F rep1ace warms £~N~ DESI~N 'pi J, t i 99E3.IT.1 0. D MULLIN 107 Mai.n si. Tohw- Mmon, OntLOBT 28 (416 OMM1 l4sw.maV*40nmiuI 'n bmD 1 FLOWLS coupnt ry kitchenOu *R&iWdveeuMM. muli-çImd "-m dows ud der -m noeLsgî *Living, mmc feahire .asony rireplaoe amd eiegant Frmnhldcoes 10W c tmu iidih. , - *Infoi am.o< the hom revolves *Swiing glss dmoor umi ta Pmi. with built:.m bahicw. * NdO gallery v"e IoWbelow. *MaW beticca kamw bey wu- dow uà hsuid.ho wul cbunt Emm E.wtaagwhiripcal Muad shower. Soed fcr Canad's lugee -b boek with aom 500 houe pbulun îesn a wic ie y cf archilecbiwal styles. frm luxrimu brick m i n t affoedab bun> gac= cnliy $8.95 Unhain Mhpiiad ÙMT. Ta oedr s VISA cr bSIUIC1 Ic l-fre 14043- 6739 or ç«d choque or 'nSoi c r oo Homs of 'lis Week. c/ai lie Cusa"m Chplcn 382 Wedi Bmadway. 'naumver, D.C., VSY IR2. Tined =.lsu"si g stann MWndy go SatWday, -ta WSa yçur order for h plan bock. cr in pavide inf<xuoin about de pian fes- 1us taà m~ caltm. LIVING MAo.77 4P1 LauRierAv. MUflt% Ont. * 870-2881 C=6 6Mmi h. %wEau b~ér 1 > L U Pl [J 1 N L ï