lives to give ont an Halloween tirais," lhrougli ouiauanding acta of bravery said Mrs. Dm44 loyalty m;d intlligence. Five Canadias every day lean i f you know of any heroir animais er kidneys twill lad. lmproving Uwicn your area scnd information' sa qualiîy of life for kihey patients, lu Anima Hall of Faine, Uirough modical recarch, paient Ralston Purnna Canada tric., 25<8) serviccs and public edacation R~oyal Windsor Dr., Mîsuissauga progcnnis.lis dm diving force bhiri Ont.. LSJI K8, or cal (416) 822- dmc peanut campaigo. 1611. Austen & Noble fkfI commercial 0 Auto iI T I ,Home e Lfeb M MONTHLY PAYMENT E E T PLANS AVAILABLE *NO INTEREST NO CARRYING CHARGES 878-7217 205 Main St Eastli Milton, Ont. dm n>u a pofty. the FIRE PREVENTIONWEEK co-operators' OC E 4:- 10,199 IF FIRE BREAKS 0U IN YOUR HOME Ineurance/Financial TONIGHT, WILL YOU CET OUT IN TIME? S rie tIie s a n mm cuco7 pîo 9us ooke mIll a..Imn ile.ping peoçil. if Services fl~dic brilim mtS limeve den i iSibiU i m~ t h mi t.~slyoupo LIFE, HOME, doeh rl.a wimo demaong m impoîbo fo Them od ým usa , d m * AUTOmd eiworsg cf fiw, ég y- ad ymo f.oly «t., lime t. ge -ti alios And AUTOdbm>whï t*. all &bout. COMMERCIAL, Tut pur moh detct«r today. Repta. l- battenea wmih mouîFedl FARM. TRAVEL dîo ,mmgMyfrisonIlriIfaeorbs RRSP, GROUP VIRE SAÀFETYnGUSbE 550 Ontario St. S., Unit 15 SALES AND SERVICE OF Mmlon FIRE EXTINOUWR & SAFMT SUPPUES H.- Y. M~. Insurance BSrokeçrs (o.rarý) Inc. COMPLETE FINANCIAL PLANNING SERVICES -Auto * tifs * Commercial 245 COMMERCIAL St, MILTON QUOTES BV PHONE Tor. Line 7881-7563 1876-4607 FAX NO.,876-1OO1 IN 87~ MCCUA-fG INSURANCE LIMITED Monthly payment. plans availablo No Interest - No carrying charges 208 MAIN ST. E. MIL-TON 878-2894 Mw LONERGAN SURÀNCEý 1MAIN ST. MILTON 8109 wI.a h RE SIDETA Mden" Tu& ou "a sa ,1 8111111011*1111 é -4. % I 878-8176 ellnILM2